As your point of view,which are the best hollywood inspirational movie till now..?

There is no such thing as a truly inspirational Hollywood movie, it's an oxymoron. Inspirational movies tend to come from small independants IMHO.

commented: well said +0

Well a lot of movies follow a moral but are always twisted to the viewers taste in being exciting while the others would not understand what happened.

So there are many inspirational films but they don't a great job in showing what the moral is.

You shouldn't say "Hollywood" and "morals" in the same sentence :) Hollywood lost all morals years ago when they started producing R rated movies which contain lots of violence, cursing and sex.

Hollywood lost all morals years ago when they started producing R rated movies which contain lots of violence, cursing and sex.

I beg to differ with granpa AD. How exactly can you address difficult moral topics without including things that are difficult to watch? Ignoring certain difficult realities is not "moral", it's delusional and denialist. The problem is not that there is violence, cursing and sex in the movies, because these things are sometimes necessary to make meaningful points about related topics / moral issues. For instance, in "Pan's Labyrinth", there are some pretty brutal and graphic scenes of violence, but it's there to make a point about the brutality of the Franco regime, and create a stark contrast with that little girl's fantasies. On the other end of the spectrum, you have movies like "Kill Bill" which is basically a cartoon and the "violence" is gratuitous but so far removed from reality that it doesn't have any real impact (one way or the other), it just makes for an entertaining movie and, that, I have no problem with either. The problem I find is all the wishy-washy stuff in between, and Hollywood loves to water-down anything that is too strong and juice up anything that is too plain, such that everything finds itself in the middle, with completely insipid "moral lessons", no contrasts, no interesting characters, etc. To me, this Hollywood attitude of "painting everything gray so as to not challenge anyone's thinking" is a lot more dangerous for the growing generation than a few scenes of violence, cursing and sex.

The problem is not that there is violence, cursing and sex in the movies, because these things are sometimes necessary to make meaningful points about related topics / moral issues.

Bullshit! I don't have to watch two or more people having sex together to know about the problems of sex. I don't have to listen to commedians using the F word whenever it suits him to know about ghetto problems. I don't have to watch one person cutting off another person's fingers to know about drug deals. Hollywood puts all these things in movies purely for profic, just for the $$$.

commented: Good use of language and a good point with it :) +0

Bullshit! I don't have to watch two or more people having sex together to know about the problems of sex. I don't have to listen to commedians using the F word whenever it suits him to know about ghetto problems. I don't have to watch one person cutting off another person's fingers to know about drug deals. Hollywood puts all these things in movies purely for profic, just for the $$$.

What you are describing are extremely insipid movies that are being juiced up with bits of sex, cursing and violence, for profit motives. That is exactly what I call Hollywood's wishy-washy attitude. It's easier for them to find a stupid boring script with no meaningful themes addressed in any meaningful or interesting way, and then juice it up. My point is, the problem is not so much the sex, cursing and violence, because these things are just the by-product of a complete lack of imagination, creativity, and critical thinking from the Hollywood crowd. And it is that which I am more afraid of, because it is a lot more dangerous to go on about your life with too few sources (of inspiration) that challenge you and develop your critical thinking, than it is to "be scarred for life" (sarcastic) by a few explicit scenes or some bad language.

Notice also that there are examples at the other end too. Take, for example, the Hollywood version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". They took a book that involved very peculiar and interesting characters, yet very real and believable, that shatter a lot of the standard molds, and which are involved in a rather non-linear story-line. With that, they did exactly what I would expect Hollywood to do. They transformed the characters into standard Hollywood-mold, pre-fabricated characters (e.g., the standard male hero character you find in any thriller, and the standard shy "damaged" girl, scarred by a bad childhood. Which are both at polar opposites of the corresponding characters in the book), and re-fitted the story-line into a standard Hollywood 4-act thriller. Now, the product is a reasonably entertaining Hollywood thriller, like all so many others, but with nothing special or interesting about it. Which is a real shame, because the books are pretty subversive of the standard molds, and challenge your pre-conceived ideas a lot, but that's not acceptable for a Hollywood movie, it doesn't fit the recipe, so they had to water everything down.

The thing is, Hollywood caters to its audience. Some decades ago, people wanted wishy-washy boring movies without any violence, cursing or sex. Now, people want wishy-washy boring movies with bits of "cool" violence, cursing and sex. And you find older people essentially complaining about not being the target audience anymore... well, tough luck.

The problem is Hollywood always playing things super-safe, peddling pre-conceived ideas, recycling the same character arcs all the time, playing to standard molds, and so on. They are selling one product, with one stream-lined recipe. That's the problem. And as far as I know, it has pretty much been that way for at least 50 years. Some ingredients in the recipe change a little bit over time, but that's inconsequential, just catering to the evolving tastes of their audiences. Once in a while (every couple of years or so), good movies slip through and become more memorable than others, so every decade has its hand-ful of memorable movies, but most of what comes out of Hollywood is dog-chow for the brain, and has pretty much always been. You can complain all you want about the latest flavor (which I agree is a bit more "spicy"), but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter much.

I think you've just agreed with me about the lack of morals in Hollywood.

I think you've just agreed with me about the lack of morals in Hollywood.

I think you might have misunderstood me. You made the point that Hollywood lost its morality when they introduced more violence, cursing and sex in their main-stream movies. I refuted that by making the point that Hollywood never really had any morality to begin with, and the violence, cursing and sex doesn't change anything, it's just the latest "working recipe". Hollywood is in fact amoral, in other words, they never cared to produce films that convey any kind of good morals, they have always been only interested in selling products by sticking to recipes that work. So, on that level, we do agree that Hollywood productions lack morality.

i think,the one i had seen is - The Pursuit of Happyness.

i think i have to modify my question a little bit like:

Which is the best inpirational movie,you had ever seen?

Gone with the Wind

Well in that case, i do have a few favorites in mind (they are in the tip of my tongue, gotta remember!)... But i have to say that best inspirational movie I have ever seen would be any horror movies because they inspire me to think that there is no moral nor a reason to consider watching it once for free... yeah, I am a tough critic alright, espicially at my age lol :).

Member Avatar for LastMitch

My Left Foot.

commented: To Rectify what some retard did to LastMitch +0
commented: :) +0

Surprisingly, "Being There". Possibly Peter Sellers' best performance. And, as an aside, IMO the best ever performance (ever) by an actor was by Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia. Further seque, has nyone here ever seen "The Ruling Class"?

Member Avatar for LastMitch

127 hours.....

I heard about that movie.

127 hours was pretty good :)

I love movies but I am not particularily inspired by them. Magnolia was a very interesting movie to me and so was Inception. Neither would be in my top 5 movies though but I appreciated the thought that was put into them.

Hollywood doesn't make movies to inspire people, they make movies to earn (lots of) money.

That i can agree with lol

No reason they can't occasionally do both. Too bad they so seldom realize that.

There are more than 200 film production companies in Hollywood. :)

All to make money...

I don't know why, I began to think about prometheus and there was a quote in it that meant a lot (at least to me)... the robot/human said, "Big things have small beginnings".

The reason I mentioned there being about 200 production companies in Hollywood is because 'Hollywood' isn't a solitary enterprise. :)

the robot/human said, "Big things have small beginnings".

Hardly an original quote. There is an ancient one about mighty oaks springing from acorns.

You had mentioned Shawshank Redemption Reverend Jim and one of my favorite quotes came from that movie, which I feel applies to my education and the 2 degrees I am working on right now.

He swam through 2 miles of sh%t and came out clean on the other side

That's how I feel right now and in the spring of 2013, I will feel clean.

Member Avatar for diafol

If you want to see inspirational films, I reckon you have to see 'independents', and some World Cinema movies have been amazing. HW, I don't think is able to do inspirational as it's a money-making machine, catering to the masses. So risky films with experimental aspects tend not to be made. That's a real shame. As much as I loved Shawshank, I don't know if it's inspirational. Do movies or stories / ideas inspire?

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