Let's say that all the word used in the English language count.
If you like pyjama, ok. But in fact it is a Japanese word used in many languages.

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I thought it was Indian ("pai jamahs")

Maybe the Japanese took it over for the Indians and spread it all over the world?

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The word was originally Persian, then incorporated into Urdu - I think.

They were introduced in England as lounging attire in the 17th century but soon went out of fashion. About 1870 they reappeared in the Western world as sleeping attire for men, after returning British colonials brought back with them the pajamas worn by Hindus. At the beginning of the 20th century, pajamas were introduced as women’s sleepwear and about 1920 as at-home evening wear.

Source: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/438765/pajamas

This thread has quieted down so I'll add a word puzzle. Who can name two English words that are their own opposite, that is, two words which each have two opposing definitions?

Well, there is at least one that I can think of, being a French speaker. The word formidable can mean either dreadful or awesome. In French, it is only used (AFAIK) to mean awesome, but in English, it's mostly used to mean dreadful (or very intimidating). So, that's why I remember that one.

But I cannot think of another word right now, but I can still answer your question: "Who can name two English words that are their opposite?" Answer: Not me.

Technically correct. You know, I kind of figured someone would do a literal interpretation of that question ;-)

Further clue, one word has 6 letters and the other has 8.

Here is another answer to your question: "Who can name two English words that are their own opposite?" Answer: Wikipedia (Don't click! It's cheating!).

Come to think of it, that's another word that is its own opposite, i.e., the word wikipedia, as it stands for both an endless repository of truths and an endless repository of lies.

A new example would be 'sick' which can mean 'awesome' or 'disgusting' or 'ill'

I was thinking 11 and 45. I didn't know there were so many other examples (not counting slang).

"Freedom" is the word I enjoy most. The true challenge is maintaining freedom from economic slavery.

I like onomatopoeia. It is the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss).

You've got to like the irony of 'hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia' which is a fear of long words...

Lol! So, does that mean that people who suffer from this condition can never seek treatment from fear of being confronted with the word that describes their condition?

Or maybe the word itself is the treatment. Like writing 100 times the sentence:

"I will not let hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia get the best of me!"

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Opsy daisy... quintessentially english and quintessentially retarded!

Opsy daisy..

Never heard of it. oopsy daisy however is children's art or baby talk.

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In England it is commonly used by adults... I think Hugh Grant uses it in one of his movies he starred in. I remember we had an overseas American Student come study over here and he was shocked when one of us used it in conversation. I don't think he actually expected anyone to use that word and thought it was one of those movie sterotypes

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I just love alexithymia, but I can't tell anybody about it.

I always thought it was"upsy daisy".

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I always thought it was"upsy daisy".

I think there may be regional pronunciations, so the spelling may also differ accordingly. I think the official one is "Oops-a-daisy" - but I may be totally wrong.

wps-y-deisi in my neck of the woods

I've heard it used in different contexts, as in when you take a tumble, but also when lifting a child - then it's "ups-a-daisy".


I don't think that is a real word. Comes from the movie Mary Poppins and, AFAIK, does not appear in any American dictionary, but was added to Oxford Dictionary in 1986.

Right now the best word is, without doubt: painkiller


Currently I'm on holyday in Spain. Going to a bank terminal for some extra money. I found a word on the screen rather intriguing: withdrawal
You feel like a drunk just by speaking it out load. :)

Java! :D

"Snuffleupagus"- without a doubt, hands down. ;-)

I'm going to go in the other direction here and say that if I hear the word superfood one more time I think I will go postal.

goddammit, this is my favourite word.

The same word that came to my lips the last time I heard someone mention superfood.

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