after realizing just how much `fun` you could have trying to explain things to our Nan's, i thought it best to start this thread so as we all get some explanation-worthy material! :lol:

i'll start with; the internet

(actually my nan said tme the other day "i dont want you to go to the internet, people die there" how do you answer that one??? :lol: )

darren :cool:

the simple solution is star trek TOS it will teach your nan all she needs to know about the future/modern day and entertain her with the young still fit and not balding william shatner and those amazing sets and special effects.

the simple solution is star trek TOS it will teach your nan all she needs to know about the future/modern day and entertain her with the young still fit and not balding william shatner and those amazing sets and special effects.

:lol: thats always an option, just where to get them, i should think tesco will be stocking them soon, after toasters, tvs, and firewall software lol

darren :cool:

Try explaining the lipstick stains on your shirt and neck!!!!

you mean people old enough to post on the internet still have a nanny? Isnt' a nanny just another word for a baby sitter?

not sure what you mean mate?

Try explaining the lipstick stains on your shirt and neck!!!!

Thats easy

"Well grandma you know your long time friend Shirly, well i bumped into her at the movies last week and we really hit it off and we have been going at it ever since"


you mean people old enough to post on the internet still have a nanny? Isnt' a nanny just another word for a baby sitter?

Try explaining the lipstick stains on your shirt and neck!!!!

Thats easy

"Well grandma you know your long time friend Shirly, well i bumped into her at the movies last week and we really hit it off and we have been going at it ever since"


:cheesy: LMAO !!!!

we laugh but when a friend of mine came back from uni, the first person he got with was his mums hairdresser! :lol:

darren :cool:

that isnt quite so bad where i come from most of the hair dressers are quite fine looking girls/ladies.

that isnt quite so bad where i come from most of the hair dressers are quite fine looking girls/ladies.

:cheesy: think i need a hair cut :lol:

darren :cool:

Wait for me, mate. Lemme put on my wig. About time it got a haircut too...

I don't have any grandparents that are still alive, am much too old for that. However, my mother is in her late seventies and not very technically minded. She takes an interest though, mainly because she is proud of her son for writing books about it. Shame she didn't read any of them though, then she may not have had to ask 'do I need to turn the computer on to receive email?'

I don't have any grandparents that are still alive, am much too old for that. However, my mother is in her late seventies and not very technically minded. She takes an interest though, mainly because she is proud of her son for writing books about it. Shame she didn'r read any of them though, then she may not have had to ask 'do I need to turn the computer on to receive email?'

LMAO!!!! :lol: i think the matrix could and should be added to this list as well.

darren :cool:

My father-in-law, bless, had a problem whcih I thought might be down to malware. However, he insisted that he had a security suite installed and scanned his computer every week.

I went round to take a look, and the first thing I wanted to do was a full security scan. At which point I discovered that the last set of definition/signature updates was a couple of years old. Apparently he didn't bother to re-subscribe after year one, thinking that he had the application and that was good enough.

Not funny, at all, but oh so common a mistake it seems...

My father-in-law, bless, had a problem whcih I thought might be down to malware. However, he insisted that he had a security suite installed and scanned his computer every week.

I went round to take a look, and the first thing I wanted to do was a full security scan. At which point I discovered that the last set of definition/signature updates was a couple of years old. Apparently he didn't bother to re-subscribe after year one, thinking that he had the application and that was good enough.

Not funny, at all, but oh so common a mistake it seems...

im sure thats no just the older generation, i have step-parents and cousins who think on the same level, the same people who would pull out the power cables to their pc at night in fear of getting a `virus`

darren :cool:

Ah yes at my college all you have to do is unplug the network cable and just watch the amount of people that pull out the computer, and spend ages looking at the back thinking that they are IT experts. Its really funny when their sitting at the desk next to the computer, waiting for another spare computer, after about half an hour of trying to 'fix theres'. Then you can just walk up plug the network cable in, and within a minute get on with your work :)

If u think tahts bad try a support job at a company/charity like mine. I got a phone call today for example which took me 30 minutes to get it through to this woman that the printer will not print double sided and the only way she can do it is to print odd pages first flip them over and back into the tray and print even ones.

Or the other day for example when we replaced a CRT monitor with a new LCD one and a matching keyboard and kept the acctual box there we were asked if there was anything we could do with the old computer. Because they see new keyboard and monitor as new computer.

It also feels really weird being 16 and your telling people sometimes 50 years older then you how to do things that you have just known as second nature all your life. Maybe its just weird because i have been raised to believe that adults know more then you no arguments.

i tried to explain the concept of opensource to my grandad and he caled me a communisst lol :)

commented: what's the ptoblem? open source is communism.... +3

I guess I should 'fess up to those times when I have been a tech-twit as well:

like when it took me far too long to realise that the reason my mobile phone wasn't charging was becuase I hadn't plugged the charger in to the mains - certainly not before I had gone and bought a new battery thinking that it had expired...

wow i never would have thought that of you! :) (meant in the nicest way possible of course :D)

In mitigation, I thought I had plugged it in, but did not think to check. Knowing too much can be as big a problem in the twit stakes as knowing too little, as it becomes ever easier to overlook the simple explanations.

In mitigation, I thought I had plugged it in, but did not think to check. Knowing too much can be as big a problem in the twit stakes as knowing too little, as it becomes ever easier to overlook the simple explanations.

ah i've done that many a time, almost a ritual now :lol: even worse when you get up for work and you relise that your phones flat as you forgot to plug the charger in! lol

lol that happens to me which is bad as my pda is wm2003 and so loses everything if it runs flat

lol that happens to me which is bad as my pda is wm2003 and so loses everything if it runs flat

its also really annoying when you forget to charge up your mp3/4 , then your left with a long boring train to work lol

I think really the more that you know about technology the less you realise how little everyone else does and things that you have done for years are second nature to you until someone comes and asks you how to turn on their computer. It also works both ways however we can know alot about techknology and when fixing something we often overlook the most simple things

The other day, I was talking with a salesguy from The Tribune about a full page ad advertising my new bowling alley. There were a whole bunch of changes that needed to be made, and I was going over them all with the guy. Part of the ad was a bulleted list of all of the things we have ... sports bar, party rooms, billiard room, arcade, pro shop, and so forth. One of the specific things on the list read, "Birthday Parties for Kids." My grandma, who was looking over my shoulder, said, "The party rooms aren't just for kids, they're really for everybody. We shouldn't just limit ourselves to kids parties. Let's add another bullet that says 'Adult Parties'", and she got the salesguy who spoke in broken English to add it to the mock-up before I started going, "nonononono!." If I wasn't there it would have made for some risque bowling alley!

commented: LOL! +3

you own a bowling alley? - awesome

Not as funny as today though, i was out and my dad decided he wanted to move his pc upstairs, away from the switch but he knows nothing about networks so he went to townand baught a wifi card for it and paid £80 quid to have the guy install and configure the network for him.

This guy about had a heart attack when he came the next day when he came and saw our network. And i quote:

"wheres the pc"
"wheres the router and whats the passwords"
"downstairs, in the rack, user root, password toor"
(he about died when he saw my openbsd rackie)
"uhh... wheres the xp?"
"in the bin"
"it doesnt run xp"
"but it has to"
"it runs linux - look, can you do it or not"

The guy practically ran away - must of been about 17 and had probably never seen a real, secured network in his life

you own a bowling alley? - awesome

Not as funny as today though, i was out and my dad decided he wanted to move his pc upstairs, away from the switch but he knows nothing about networks so he went to townand baught a wifi card for it and paid £80 quid to have the guy install and configure the network for him.

This guy about had a heart attack when he came the next day when he came and saw our network. And i quote:

"wheres the pc"
"wheres the router and whats the passwords"
"downstairs, in the rack, user root, password toor"
(he about died when he saw my openbsd rackie)
"uhh... wheres the xp?"
"in the bin"
"it doesnt run xp"
"but it has to"
"it runs linux - look, can you do it or not"

The guy practically ran away - must of been about 17 and had probably never seen a real, secured network in his life

i love salesguys like that (not litterally of course :lol: ) you can eat them for breakfast lol, had to explain to a sales guy in the link other day the difference between the version of bluetooth and class of bluetooth (in his defence he looked about 12) you can have soooo much fun though! :cheesy:

you'll have to post some pics of this bowling alley though dani! :cheesy:

commented: jerk! +3

you mean people old enough to post on the internet still have a nanny? Isnt' a nanny just another word for a baby sitter? the REST of the English-speaking world, the UK, Australia, NZ, etc etc etc your 'nan' (short for 'Nanna') is your Grandmother.

A Nanny is always a Nanny.

Actually, 'Nan' is not just confined to English usage, an Italian Grandmother is "Nonna" so no doubt the words are connected.

i went back there today and tried to get the guy to explain to me the differnece between xp pro and home

his reply: pro is for profesionals it has lots of stuff like, you know.....

and yes, nan means granny - i know people from places like canada, australia and africa who ue that saying too

also, just out of intrest, how do you guys spell mum ive noticed some people spell it mom...

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