I read a lot from "Are teens bad at driving?" and it annoyed me that some people were mad for other people "getting off topic". It happens in every thread. Well, this is my thread and I say you can talk about whatever you want. Feel free, someone say something that's on your mind. Ask me a question. Make a statement. Say something stupid or something smart. Start a conversation about something.

I really like this thread. :)

Woohoo! A reply! But I don't think many people are gonna post much here unless there's an actual topic started.

I'm going to Cedar Point next Friday with my Physics class. It's great cause there are no lines. Everyone's at work or school. But their new roller coaster The Maverick messed up on one of its last test runs. It won't be running for a month so we won't get to ride it.

:( that sucks.
I love roller coasters.

A fellow Ohioian. I grew up in Cleveland(living in Colorado now). I did the Cedar Point think for Physics class. It was great. My group did the merry-go-round. It was quick and easy, and we were free to ride rides the rest of the day with no lines. It was great.

Wow, I've always wanted to go to Cedar Point, and so has my boyfriend. He has been begging me to go there with him this summer. But I'm afraid it's a bit too far away from where I live. :(

What is the best ride there?

I've heard about the millennium force, is that one really good?

Hey, we're actually getting more replies. ;)
This thread rocks.

I'm going to Cedar Point next Friday with my Physics class. It's great cause there are no lines. Everyone's at work or school. But their new roller coaster The Maverick messed up on one of its last test runs. It won't be running for a month so we won't get to ride it.

We used to make the trip to Cedar Point from Detroit once in a while. At the time we had Bob-lo Island in the middle of the Detroit River. We had to pay to get off the boat because it docked on the Windsor side of the island.

Cedar point sounds like a great trip for a physics class! Think of all the experiments you can do!

Wow, I've always wanted to go to Cedar Point, and so has my boyfriend. He has been begging me to go there with him this summer. But I'm afraid it's a bit too far away from where I live.

If he's driving, who cares?!?! GO!

I've heard King's Island was better than Cedar Point. Any one know if that's true? I see it's now owned by Paramount... Weird.

Aha! first chance to hijack a discussion!

So, I just built a new computer the last 2 days. It's got a AMD 3800+ on an Asus mobo, with 2GB of RAM and I'm using integrated graphics because I'm too poor for a good graphics card atm. For the CPU, mobo, RAM, case, and PSU I paid about $470 (I just pulled a couple hard drives from my other comp for this one). Runs Vista just fine so far.

commented: ;) +9

Hijakkin' is part of a forum. Tradition if you will.

Yeah, but too bad people get mad about it.

If you want to talk about anything and everything, that's called chatting. Daniweb has a chat room that's incredibly boring 99% of the time. Why not take random ramblings there so we can get some more action?

commented: :D +1

Because this thread was made for anything and everything. That's why.

See Narue, I told ya. ;-)


Anyways, I ate tacos today.
Interesting, eh?

If he's driving, who cares?!?! GO!

I've heard King's Island was better than Cedar Point. Any one know if that's true? I see it's now owned by Paramount... Weird.

Yeah, I know... I think it would be great!
I've been to King's Island twice and yes it is owned by Paramount, so is King's Dominion, and Carowinds. I doubt they are better than Cedar Point though. (that is, if you are a roller coaster lover...)

Has anyone heard about the new roller coaster opening this month at the Williamsburg Busch Gardens? It is a 90 degree drop, straight down!

>Because this thread was made for anything and everything. That's why.
Then I guess it's pointless to have a chat room if everyone refuses to use it.

>Because this thread was made for anything and everything. That's why.
Then I guess it's pointless to have a chat room if everyone refuses to use it.

Maybe because nobody knows its there -- this is the first I heard of it. I probably wouldn't use it anyway even if I had because I just don't visit chatrooms.

Maybe because nobody knows its there -- this is the first I heard of it. I probably wouldn't use it anyway even if I had because I just don't visit chatrooms.

Yeah, no one has ever told me about a chatroom.

It's a big button on the side of every page that says "IRC Chat Network". Do you really need to be told? ;) If so, I can probably write up a "Daniweb for Dummies" tutorial.

Rewriting the C++ forum sticky first would be more like it. We are really looking forward to it... ;-)

A fellow Ohioian. I grew up in Cleveland(living in Colorado now). I did the Cedar Point think for Physics class. It was great. My group did the merry-go-round. It was quick and easy, and we were free to ride rides the rest of the day with no lines. It was great.

Hey, I live right outside of Cleveland on the West Side in BrookPark. What about you?

Wow, I've always wanted to go to Cedar Point, and so has my boyfriend. He has been begging me to go there with him this summer. But I'm afraid it's a bit too far away from where I live. :(

What is the best ride there?

I've heard about the millennium force, is that one really good?

At one point their tallest roller coaster was the magnum which looks huge. I haven't ridden it yet. Then they made a taller one the millenium force which is awsome. The first hill was so big I started to see black spots on the way down. You can't see the track. I was in line for the tallest one they have the top thrill dragster but it always breaks down (which has me a little worried sometimes) and they had to cancel the rides on it when there were only two people in front of me. We left the line and ten minutes later it was running again. But that one is just 90 degrees up then 90 degrees down and it's really tall but there's nothing else to it and its over in like 2 seconds. I still haven't ridden it yet though. I'm looking forward to it.

Ah, come on who doesn't want a thread about anything and everything? I don't like chat room that much. Especially if they're boring 99% of the time. By the way I'm really hungry for some tacos right now.

It's a big button on the side of every page that says "IRC Chat Network". Do you really need to be told? ;) If so, I can probably write up a "Daniweb for Dummies" tutorial.

Uh I don't see it.
So maybe you should go and write a tutorial for someone stupid like me. =/

well there is no point writing a tutorial cuz it wont help a numskull like you anyway.

commented: what is with this comment? can you say personal attack? -2
commented: You shouldn't get downrepped by a person for agreeing with that person. +6
commented: I agree with rashakil +7

Uh I don't see it.

On the right, near the top.

Aha! first chance to hijack a discussion!

So, I just built a new computer the last 2 days. It's got a AMD 3800+ on an Asus mobo, with 2GB of RAM and I'm using integrated graphics because I'm too poor for a good graphics card atm. For the CPU, mobo, RAM, case, and PSU I paid about $470 (I just pulled a couple hard drives from my other comp for this one). Runs Vista just fine so far.

Did you mean ATI?. Regardless, that's a nice system for the money. I heard that the integrated graphic chips from Intel are pretty good now. Possibly, the reason why it can run Vista. In any case I prefer Nvidia graphic cards.

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