Please,please everyone join together and spread this throughout the net!!


According to the UK newspapers this morning, police have searched a house 150 yards from where she was taken, and arrested three people...

No sign of the little girl, but I fear it is way too late to save her :(

Not to sound harsh but its been far to long an investigation, especially as the police claimed they had searched surrounding houses, so she has most likely been dead a while. Hopefully though she will be found alive and well (or as well as can be). #

For a little Evertonian

I got a bulliten on my myspace account about this. Shame really. I hope they find her :(

The mother clearly must have been stoned or something LEAVING THE CHILD ALONE??

I hope this mistake turns out A MIRACLE because one is needed that is for sure!

A little harsh there The Dude.

Well the woman did neglect her responsibilities as a mother.

Yes she did and im sorry if i sounded harsh RwCC.

he wasnt harsh its probably true like what kind of mother would leave there kid by them selve at 3 years old like common use common sence

he wasnt harsh its probably true like what kind of mother would leave there kid by them selve at 3 years old like common use common sence

The last news item I read was that she( the child) was sleeping in a cot not far from where they sat. I think it is a bit harsh to insinuate that the mom was negligent. Yes- that might be true if that abduction of babies her age was a common thing in that part of the world she resides and there is a red alert about a kidnapper on the prowl.

I sincerely think she would not want to be careless with her own child. It is rather unfortunate it happened this way!

she was negligent. the parents were british and in britain its illegal to leave 3 young kids alone in a room. Should have known better

Its sad that this happend,it just goes to show what an evil world we all live in!!

she was negligent. the parents were british and in britain its illegal to leave 3 young kids alone in a room. Should have known better

even if the kids are asleep and you're in another room in the same house?
And mind that they were NOT in the UK so all this took place under different jurisdiction.
The Empire is no longer able to assert its will on the world, and hasn't been for quite some time.

It's a sad world where someone breaks into your home to abduct your kid and you're blamed because you weren't in the same room at the time...

It's also a sad world where someone is accused of being a child molestor just because he's a single white male living in an area where a child disappeared...

commented: Sad indeed. +2
commented: calling a spade a spade, as always +8
commented: :) +2


what i meant was they should have known better

and yes i agree that that man is being amde a scapegoat

People have to remember that parents do things they shouldnt all the time, its just that this time the worst happened. I dont think that there is a single parent here that could say they havent done things that would potentially cause their child harm

Did you watch the news today?

She was sighted nearly two weeks ago in north africa but the police failed to respond

Is that positively confirmed though? Or just a little lass who looked like her?

Lets hope it was her!!!!!!

They are pretty sure. Would make sense anyway, from portugal its easy to get to morocco and places like that and disappear easialy.

Her dad has now returned to the uk. I think they have given up.

no he came back to sort out finance to keep them in Portugal for longer...
There is always hope ~ light at the end of the tunnel, etc.

the light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of the approaching train...

Typically in kidnapping cases if the victim isn't recovered in the first 24 hours (and that's optimistic, some agencies say 6 hours) there's a 90%+ chance they'll never be recovered (at least not alive).
And that's for abductions made for extortion of revenge purposes, where the victim and kidnapper usually don't go far (they need to remain in the general area to claim the ransom).
In cases where a child is taken for sale into slavery or for sale to people seeking adoption chances for recovery are even less as the search area is the entire world and the abductor doesn't seek attention (and likely will rapidly create an entirely new identity for the victim, usually combined with brainwashing sessions to remove any memories of the real parents).

Well lets hope she is returned safely!!

if it was the mother and she killed Madeleine then the mother should be executed.

Do they have execution in portugal?

I doubt they will though, shes a british citizen

In thaught they seemed too calm too. Read the excellent article (google for "BBC NEWS FRONT PAGE")

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A passing thought, if the mother was somehow involved in the girl's death (accidental or whatever) it surprises me why they would stay so long in Portugal.

You'd want to flee from the crime scene... In any case, it's all quite confusing ...

>> then the mother should be executed.
I don't know if they have the death penalty in Portugal or the UK.

>> wtf is a .stm file anyway?
Maybe synchronous transfer mode/module. I can't remember the last one.

if they don't then she should get life in prison.

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