Hey idea:

I'm thinking we should each say a little about our hobbies and why we enjoy them. That way we can get to know each other better (or whatever) and possibly learn something interesting.

My hobbies are pretty basic. Writing and Cycling are my favorite past times. I write because it allows me to delve into my imagination in a creative way, and I cycle because it's fun. I actually started because before it was just me and the computer, so I didn't get out much and was a pretty weak fellow.

Lardmeister commented: nice topic +2
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Admiring my reflection and owning! What else?

I like basketball, football, chess, and um technology :)
chicks too.. but only the hot ones ;-)

@iamthwee how does that work?

@Josh...what's wrong with the homely ones? Once you get past the braces and zits and yellow teeth they're not that bad.

They're the ones with "soul".

My hobbies are rock climbing, tennis, creative writing, programming, and martial arts.

I particularly enjoy the rush of physical exertion and being able to do things that other people can't. When I'm bouldering a brick wall or running through a kata and people stare at me dumbfounded, it's a good feeling. :)

I also collect manga and anime, which makes me quite the otaku.

Photography is my passion.

hey, another photographer!

Member Avatar for iamthwee

hey, another photographer!

I don't think photographing airplanes counts. Does it?

you guys use flickr?

My hobbies are rock climbing, tennis, creative writing, programming, and martial arts.

I particularly enjoy the rush of physical exertion and being able to do things that other people can't. When I'm bouldering a brick wall or running through a kata and people stare at me dumbfounded, it's a good feeling. :)

wow, you sound like some sort of ass-kicking programming action hero. ;)

I like computer. music, friends, film ,eating and reading. I also like hillwalking, cycling.

commented: nice hobbies +13

>wow, you sound like some sort of ass-kicking programming action hero.
I thought it would have been obvious long ago that I am. :)

I like to read, program, and play chess. I also like to fence and play nethack.

the old nethack or the one with a GUI?

Old nethack. I find the GUI version strange...

Its called eagles eye or something like that right?

falcons eye I believe.

thats the one, i have that for my PocketPC (and freeciv).

It's better for handheld devices with small/no keyboards... Have you ascended?


It works well with the stylus , joypad and writing recognition

Well... the goal of the game is to get the amulet on yendor and give it to your god. After you do this, you ascend to godhood... Have you gotten to sokuban?

ive never completed it, i just play it on the train ;)

Oh... I play it for hours on end...

wow... 160 hours of play time... I don't think I can rival that with any first person shooter. (a couple rps I can though)

Offtopic but have you played team fortress 2 yet? It's awesome.

EDIT: no offense but your kd is pretty bad... my friends kd for battlefield 2142 is like 6:1

you guys use flickr?

Not me. I'm moderator at a competing site (smaller but IMO nicer), and apart from that run my own server as well.
I also don't put everything I shoot online, but only a very small selection. Flickr therefore isn't really suitable, it looks more like a place to dump the content of your camphone ;)

Love cooking, sailing and debate.

Offtopic but have you played team fortress 2 yet? It's awesome.

EDIT: no offense but your kd is pretty bad... my friends kd for battlefield 2142 is like 6:1

Its okay. Im the medic/ammo guy/commander so i rarely get kills apart from self defence. teamwork point are like 30% of my total score

and yeah i played it. Do you have "the orange box" btw?

>and yeah i played it. Do you have "the orange box" btw?

I'm debating between Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, and The Orange Box. Both work on Linux which is nice. (ET:QW has a native client and The Orange Box works perfectly on wine)

the orange box is good. Never played it on wine though (i dual boot win2k)

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