I was thinking there should be a point system for members that make those killer hard question. I have had a question that has never been hit, but i have seen it done. thread 208243
But this is not about my thread this is about what you think about a points system for questions.
I what do the other members think about getting points for questions and what would you call the points system if you are for it.

Thought of a good one Quiz Master Pionts

What do you mean by a points system? The whole idea is pretty vague.

The Idea is that you can get points for making good hard Questions.

Why? How is that different from the reputation points you get when someone randomly agrees or disagrees with you?

Why? How is that different from the reputation points you get when someone randomly agrees or disagrees with you?

I would say because not everyone is a computer whiz but sometimes a normal person's question can really put your skills to the test. Increasing your skill level and in the long run improving your design and/or programming. There would be no reputation points if there was no question.

I still do not see what is wrong with giving somebody good reputation points for a good question. Why is a whole new system needed for that?

I was just saying, it would be nice to have a point system for answering Questions and another point system for making Questions.

What does the community think of stevenpetersen?
Community Reputation Points: 7
Questions of Fire: 76
Reputation-Altering Power: 0

How helpful is stevenpetersen at solving threads?
Solved Threads Replied To: 1
Questions of Fire: 10

People still can't figure out how to use the reputation points system. What makes you think another points system will suddenly become meaningful? Here's what will happen: confusion, abuse, and bitching (which already happens with the existing rep).

commented: How do I work this damn rep thing again? ;) +11

If you really want to get points for your questions and answers head over to somewhere more suited to it...
www.answerbag.com - Wow, you can get points!!

If you really want to get points for your questions and answers head over to somewhere more suited to it...
www.answerbag.com - Wow, you can get points!!

this thread was not put here to make anyone mad just thought it would be a good idea. as for your site referral, I feel fine with the daniweb community. I was just looking for away to contribute to daniweb.TO help contribute to daniweb online community. Wow maybe i should stop this thread befor everyone starts to hate me.

this thread was not put here to make anyone mad

Wow maybe i should stop this thread befor everyone starts to hate me.

I do not see where anyone got mad. Challenging your idea is not the same as hating you. ;)

i was just having a bad day that day sorry

commented: Everyone has a bad hair day occasionally :) +36

Maybe we could have a points system to grade questions on how stupid they are. Like "URGENT! My program's broke, please fix it, and be quick about it.". On a scale of 1 to 10, that deserves a 10 for one of the most stupid idiotic posts that occasionally come up.

Ancient Dragon.... Most Valuable Poster..... wow i didnt think you would have the time to leave a mark on this thread. It is nice to see that even URGENT stupid Questions get answered here by the big timers thanks for your post. I have been trying not to get upset about peoples posts that might be......... negative

experts exchange has a point system too. I like the reputation system better because the point system would put more of a burder on moderators to assess each question and score it -- and they would likely have to do that before the question is answered. Then this would be more code that the Daniweb team would have to merge with vBulletin updates when they upgraded versions.

How much do you want to bet that if users could assign a point value to their own question that it would always be a 10?

sknake you do bright a good piont. Mybe a poll system where everyone can vote and rate. The highter the Reputation the more there vote will effect the poll.......

Why change it? What daniweb has works. What is the benefit of the added labor in a point system?

It does work...... But there is always ways to inprove anything and everything.

>I like the reputation system better

I personally feel that the reputation system is a complete fail and the point system introduced by StackOverflow is awesome. You get a vote-up if the answer is acceptable; a vote-down is not. The reputation generated for each vote-up/vote-down is the *same* irrespective of the number of reputation points the voter has!

Let's assume that you post a really good answer to some C# question and it's a hit with the C# developers on this site who completely agree with the reply but just happen to have recently joined Daniweb and hence don't have any reputation points to give. OTOH, someone else posts a so-so reply on the same thread with a bit of *cough* humor *ahem* in it and it gets a A-OK from one of the established members of this site. Viola, the person with a so-so reply now has 50 rep points while you have none.

Reputation should IMO depend on how many people agree with your answer rather than *who* agrees with your answer. The reputation system should focus more on avoiding blunders than trying really hard to reward acceptable answers. Lastly, as someone once said, rep system is more of a popularity contest. :-)

> because the point system would put more of a burder on
> moderators to assess each question and score it

Even normal members can vote-up answers, no? AFAIK, there is no burden on moderators whatsoever.

commented: Stack-overflow. What is that another forum, to waste yet more of my real life, great I think I'll join asap. +23

>Reputation should IMO depend on how many people agree with your answer rather >than *who* agrees with your answer.

But the problem you get then is silly people making other profiles for the sole purpose of 'Upping' their answers

No, that isn't a problem because the chances of the scenario you mentioned succeeding is pretty slim. A few points:
- Creating a profile is time consuming and way too much trouble
- Members can't vote-up unless they `earn' a few vote-ups themselves.

IMO, taking the trouble of registering and then gathering vote-ups just for the purpose of voting-up a particular person or self is way too time consuming task; esp when you gain nothing of monetary value by doing so, just a measure which says how helpful a person is...something which probably won't be done by *silly* people.

>I like the reputation system better

I personally feel that the reputation system is a complete fail and the point system introduced by StackOverflow is awesome.


Let's assume that you post a really good answer to some C# question and it's a hit with the C# developers on this site who completely agree with the reply but just happen to have recently joined Daniweb and hence don't have any reputation points to give. OTOH, someone else posts a so-so reply on the same thread with a bit of *cough* humor *ahem* in it and it gets a A-OK from one of the established members of this site. Viola, the person with a so-so reply now has 50 rep points while you have none.

I'm going to reply here, because I tend to post with a bit of "*cough* humor *ahem*". I personally don't give a damn about how much reputation I get for my posts. The reputation system is a nice way to (dis)agree to someone without making an actual post.
In my opinion, too many people here care about blocks and stars and 'solved threads'. When I started posting here a few years back, it was a nice motivator. But I think that the people who become 'regulars', aren't here for blocks or stars, they just like to post here to help (or something ...) people.

commented: But you already have a bajillion green blockies. :P +25

>I personally don't give a damn about how much reputation I get
>for my posts
Most of the regulars don't, believe me. This is also one of the reasons why the rep system suck. Like I previously mentioned, the number of vote-ups is a much better measure of helpfulness than the rep system which "feeds the rich and buries the poor". ;-)

>The reputation system is a nice way to (dis)agree to someone
>without making an actual post.
This is where StackOverflow shines as compared to other forum installations; it has a real comment system which is independent of the vote-up system.

This is where StackOverflow shines as compared to other forum installations; it has a real comment system which is independent of the vote-up system.

That sounds pretty good to me then! Now it's your job to convince Dani to pull some all-nighters and implement this idea ;)

But I think that the people who become 'regulars', aren't here for blocks or stars, ...

Blocks and stars are my only raison d'ĂȘtre. My soul will die without them.

commented: For your soul :-) +29
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Wow questions of fire. It has a certain ring to it.

Let's go for it.

But really. Do we need daniweb flooded with questions that could just be there because there are some people who would love to have a good 'questions of fire' rating?

Personally i see no reason to rate anything more than there currently is. Rep, cool thats already here, do we really need anything else?

I do thank everyone that has been in the thread, and do wish to hear more feed back on this topic. I have sent some invites to some of the Dani Community members to see what they think......

To be honest, I think the poll results attached to this thread pretty much say it all. Of those who were interested enough to vote, overwhelmingly they said no or don't care to the idea - which is hardly endorsement enough to even begin thinking about implementing such a system.

Please do continue with the input on DaniWeb, suggestions for improvement are always welcome here. However, as far as this one goes, I think it's a dead duck.

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