Here we go guys. Got a cool new looking desktop for the new month of Feburary? Go ahead and post! I'll show ya screen shot of mine when i get home :)

Rules/Moderator Edit:
Please make sure to attach your image - not link to it or insert it into the body. Attaching automattically creates an thumnailed image, and ensures that people will be able to see your image (and you can't mistakenly delete it off your webspace :-P).

Attached is my desktop

Here's Mine

OS: Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 Beta v. 2055
Theme: Windows Classic
Background: (none)

Here's my cluttered desktop:cheesy:

This may sound silly, but how do you attach a pic to a reply?

Here's Mine

Dude! I figured it out.. cool

Nice wallpaper choice Redshift, wonder where ya got that... ;)

Here's mine:

How funny that everyone uses Digital Blasphemy and Visual Paradox. Oni Kage, I used to use the widescreen version of that same wallpaper. :)

I have a Lifetime Digital Blasphemy membership :)

I was thinking of geting one. Is it only one payment and then you are in for good?or is it several payments? Also, is it any good?

You can either get a 1 year subscription for $15 (I think), or you can get a lifetime membership for $99. Either way, you have access to every image he's created for the last few years, plus the "pickle jar" plus videos, wide & dual screen versions. It's highly worth it for the bucks, if you're into wallpapers.

Personally, I get my desktops from Free too.

Where is everyones it.

please could someone tell me how to add a thumbnail ive tried uploading a snap of my desktop,pasting a copy,dragging a copy. ive searched google but still havent found an end to the riddle. please could someone help

hi weather channel ;-)

In the "Additional Options" area of your post, click the "Manage Attachment" button. A window will pop up and you can add your image file.

commented: ......CHANNEL +16

My site, as outdated and simple as it is, does have some wallpaper I have created for download. Check it out at and follow the home decor link on the page. I hope you like!

heres mine. cheers tekmaven and you have a pretty good taste in music i might add.
im sure i done this wrong i did try this before thats why i asked for help im not seeing a thumbnail on my screen maybe you do????

cheers tekmaven and you have a pretty good taste in music i might add.

Thanks mate. Either people love MSI, or think its complete garbage.. usually the last option.. but when you do like it.. you love it :)

heres mine

Attached Thumbnails

or here

Whoa, J☼E, you play D2 LoD? Since when? I used to be addicted to that game? How serious do you play it?

Here's mine. There is no cooler movie then Donnie Darko in my opinion :p

Hey CSC (or Dani), if your interested, I have a bunch of Oni desktop images, let me know.

Oh, and my desktop:

Thanks mate. Either people love MSI, or think its complete garbage.. usually the last option.. but when you do like it.. you love it :)

actually mate i meant some of the other stuff ;) jimmy page rocks man i dont know how anyone can say "i hate jimmy page " i havent heard the track mind

led zeppelin forever

oh and heres my KNOPPIX desktop

I paid the $15 for the 1 year subscription. It's the only nice widescreen wallpaper I could find on the 'net, and both my monitors are widescreen.

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