Let's have a look at what you are looking at.

ok. heres my desktop(s) i run a dual monitor setup so its a huge picture.

wow we got alot of crazy desktops to show now dont we!

not much but I like it :)

solid black, who needs more?
It's obscured by application windows anyway...

solid black, who needs more?
It's obscured by application windows anyway...

Are you kidding? With all the slides you have? Share some of that buzz with the rest of us! LOL
P.S. You're right, though...:cheesy:

Here's mine. I took the picture last month. :)


k, Here's Mine

This is mine, taken a couple of mornings ago. Blurred out name, web provider and some old country songs no one wants to see anyways :p



This is my latest one; a quick Photoshop composition...:p

Ok, I'm having trouble attaching anything.

Plain Windows XP desktop. WAAAAAAAAAH....please don't hate me. I'm trying to be a non micro$haft guy.

Mine is embarrassing

Don't be shy :).

Plain Windows XP desktop. WAAAAAAAAAH....please don't hate me. I'm trying to be a non micro$haft guy.

Update: I've migrated to Linux...for the time being atleast

Here's mine... Hope you like it...

commented: Watching it too long and it gave me a headache :) +2

This is mine, taken a couple of mornings ago

i like that theme, where did you get it from?


I have several desktops. When I am doing serious color work with a scanner and Photoshop, I do an all-grey background. When I am logged in as root or administrator, it is a bright yellow. Annoying-- yes, but then again I want to remind myself that I am in as God, and to be honest, it is not often at all! If I have to access my servers over modem or vnc, it is also grey.

My primary linux one is the one with the planet, and my primary Mac one is the Enterprise. The Windows desktop has the one with the dolphin.


mines the boring xp background but i was in a simplistic mood when i changed it, and now i cant be bothered to change it back :(

mine is nice and simple. and i never liked the idea of icons on the desktop

Just out of interest pty, what OS is that :confused:

heres the same os with compiz/xgl.

here's a video to see it in action link to google videos

hehe looking good :)

Damn Enigma! I like it :D

heres my `exciting` one lol :cool:

heres the same os with compiz/xgl.

here's a video to see it in action link to google videos

wow need to get me one of those! :cheesy:

I'm a sucker for shells and skins me. This is me now, next week ? who knows.

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