Re: Contact form does not working Programming Web Development by webmaker Apart from doing some protection to your code, it will more than likely be your ISP not allowing the mail function to work. We have had to get an email acct with permissions allocated to each websites form by our providers. How to connect to the Pinterest API using PHP? Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad …earlier $authCode = "xxx"; // Paste the code from the URL // Pinterest API token endpoint $tokenUrl …/v5/oauth/token"; $postFields = [ 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => $authCode, 'redirect_uri' => $redirectUri, 'continuous_refresh' => true… Re: How to connect to the Pinterest API using PHP? Programming Web Development by Dani Never trust ChatGPT to write fully flushed out code for ya :) Pinterest uses OAuth to authorize your app on … Re: How to connect to the Pinterest API using PHP? Programming Web Development by Dani Oh, it looks as if the tutorial was for the old DaniWeb API that no longer exists. The [DaniWeb Connect API]( is also OAuth-based and has some of its own documentation. Re: Best way to find a segment of code that matches a given input segment? Programming Software Development by Dani … out there are capable of looking at two pieces of code and determining if they do something similar. So the really… it can create objective similarity scores between two pieces of code across all of the files. Re: Best way to find a segment of code that matches a given input segment? Programming Software Development by Salem What's the use-case? "Black Duck" is an existing application for scanning your in-house proprietary software to make sure it doesn't get tainted with open source software with vague/incompatible licence terms. CodeMirror Markdown editor toolbar Programming Web Development by Dani … past few days, I've gone ahead and refactored the code for the editor toolbar and fixed some bugs as well… Re: Contact form does not working Programming Web Development by programmer_5 Reducing spam bots I strongly suggest to use SMTP, I would prefer to use PHPMailer which get more secure and handle professionally templates. Re: Contact form does not working Programming Web Development by gediminas.bukauskas.7 It was a time when anybody could to send a mail from Apache (or IIS) installed on local computer but internet spammers have used that feature for evil purposes. Now you can send emails from an officially registered server only. Even if you manage to send a letter somehow it will not reach the recipient or will be automatically will be placed into … how to lock control in vb6 by given code Programming by Syed Zubair Ali i have a project where i have to given code to system to lock different controls by using code lines in vb6. please guide. Re: how to lock control in vb6 by given code Programming by rproffitt … need. Also, VB6 is very old so while I did code in it till about a decade ago we have moved… no further access to the dev systems to verify any code I may offer. I strongly suggest you move away from… Best way to find a segment of code that matches a given input segment? Programming Software Development by mark_hahn … an application where I give an llm a piece of code, like maybe a function, and then the llm finds the… may be worded differently. If the search finds the identical code then it should consider that the match. I assume the… Re: Best way to find a segment of code that matches a given input segment? Programming Software Development by rproffitt I'm going to start with a joke: Q. How do I get to Carnegie Hall? A. Practice, practice, practice. You won't be doing what you ask without building up your skillset and learning how to create "things". Now if you need this today you outsource the work. I know folk underestimate projects all the time so I'll share that the smallest … Re: Key Tools and Tips for Efficient Web Development Programming Web Development by simplixi …Back-End Developmen**t * **Node.js:** Imagine writing code using JavaScript, but instead of just making a website look…. They help you keep track of all your code changes, like saving different versions of a document.…an earlier version! **Development Environment** * **Visual Studio Code:** A favorite among developers because it’s easy to use… Re: Contact form does not working Programming Web Development by Salem … your post to remove your real email address from the code. Some… your dialog directly into mail. Does a very simple inline code work? `mail('','Testing...','1 2 3… send checkbox to email using phpmailer Programming Web Development by ianhaneybs … it before so unsure how to do it, the current code I have is below $postData = $_POST; $oneway = $_POST['oneway']; $return… Re: send checkbox to email using phpmailer Programming Web Development by Dani … working as intended? I don't see anything in your code having anything to do with PHPMailer, so I'm a… Contact form does not working Programming Web Development by juan_35 … email recipient can't receive the message. Here is my code: <?php $email_to = ''; //the address to which… Re: Contact form does not working Programming Web Development by Dani … your post to remove your real email address from the code. I have replaced their email address with a dummy email… Re: how to get back visual basic 6 project again on coding again Programming by Syed Zubair Ali … of vb where I can add tools and writing more code. I have run where I had recieved… my 90% database of design mode however my code is not avaiable there. What is solution to back my… Re: Using Ubuntu for chess tournament Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by rproffitt … in the 2003 so I'm not sure if any code would be found but the design lives on in products… Re: How to Efficiently Develop Apps for iOS and Android? Programming Software Development by gorgebutler … time and effort by allowing developers to write a single code base for both platforms. Optimizing performance, focusing on user-friendly… Re: How to make an Iphone App? Programming Mobile Development by Ja sa bong Sadly, I don't have any knowledge of how to program or code which is the reason why I can't develop any app whether it's for iPhone or Android products. I'm sure there are videos of how to do it on YouTube if you are interested and finding out. Re: Escape in-app browser? Programming Web Development by Dani … how to do this, but, yes, it does involve writing code. I also want to point out that it's against… Re: Escape in-app browser? Programming Web Development by rproffitt Sorry about that. When I replied I saw the PHP tag so my thought was you were writing code. Re: How do I establish an open connection to an open web browser in C#? Programming Software Development by pathofbuilding To attach Selenium to an already open Chrome browser in C#, launch Chrome manually with debugging enabled using chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir="C:\SeleniumChromeProfile", then use ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); options.DebuggerAddress = "localhost:9222"; IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver… Re: How do I establish an open connection to an open web browser in C#? Programming Software Development by xivlauncher You can also use SHDocVw or System.Diagnostics name spaces from C# to interact with an open web browser, or connect programmatically to an existing browser window using the UI Automation API. Of course, for deeper control over Chrome, you may need the Chrome DevTools Protocol. Re: Please review my site Programming Web Development by jasper-king The site looks nice with many useful tutorials and categories related to online streaming. Also, I like the floating menu that helps you to find right content. You did a good job with the website :) Re: Contact form does not working Programming Web Development by gediminas.bukauskas.7 WEB security now rejects mail sent from any computer. Select some mail provider and send mail using it. Using certificated WEB serve is an another solution. Obtain legal certificate, register it on WEB server (IIS, Apache, NGINX, ...) Re: Contact form does not working Programming Web Development by Dani I'm not *entirely* sure what gediminas is referring to, but there are services out there such as Zoho Mail, SendGrid, ConstantContact, Mailchimp, Hostinger, etc. which, for the most part, cost money (some are rather inexpensive), but the benefit to using them is that they ensure you're never sending emails to non-existant email addresses, email …