Question about aws cloudwatch Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by LiLo1001 How does Cloudwatch work and how does it integrate with other AWS services? Re: Question about aws cloudwatch Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by rproffitt From the web I'm reading "I see a lot of people mention they got a fat bill from cloudwatch logs. I'm about to head into production and I want to make sure I don't make that mistake." So the integration is there and possibly a nice drain on your company's bottomline. Re: Ensuring data consistency and integrity Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by Dani Good question. We have multiple web servers that are load balanced, and only 2 database servers in a master/slave setup. I know there are ways to shard the database so you could essentially put different records of a table on different servers, but I personally have no experience with that. I am pretty sure you can shard by row or by column. We … Re: A Black Eye for Cloud Computing Hardware and Software Networking by yolov8 The term "A Black Eye for Cloud Computing" likely refers to a setback or issue that has …negatively impacted the cloud computing industry, such as data breaches, service outages, or security vulnerabilities… Re: A Black Eye for Cloud Computing Hardware and Software Networking by test_21 This is a random reply to the topic. Re: Will AI take jobs? Digital Media Digital Marketing by Reverend Jim AI models are trained with data from the internet, and increasingly more content is being generated by AI. Couple that with the ancient computing axiom of "garbage in/garbage out" and I have to wonder if we'll end up seeing poorer results from AI as the data pool is increasingly polluted with AI content. Ensuring data consistency and integrity Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by Miles_0 What are the best practices for ensuring data consistency and integrity when using cloud storage for large-scale applications? Specifically, how do different platforms handle issues like eventual consistency, data replication across regions, and conflict resolution in distributed environments? Are there any recommended tools or strategies to … Computing Homework- Binary To Denary Program Community Center Geeks' Lounge by CaptainMack … from Gibraltar, i am studying French Spanish and Computing. I am hoping that i could learn a … and the only subject that i failed was Computing which rlly pissed me off as that was … allowed to do A.S and A.2 computing with French and Spanish, but this time i…am hoping that i can get help to pass Computing. Well the homework i have been given was… Re: Computing Homework- Binary To Denary Program Community Center Geeks' Lounge by UrbanKhoja … from Gibraltar, i am studying French Spanish and Computing. I am hoping that i could learn a … and the only subject that i failed was Computing which rlly pissed me off as that was … allowed to do A.S and A.2 computing with French and Spanish, but this time i…am hoping that i can get help to pass Computing. Well the homework i have been given was… Re: Computing Homework- Binary To Denary Program Community Center Geeks' Lounge by sneekula … from Gibraltar, i am studying French Spanish and Computing. I am hoping that i could learn a … and the only subject that i failed was Computing which rlly pissed me off as that was … allowed to do A.S and A.2 computing with French and Spanish, but this time i…am hoping that i can get help to pass Computing. Well the homework i have been given was… Computing exam 2015 - for those interested. Community Center Geeks' Lounge by humorousone … the AQA exam board) a few months before their AS computing exam (the exam for this program took place a few…/17 year old AS level students are doing for their computing exams. sorry, it's quite a lengthy thing to paste… Computing dates Programming Software Development by lsmurfl Alright i need help computing random dates and i have to use lists. this is … computing geometric mean Programming Software Development by theUserMan Need some help computing the geometric mean of an array this is what I … Computing Basics Community Center Geeks' Lounge by blackcathacker Is anyone here interested in logic gates, computer basics, binary operations, boolean operators, and primitive computing? Just curious, might be making a group for it. Computing an Array Programming Software Development by jmartzr1 … a of n numbers (say doubles), consider the problem of computing the average of the first i numbers, for i ranging… Computing the brightness of a binary star. Programming by Gamal_3 … give the user the option to repeat the process of computing the brightness of star or stop (EXIT) the code. Also… Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by Techwriter10 … applications use cloud platforms, but are not exactly cloud computing. The more I thought about it, however, the less… and chief Gartner fellow offered this view of cloud computing: "Someone is going to take responsibility for … applications are built. But he says, "cloud computing applications are for lack of a better term, packaged … Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by adelenoble …While all SaaS applications rely on cloud computing infrastructure, not all cloud computing services are SaaS. For example, IaaS… as a Service) are other models of cloud computing that provide different types of services. In summary,… is a specific type of cloud computing service, but cloud computing encompasses a broader range of services and… Crystal Ball Sunday #3: Distributed Computing in the Workplace Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by khess … workplace today. Whether you call it grid computing, distributed computing, volunteer computing, or some other name, it is the…high-end mathematical problems. My prediction for distributed computing is that it will invade the workplace in… how Linux will fit into this corporate distributed computing scenario. Linux, most likely, will be the… Google Refutes Cloud Computing Negativity Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Techwriter10 … sours--it's darn close to curdling--cloud computing gives you access to sophisticated applications without expensive hardware…surprisingly Chandra has a polar opposite view of cloud computing from Richard Stallman. Google is one of the …another element that sometimes gets lost in the Cloud Computing discussion is the productivity aspect of it. "… Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by RichardClarke … way different. In this case someone else provides a cloud computing platform which delivers servers, operating systems, development platform and a… SaaS product, whereas is a platform for cloud computing. That difference is not well understood even by many Salesforce… Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by AnwarDShaikh Three combination of Cloud and SaaS 1. Cloud Computing without SaaS. 2. Cloud Computing with SaaS. 3. SaaS without Cloud COmputing. Please let me know if all 3 of above are valid scenarios. most of the people disgree on Case-1 Crystal Ball Sunday #13: Cloud Computing Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … a somewhat controversial and oft misunderstood computing space known as Cloud Computing. As I explained in my [… Smarter Than Larry Ellison[/URL] entry, Cloud Computing allows applications to be hosted in leveraged environments … choice for future Cloud development and implementation. Cloud Computing, using Linux of course, will be the basis… Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by LuisSala You may wish to take a look at James Urquhart's definition of Saas vs. Cloud Computing. Here's a Google cache link as his domain is temporarily down: [url][/url] Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by khess Good article. When I think of SaaS, I think, for one. When I think Cloud, I think Amazon EC2 where you use their computing infrastructure to power your apps or whatever whereas SaaS is more of a subscription-based software rental. Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by Siersema Defining cloud computing is in embryonic stage. There are many XaaS types but … Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by Techwriter10 Richard; Thanks for your comment. And you are correct that many people fail to see the difference. I think that to some extent the vendors in the space cause the confusion to some degree in the way they discuss cloud computing in general (as a buzz word) and that's one of the reasons I felt compelled to explore the idea in this post. Ron Re: Are SaaS & Cloud Computing Interchangeable Terms? Community Center by coppingalfred4 I gathered more information about cloud computing Saas. I attended one conference in [url][/url] and learned more information about that conference. That information is more helpful for IT Professionals. A Black Eye for Cloud Computing Hardware and Software Networking by Techwriter10 …. This is the kind of nightmare scenario that cloud computing naysayers always seem to bring up, but we quickly … is no sugar coating it. That these two cloud computing doomsday scenarios were perpetrated, not by some Mom and …Pop cloud company, but by two of the largest computing organizations, Apple and Microsoft, makes the situation all that … Re: Crystal Ball Sunday #13: Cloud Computing Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by brucearnold … Corporate Culpability Re: Cloud Computing Security Risks and Accountability for Loss of Data, Breach of … best advice to any American business executive considering "cloud computing", "SaaS" or "PaaS" as cost…