1st and foremost i'm not too familiar with the internal workings of computers :(. The problem i'm having with my Compaq desktop computer is the orange light on the front comes on and stays on as soon as i push the power. No green light at all. My HD isn't spinning either and there are no beeps. I used different psus which were 50 watts lower(all i could find) to check if that was the cause, no luck. When I connected a smaller HD than the 1 I have, it spun up. The green light on the back of the psu comes on as well and the fan to the ps and processor work. It's driving me insane trying to figure out the cause, thats why im here. ANY possible solutions would be GREATLY appreciated!

of the top of my head, it could be the cpu and or motherboard .when the smaller harddrive spins does it try to load ,are you getting anything on the monitor

I don't believe it tries to load and the monitor stays in standby

assuming that the power supplies you used were good then im sticking with motherboard and or cpu.

I was afraid you were going to say that :( Thank you for the information.

yeah! it been my experience that when it boots like yours its usually the motherboard.but it could also be ram,or video card .,it could be a lot of things so you really need to trouble shoot by replacing thing with known working parts .a computer with nothing inside but a cpu and motherboard with video card, will still boot and show things on the monitor .

you will need a new computer if its the motherboard, and it isnt under warranty, as the HP ones are custom

or you could check e-bay for mother board for it .

I won't be able to replace the motherboard then??

I removed both sticks of memory and the orange light isnt coming on now either if that makes any difference in a possible cause.

you will need a new computer if its the motherboard, and it isnt under warranty, as the HP ones are custom

Not necessarily. Most of the newer HP and Compaq PCs use standard uATX motherboards. It's less painful for an end user to buy an exact replacement since they won't have to deal with front panel connectors and do a repair install of XP.

I removed both sticks of memory and the orange light isnt coming on now either if that makes any difference in a possible cause.

Try with one stick of RAM at a time.

I really doubt it's the memory. In most all cases, an amber light on front panel is due to either a failed PSU or motherboard.

I won't be able to replace the motherboard then??

if you find exact one to replace it with yeah,and find that ,that was the problem .really you can't diagnose the problem here on this forum .

I guess I should've been more specific. The computer is a compaq presario s4020wm and its not new by any means(about 4 1/2 years old). Not sure if that changes anything as far as motherboards are concerned but as stated in my 1st post, I dont know much about internal components. A friend of mine has an extra mobo from a hp would that work? And when I removed the memory there was no beep when i turned it back on

i have no idea as to what will and will not work in it sorry ,research that would have to be done on hp web sit or through a google search ,sorry.

edit= the computer is much like the one i replaced a board in last summer actually except mine was Intel ,and i just used a standard mATX Asus mother board

Thanks for all the advice :)

Your motherboard is a Socket A uATX board. They are still available, but getting harder to find.

Best to just retire a PC that age and buy a new one unless you have a local service shop that can replace motherboard reasonably.

Your computer is grossly outdated,and if possible,I would upgrade,ie. Tiger Direct...
Anyway,if you must,before retiring your puter, try changing the battery,and hook up a different power supply.
Just because your fans are spinning,doesn't mean the power supply is sufficient.
It takes very little "juice" to spin the fans.
That only means the motherboard is getting juice.
Your PS could be faulty.
You can get a PS Tester for about $13,from Tiger Direct.
Don't ever overlook the value of a good PS.
It is usually the first thing I check for problems.
One of the most important components in the box!
Just a thought....:)

I'm using a brand new computer as i'm typing this to you but the reason i'm trying to salvage my compaq is for my kids. Besides the fact that actually fixing it would be fun and good experience for the future when my new hp begins to have problems ;)

If you wish to use as many parts as possible and not have the "fun" of learning how to separate and reconfigure front panel connectors, stick with identical replacements.

The ECS mobo is an Intel P4 board -- you have an AMD Athlon XP CPU.

I've given you my best recommendations.

I'm aware its a pentium and it has the cpu chip in it already(HE PULLED IT OUT OF HIS OLD COMP) just want to know if it will work. thanks 4 the recommendations AND HELP :)

It will fit in your case. Whether you can connect front panel connectors is another story. Wire length may be too short. I also think the Compaq connector is custom and you may not be able to remove pins. All you can do is try.

Front panel connectors are power switch, power LED, and HDD LED.

Okay, thanks again!

1st and foremost i'm not too familiar with the internal workings of computers :(. The problem i'm having with my Compaq desktop computer is the orange light on the front comes on and stays on as soon as i push the power. No green light at all. My HD isn't spinning either and there are no beeps. I used different psus which were 50 watts lower(all i could find) to check if that was the cause, no luck. When I connected a smaller HD than the 1 I have, it spun up. The green light on the back of the psu comes on as well and the fan to the ps and processor work. It's driving me insane trying to figure out the cause, thats why im here. ANY possible solutions would be GREATLY appreciated!

Probably the hard drive. I think so because you said "When I connected a smaller HD than the 1 I have, it spun up. The green light on the back of the psu comes on as well and the fan to the ps and processor work." If so, then the hard drive you have is defective. I don't think anything is wrong with the mobo or the psu.

No HD will work and the southbridge VIA chip gets VERY HOT to the touch about 5 seconds after powering up(I learned that the hard way :() the mb if that makes a difference. At 1st the cpu was getting hot so I removed the chip, reseated it and it seems that the "heat" moved to another location because the cpu is no longer hot but the via chip is.

VRM (voltage regulating module) on motherboard may have failed. Odds are that one or more power circuits on motherboard has a problem.

VRM is bank of larger capacitors near CPU socket. Any of them bulging or leaking?

No I don't notice anything and i'm having the exact opposite problem with the other mobo I got from a friend, the green light comes on but not the orange. I'm ready 2 junk them both :(

Power LED is supposed to be Green.

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