Hey, I recently tried to jailbreak my iPod touch 4th generation. In the middle of it,
my computer crashed and my iPod went into recovery mode. I plugged it into the computer and restored it but all my iPod data was erased. I tried backing it up but it won't recover all my data. Any solutions?

There is a software available for it iPod Data Recovery Software it recovers deleted or lost iPod files including music files, stored photos, video clips etc with support to all major Apple iPod models including hard drive-based iPod Classic, touchscreen iPod Touch, video-capable iPod Nano, compact iPod Shuffle, iPod Mini and other similar ipod devices in all first to next generation series.

Did you backup your music other where else. There are a lot of software that can recover lost data. Try stellar phonnix

I use a system backup software called alwaysync or something like that. I know that the iPod backup location is in the appdata folder in your user but alwaysync doesn't backup the appdata folder. Does Stellar Phonnix really recover lost data or does it just backup system folders? I don't want to waste 40 dollars.

You can try out the free version of stellar phonix, It can recover lost ipod data. Go and give it a try. About the backup software you mentioned, i have never heard before.

Ok, I will try it.

Tell me did it help?

That version for stellar phoenix that you posted, royng, is apparantly for mac. I use windows. I downloaded a windows version of the application. How do I use it?

The version of Stellar Phoenix I downloaded is called Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery.

Ok, sorry, i thought you use a mac. The windows stellar phoenix version is the same as mac. The functions should be the same. Tell me where you donwload, and i will try and download on my windows computer

Data back up softwares are available. You can use any one of them for data recovery. This gonna help you i'm sure....

Data back up softwares are available. You can use any one of them for data recovery. This gonna help you i'm sure....

There is what i say before

Is the same link i posted before.

Oh, so do you know how to use it?

I do know it is actually quite easy and free to use. Do you use it toothecoolman5? What is your stella phoenix current version?

I don't know what version I have, but I just don't know how to backup my iPod using it.

The stella phoenix only allow you to recover lost data, i am not sure whether it can backup your data

Oh, Well I kind of got careless about recovering my lost data. Thanks for helping me though.

you are welcome. is there any other recovery tools you can recommend

Ok, are there any problems tell me

Ok. Cool

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Is this how you do it?

Yeah, you are learning fast

Cool. I am looking forward to starting new threads.

Tell me the new threads when you have started. i am interested

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