akshayinbox -2 Light Poster


I'm a student.

Can you please tell me / provide me a link to an article that talks of how to use registry in programs of my own that seems legit to antivirus / Windows OS?

For example, even if I include some library in my C++ program that lets me store data in registry, which directory should I store the data in, etc. (Eg. HKEY_LOCAL_USER or _MACHINE). (Talking about Windows PC).

Also, If I want to launch a program (exe) on startup, there are many ways of doing it from the Registry (using "Run", "RunOnce", "WindowsNT" folder(s) etc.), but what would the best one that doesn't look suspicious to antivirus software AND CANNOT BE REMOvED by USER / MALWARE?

Interestingly enough, Antivirus software don't apparently use "registry" / Windows Startup programs folder to launch themselves at start-up, how do they start up everytime, then?

Thanks! :D

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