I'm having some IE problems. I can only view web pages on IE for 10 minutes when my computer first boots up, after that, I cannot display any pages. I have Internet connectivity, I can ping sites and use instant messenger, however no web pages will load. Any thoughts???

I am behind a switch and a cable modem, and sometimes this happens to me, too. I actually have to go into my Linksys switch control panel, and renew my cable modem's IP address, and suddenly it all works again. No idea why - I'm sure it's because I probably have something misconfigured. Are you on dial-up? DSL? Cable?

Thanks for the tip, but I tried what you said and the problem remains. Thanks anyways.

not quite sure if this will help but you might want to disable 3rd-party toolbars (e.g. Google or Yahoo toolbar) if you have any by going to Tools>InternetOptions>Advanced and uncheck "Enable third party browser extensions"

i do have a google toolbar so i tried disabling it, uninstalling it, and unchecking the browser extensions box, unfortuanately i still can't view pages. however, i did notice that i can still view secured pages that use ssl, i don't know why this is, but they are the only sites i can view after 10 minutes. thanks for the help though!

The latest variants of viruses cause this problem on several of my client's site. If you telnet into the router, you will see tonnes of outgoing connections to random Ip addresses.

Thus if one machine on the network is infected, it is enough to slow down the Internet connection to 0. Because the virus is trying to push 100MB of outgoing traffic through your 512k/1MB cable or broadband connection.

Spywares are also another culprit but to a lesser extend.

thanks for the tip, i'll try looking into that.

I'm having some IE problems. I can only view web pages on IE for 10 minutes when my computer first boots up, after that, I cannot display any pages. I have Internet connectivity, I can ping sites and use instant messenger, however no web pages will load. Any thoughts???

Been having the exact same problems since last wednesday...have any success yet?
over and out

Ive also got this problem, it start at least a week ago, and I first noticed strange things that was going on with MSN Messenger, when I clicked Email, IE opens up, then it says done (in the bottom left) almost straight away and is Blank

If I restart Computer it works fine for a while, and also if I use Firefox after it wouldnt work in IE, it worked fine

but now Firefox also stops workin, but I can still connect to Steam and play on the servers, I can also talk on MsN

So im thinking it must be a new Virus or something, but all the scanners cant find anything

So any help would be nice

Thanks for your time! ;)

Had the same problem exactly....................just fixed it abt 45 minutes ago by down loading ZONE ALARM Security Suite....it still working ok....

from: smilinjack 7/29/04.

I am behind a switch and a cable modem, and sometimes this happens to me, too. I actually have to go into my Linksys switch control panel, and renew my cable modem's IP address, and suddenly it all works again. No idea why - I'm sure it's because I probably have something misconfigured. Are you on dial-up? DSL? Cable?

Just fixed mine by loading ZONE ALARM SECURITY Suit.......it's working great.

For the people who fixed it by downloading Zone Alarm, do you actually know what was wrong? I started noticing this problem after doing one of the latest Windows Update for a security hole in Internet Explorer. It does not happen on my PC running Windows 2000. But both of the XP machines are effected after about 15 minutes.

For the people who fixed it by downloading Zone Alarm, do you actually know what was wrong?

There are infected machines on the Internet that will attempt to compromise your system via the various exploit on Microsoft OSs, namely Windows 2000 and XP.

The code of the worm were badly written, thus causing reboots on Windows XP but not Windows 2000 machines. That doesn't mean that the 2000 machines are not infected but rather the worm runs properly on it.

By installing Zone Alarm, common ports that these worms attack (port 445) are closed thus you do not get the rebooting.

You should still patch your system thorough through Windows Update.

i finally gave up and reformatted my hard drive, and of course the problem went away.

people, exactly which virus are you referring to??? and if so, which exploit? perhaps if you know these info, there just might be a patch as well, no? it seems that speculation wouldn't solve the problem. As for ZoneAlarm, why don't you share the log file...and the HijackThis log as well

...and the HijackThis log as well

Please do not advise people to post HJT logs or other virus/spyware/security- related info in this forum. All posts/questions of that sort need to be posted in our Security forum.


I'm having some IE problems. I can only view web pages on IE for 10 minutes when my computer first boots up, after that, I cannot display any pages. I have Internet connectivity, I can ping sites and use instant messenger, however no web pages will load. Any thoughts???

I was having the exact same problem, and found a solution. My solution worked on a machine running Windows XP Pro, SP2.

The culprit was a malware trojan which had installed itself as winlogon32.exe in the \system32 directory. I became suspicious when I saw the program asking ZoneAlarm for server rights, in the middle of my internet browsing session.

The solution is to prevent the program from starting up with windows. If you are infected, this program will be called from the registry to start with windows. I disabled it by using a free startup manager called CodeStuff Starter and unchecking all references to the program (in my case, it was being called 3 times!). Then reboot, and you should be good to go.

I have read that particular trojan can also go by several other names, so in your case it might not be winlogon32.exe. Oh, by the way, running AdAware and Spybot did not find this trojan, so until they update it, you've got to make the repair manually as I described.

Hope this works for you, I know it is a frustrating problem.


Now I'm having the same problem, too.
I'm going to try to follow your instructions, Wolf

all these are caused by algs.exe not "alg.exe" which is a program which stops your internet
after working for 5 min & starts sending some sync requests to un known IP.

if you see this

Download Hiren'sBootCD9.1 from the internet make a CD from the downloded image

or find on the Google you can get this URL.

run the CD on the effected PC select the "CCleaner" from the auto run
this will open a program window

or download CCleaner & EzPCFix from the net if it is available seperately on the internet

select CCleaner & Click "Run Cleaner" click "yes" next it displays the list of things
with the select option & every thing unwanted will be erased.

next select the "Issues" from the "CCleaner" window click on "Scan for Issues"
by default all the list of things displayed below will be selected then click on
"Fix selected issues... then in the pop up window click "No"then in the next window
click the button with Fix All Selected Issues this will clear most of the issues.

next select the "Tools" from the "CCleaner" window check if you have any un wanted program
which is not displayed in the add remove prograns you can remove them from here.

then close this CCleaner

Click on the EzPCFix from the auto run Program window

Click the "Load Hives" from the Ez-Pc-Fix window once loded.

do not select users on the left side select the Registry Keys and
double click this and you will find the "algs.exe" select this and click on Remove items.
then close the Registry Key window.

select and double click the "Service" select and remove any unwanted programs.

Thats it now you can connect to the internet without any problem or limits



Welcome to Daniweb!

I have always wondered what this "ALG.EXE" is (Sounds like spyware)

So what happens if you "End task" on it?? (No network?)

I had the same problem but I found out what caused it really! ....
I found that the problem was zonealarm if you have installed zonealarm recently and uninstalled it recently and this started to happen first check if you have fully uninstalled zonealarm second go to c:/window/system32/(the zone alarm folder delete and I think the net should start working again hope it helps :)

I have the same problem, and have tried everything mentioned (except Zone Alarm), but no luck. Any other ideas?

Welcome to Daniweb both of you!!

Just had the same issue this afternoon while fixing a customer's PC, and worked for 4 hours on it: removed everything suspect from startup and services with HiJackThis, checked hidden processes with SmitFraudFix, rolled back the PC with System Restore a few times, used WinSockXPFix and LSPFix... I tried everything I saw on forums etc. The PC was CLEAN. It had eTrust PC Security (or something like that) which I uninstalled. Later I found that it has a bundled Zone Alarm, so started digging on manual uninstall of ZoneAlarm. Supposedly there should be a ZoneAlarm folder on System32 but there wasn't, so I manually looked for ZoneAlarm files on System32 and found vsdatant.sys, tried to delete and file was in use. I then booted to Safe Mode, deleted the file and voilĂ ! Worked like a charm! I hope someone finds this information useful. Now a question: does somebody know a way to find the "running" .sys drivers on a PC? If such tool exists, it could have saved me a lot of time while searching for the problem. Take care!

what is "hijack this" ?

This happened to me before. After about an hour or so my internet would just stop working. Msn would still work though. I had Internet Explorer and Safari. I got rid of safari the other day and got Opera instead. Everything is fine now :) .. well I hope so!

Here's I fixed my http connection dying after 10 minutes. Strangely was able to access https and ping websites.

Ran spybot, adware, regmechanic, hijackthis, anti-virus, malwarebytes to no avail!

The problem was Zone Alarm or some spyware acting as Zonealarm

Go to Start > Programs > ZoneLabs and click Uninstall, or uninstall ZA using Control Panel > Software > Add/Remove Programs.

If a security check appears, click Yes and continue the uninstall procedure.


* Make sure hidden files and folders are shown. To do so open Windows Explorer. Depending on your OS click Tools or View and then Folder Options > View.

Choose Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Windows 2000/XP/2003 only) and click OK.

* Next go to Start > Search > Files and Folders. Make sure the location box is set to search your Local Hard Drive (usually C:\ ) or All Local Drives. Also make

sure the Advanced Search Options are set to search subfolders and hidden files. Now copy the entire line below, paste it into the search box and click Search Now.

Zonelabs; "zone labs"; "Internet logs"; vsconfig.xml; vsdata.dll; vsdata95.vxd; vsdatant.sys; vsmon.*; vsmonapi.dll; vsnetutils.dll;vspubapi.dll; zaplus.*; zapro.*; zllictbl.dat; zlparser.dll; zonealarm.exe; zoneband.dll; vsutil.dll; zlclient.*

A list of files and folders belonging to ZoneAlarm will appear in the Search Results pane.

Note: if you’re using McAfee software be sure to check the vsutil.dll if found: right click the file and choose Properties. Verify it belongs to ZoneLabs.

If it does not do not remove it. Now proceed by deleting all ZoneLabs files and folders that were found.

* Empty the Recycle Bin.

* Now remove all ZoneLabs keys that may be left in the Windows registry. To do this copy the lines below and paste them into Notepad.

Save the file as zabegone.reg, double click it and allow for the registry changes to be made.




[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Zone Labs]

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Zone Labs]

[-HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Zone Labs]



ZoneAlarm will now be completely removed from your computer. If you wish to install a new copy of ZA, be sure to do so under an administrator account

with full rights and permissions.

That's all!

This file might be your problem


to correct the situation set the value to 3. Here is how

click start

go to run

type: regedit

change the parameter in ''Start'' to 3.

This will surely solve your problem. The current value is probably 2, it needs to be 3

Your problem was as follow:
HTTP sites are blocked after 10 minutes while the HTTPS and FTP sites are still active. You needed to reboot in order to gain access once again the HTTP web sites but only for 10 minutes.

I hope this solves your problem

sg9...thanks so much. I had tried so many other potential solutions and yours worked. I am very grateful to have my laptop back so I can use it for the 11th minute and beyond.

Welcome :)

Im glad you found an answer so quickly!!

Please feel free to stick around :)

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