If a thread on this topic has been started elsewhere, apologies are offered in advance.

My Windows XP Home Edition runs slowly. Even after defragmenting, checking for removal of spyware, it can run at a crawl.

It would be a wonderful thing if there could be a "turbo" button to get XP to run in a "lean and mean" mode, meaning everything is turned off that is not necessary for me to be running.

Three questions:

1) what's the best way to find out what's slowing things down? Remember, the system is running at a crawl, so trying an extremely lengthy list of things following an extremely involved procedure is going to be time prohibitive.

2) what's the best way to configure XP so that it runs in a "lean" or "light" mode, where as few processes as possible are running?

3) are there any programs that anyone has tried that are commercially available and which can make XP really run?

Any and all help appreciated. I've been dealing with this problem for years, ever since XP first came out, and it would - really - be a great thing to get this figured out!


What are the specs of your computer? how long has this been going on for?

It depends on your hardware. We need more information.

Usually reinstalling the OS is the only thing that will make a computer run faster.

ok first u need to system resources.memory howmuch u have, hdd space how big is it compare to your pagefiles. then u have to clean up autostart programs bot in msconfig and the registry. clean temp directories and temp internet files and dont forget the prefetch directory. defrag with a commercial program like diskeeper, as for service to stop and start follow this link

give a break down off all processes that you might find on windows

Computer is a Pentium IV 1.3GHz 384 Meg RDRAM. Hard drive is 60 Gig. Has anyone tried all solid state flash drives as their main hard drive? The old slow hard drive has to be part of the problem. Processes show more than 2 pages - best way to share details would be to do a screen capture and post the image but can I post an image here? This has been going on since XP came out and I loaded it on my system. Would really like to avoid reloading the OS (and XP SP2) as this would take a bunch of time - and - I have no reason to think but that the problem would still be with me.


Your hardware is more than enough to run XP at a reasonable speed. No, flash drives cannot be used as main hard drives, at least not yet. Over 2 pages of processes? There's your problem, you have too many applications running, probably most you don't use or need.

There's two things I recommend doing. One is to back up your data and reinstall the operating system. Two is to go in a delete any unused files, uninstall unnecessary programs. Try killing some of those processes, that's way too many.

Yes you can post pictures here.

Computer is a Pentium IV 1.3GHz 384 Meg RDRAM

yeah, thats not an amazing spec but it should be able to run XP for general internet/word processing stuff

my guess if youve just got too much crap running.

Use add/remove to get rid of any stuff you dont need

Computer is a Pentium IV 1.3GHz 384 Meg RDRAM. Hard drive is 60 Gig. Has anyone tried all solid state flash drives as their main hard drive? The old slow hard drive has to be part of the problem. Processes show more than 2 pages - best way to share details would be to do a screen capture and post the image but can I post an image here? This has been going on since XP came out and I loaded it on my system. Would really like to avoid reloading the OS (and XP SP2) as this would take a bunch of time - and - I have no reason to think but that the problem would still be with me.


at first glance ,i would say get a ram upgrade ,to at least 1 gig ,When do you notice the slowness the most ,If its the internet ,you have to remember that maybe you didn't update any of your software ,But todays internet software is a major upgrade for your computer Re: IE 7,Java and all the Flash type programs and flash s--it on the internet to-day,and you may have to consider upgrading you old P4, 1.3 to get the speed you are looking for.

Anyway with what you have i would use CCleaner to clean any unneeded temp file and other crap ,and regestry cleaning ,safe program i use all the time .
also a scan with Spybot 'search and destroy .
Also a scan with, Free fully working demo Trojan Hunter .

hunter download .
Trojan hunter update ,do this before you scan.

Spybot an CCleaner can be found at www.filehippo.com

at first glance ,i would say get a ram upgrade ,to at least 1 gig

He cant. RAMBUS ram is ridiculusly expensive as they dont make it anymore. The cost of 1gb of RAMBUS would be the price of a new PC.

An unbloated XP can run on 384 just fine for websurfing asnd office tasks

I missed the Rambus ram sorry.im actually loading win98 on a p4 1.6 as wee speak that has 4 sticks of 128,meg of rambus ram.i just bough the tower for $68.00 CDN,

why windows 98?

why windows 98?

LOL ,why not ,just a step back in time ,for something to do,also going to install a 18gig 10,000 rpm scsi drive to dual boot win98 and winxp and 2000 and a linux ,just for something to do !


I have 2 NT4 machines (PIIs) , i like NT4. Need drivers for everything though.

I actually like older computers ,not near as much trouble as the new ones .


my oldest machine is an AST from 94. Upgraded it from 8 to 24mb ram and run NT 3.51 / A custom linux distribution i made (24 is min for X)

Runs perfectly. Only ever needed 2 BIOS batteries. Lol the cpu is 20 or 50mhz Cyrix 486 (the good one out of the DX and SX) (cant remeber) - doesnt have a heatsink or fan or anything as it runs so cool

I can't say I have the entire situation figured out but I turned off indexing services
and have streamlined things a bit with the use of selective startup in msconfig and
things are running a bit better. There are other speedup tricks described elsewhere
on the Internet (Google search for "Windows XP Home Edition slow" returns numerous
useful links) that I'll be trying.

Why a major OS like XP would not have some simpler way to get in a "turbo" mode
is hard to understand.

The fact that so many links are returned by the aforementioned search suggests I'm
far from the only person having a "slowness" issue.

Any further suggestions anyone has are sincerely welcome.


The fact that so many links are returned by the aforementioned search suggests I'm
far from the only person having a "slowness" issue.

Any further suggestions anyone has are sincerely welcome.


I use a P4 2.8 with 1 gig of ram and keep things neat and tidy and I to consider my machine slow ,actually i think its really slow right now for some reason,i just loaded win98 on a p4 1.6 /512 ram,and its a quick as a bunny ,never loaded any other software on it yet,and that the main reason its still fast ,as soon as we start loading software to fix this or speed up this, we start the slow down process.Especially a Anti Virus program
you might want to check out the startup in msconfig and stop programs not needed at startup from running .just go to,Start/ type msconfig into the run ,go to startup/and unchek program not need to be running all the time .only 4 things in mine .

As for turbo mode ,that never worked even when there use to be a turbo button on the front of the tower !lol

i think u r system is installed with windows xp home edithon,normally windows xp home dition if the best and fastest os for home users,if u r system is having the followoin configuration then u can attain gud speed
1:ram 128
3:original theam of windows xp only installed,no other theam should install
4:short cuts should me minimum
5:icons from start up should be minimum
6:antivirus scan at start up can slowdoun u r system sppe
7:desktop shortcuts should be minimum

you also might want to try tweakui part of Microsoft's' power toys

actually this program will do nothing to speed up your computer ,i just tried it again after many yeast of using it ,i will leave the link anyway .

Hello sorry to come in so late but i have a suggestion, In Control panel click Performance and Maintenance and there will be a selection that says "Adjust My Visual Effects", When that opens there will be 4 things to choose from,
1. Let windows choose what best
2. Best appearance
3. Best Performance
4. Custom(Then gives you a lot of options to choose from)

Then choose what suits you. (Best Performance will make your computer look like old windows) Bun in custom you can deselect stuff like fading and shadows and smooth scroll , etc., just a bunch of stuff that we dont realize all the time.

Macs are Fast. :)
Well hope this helps
Tech TJ

Thanks for that suggestion - I'd already looked into that. But keep the ideas coming. Things are running better but I still am not where I'd like to be. In typing this message, for example, the computer stopped printing for several seconds and I had to wait for (whatever) to finish before the printing caught up with my typing. It makes no sense for this sort of delay to be happening. Until I can get rid of all the "slows" I'm seeing I'm not where I want to be.

Until a Windows OS comes along (or a tool to use with existing Windows OSs) which allows you to get rid of the delays and slowness, an OS is simply not doing the job it should be capable of doing.


Thanks for that suggestion - I'd already looked into that. But keep the ideas coming. Things are running better but I still am not where I'd like to be. In typing this message, for example, the computer stopped printing for several seconds and I had to wait for (whatever) to finish before the printing caught up with my typing. It makes no sense for this sort of delay to be happening. Until I can get rid of all the "slows" I'm seeing I'm not where I want to be.

Until a Windows OS comes along (or a tool to use with existing Windows OSs) which allows you to get rid of the delays and slowness, an OS is simply not doing the job it should be capable of doing.


Bull! Im using winxp and my words are keeping up fine with my typing !
The problem you are having is not the OS ,but software,whether it malicious or not !

start here . http://housecall.trendmicro.com/

also, you could go Linux. Ubuntu is a good one .and its free.

Sorry but I can't agree with you.

You are probably right that some software (malicious or otherwise) is causing the problem but it is the - job - of the OS to keep things well managed so that you don't have problems with slowness.

The real "bull" is an OS that is still too stupid to do this, and the amazing thing is that these problems show up after - several decades - of OS "improvement".


Now I do agree that the OS is so pose to keep up with everything and yes OS has approved over the years but the thing is new things come out every day and the OS can only keep up with what it was programed to do. So the programers of the OS have to keep up with all the problems which im sure they are doing their best. But if things dont get better soon i would say back up your important stuff and do a clean install and then go from there.

Best Regards
Tech TJ

?,what internet Browser are you using to get to Daniweb.

I am not sure if the question was addressed to me but I am
currently visiting with Opera, although I also use Internet
Explorer 7 and Firefox.

As to the point about the OS only being able to do what it
is programmed to do I agree completely.

It should be programmed to advise the user if a program
or process is severely retarding the functioning of the system
and to present you with choices that will rectify the situation.

Years ago this was referred to as "preemptive multitasking".
Some such similar concept may still be present in XP but
the observable fact is that XP Home Edition has frequently
run in a slow, "choppy" fashion.

It should not be necessary for a user to play "20 questions" and
try to guess what processes need to be shut down to restore
adequate performance.

But obviously you do what you have to do - search for help
and try things - until you get a workaround that allows you to
get on with things.


yes the ? was addressed to you ,it been years since i use Opera,and if i remember correctly it came with an advertising banner[using valuable bandwidth] unless you buy it.and i don't use IE7[ created for Vista] i have IE6 on here ,but use firefox as my default .You really do need more ram,and your CPU is small in comparison to what winxp and the internet and all its new updates are meant to run on.
also did you run the online virus scan i posted .

I will have to look at your post but, no, have not run virus scans mentioned in this thread, as I have American Online Security Edition, which has a McAfee virus scanner and other security measures.

I probably need to get additional virus scanning done, though.

Well, its recommended that you only have 1 virus program on your computer at a time because having more than one can cause them to interfere with each other causing even more slowdowns. Also about the "preemptive multitasking" win XP dose that but it just dose it on every single program that you open. But I do wish that there was a way to program an OS to show you whats making your computer so slow.

Quick Question
When you open the task manager and click the Performance Tab. Under CPU usage what dose it say. Try to give me about and average when you're not doing anything on your computer then open up your internet browser and then let me know what that says.
Tech TJ

Well, its recommended that you only have 1 virus program on your computer at a time

the correct statement is to only have one "ACTIVE" antivirus program at a time ,more than one is ok .and the link i posted is only for a free online scan no antivirs program is loaded onto you computer,and trendmicro is one of the best !As AOL and McAfee try hard to climb the list of good Software/virus scanners!!

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