I am trying to activate DMZ on my computer. I have a Linksys router and I am on my house's network. However when I enter the Web adress for the Web Utility, which is "", it says "Page Cannot be displayed", I need help!

also my ip adress isnt its something weird even though i have a linksys router isn't the ipaddress of your computer. It's the ip address of the router, itself (which has a built-in web server which serves the configuration settings pages). Not being able to access it might be a problem communicating with the router, or with your firewall settings.

i know its the routers ip and thats the problem, i can't acess the web configuration tool

If your IP is something like 192.168.1.x where x is a number greater than one, then that means that your router's DHCP server has assigned your computer an IP address. If your IP is something like 167.x.x.x then that means that your computer cannot connect to the router nor find a DHCP server, so is assigning itself its own IP address. What IP are you getting? This will help troubleshoot whether your computer can see the router at all.

I see, my IP is, so you think its not seeing the router at all? Then how am i connected to the internet? I don't really understand. Please explain :)

That's an awfully strange IP for a linksys router to be assigning - or for a computer to assign itself (IMO). Do you have any other nic cards or modems in the machine that might be handing out that ip?

No, the card is a wireless-G PCI Adapter card, it's the only one in my machine. And i have a surfboard modem ... :( please help

You need to release the IP on your computer and reboot.....I've had that happen a few times over the years...a few reboots usually does the trick.

"You need to release the IP on your computer"

What does that mean? You mean change it? To what? 192.168.1.x?

"You need to release the IP on your computer"

What does that mean? You mean change it? To what? 192.168.1.x?

Assuming you have your linksys router set up as a DHCP server...meaning it assigns your networked computer an IP address. I would release (delete) the problem IP address from your computer by opening a command prompt and entering ipconfig /release . This will release the bad IP address from your network adapter....then I would reboot the computer in hope that the router will assign a valid IP address.

example: C:\Documents and Settings\Username> ipconfig /release

I released my IP and when i restarted my IP went back to the same old one, I tried this 2 times. I think the problem is i have DHCP enabled, I need to disable this to activate DMZ, right..? please continue helping :)

I've never set up a box as DMZ so I'm no expert on this.......what you may have to do is set up the IP on the computer. Under network connections, locate your network adapter. Right click the adapter and select Properties.then select the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and go into the properties there. Under the General tab you can designate the IP address...for example, Set the router as the gateway... and use the default subnet mask, If it doesn't work from there you can find the DNS servers from your linksys router status page. Also, make sure you designate the IP address that is to be your DMZ computer on the Linksys Router...


Oh, and make sure the IP you choose for the DMZ doesn't fall withen the range of the DHCP server of the Router.

I tried to change my ip to and i put the default gate way as etc... and restarted computer. It didt work. Plus even if it DID work i still can't acess the lynksys web utility page. :( :( :(FRUSTRATED:( :( :(

Try asking your questions here: http://www.broadbandreports.com/forum/equip,16
There are a lot of people that use Linksys there who may be able to track your problem. Sorry I couldn't help....I thought all you needed to do was get the computer IP to show the same network as the router and you'd have access. Sorry I couldn't help more.

And i have a surfboard modem ...

BINGO back up let me handle this 1

Fact: The Motorola SURFBOARD SB4100 (piece of crapp) (bottom left)
Fact: The Motorola has conflicting problems with this specific router model LINKSYS BEFSX41 But not the BEFSR41(bottom right)

Take your modem to your ISP and get they're newest model or buy a different type of modem and charge it to them

1st a quick jab: have u tried reading the manual? :-)

what's ur OS?

which linksys router?

Id bet big money its this one LINKSYS BEFSX41 whats your guess

BINGO back up let me handle this 1

A) Fact: The Motorola SURFBOARD SB4100 (piece of crapp) http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=453180/search=motorola%20surfboard/ut=189e989383c2f39b

B) FACT: The Motorola has conflicting problems with this specific router model LINKSYS BEFSX41 But not the BEFSR41

C) Take your modem to your ISP and get they're newest model or buy a different type of modem and charge it to them

A): link is to product info on seller's www; please post link supporting claim that sb4100 is PoS

B): links is to product info on mfgr's www; please post link suporting claim that sb4100 conflicts w/linksys befsx41

C): ROFLMBO!!! whew, at least u DO have a sense of humor

The links in the quote above were strictly for picture reference only surely you were not assuming that they were to back up my claim
Reviewed by: SCboog, from SC
Date reviewed: 13-May-03
statistics noted are good

extremely difficult setting up

I too run a Motorola Surfboard SB4100 and put in probably 20 hours worth of work only to still be unable to connect. WAN light would never light. Tech support went through the old "check the cables" etc. and the only thing they knew to do was tell me to "reboot, reboot". I finally returned it and bought a D-Link DI-704P in which I was told was comparible in Firewall protection. I didn't have an easy time setting this one up either but in about 3 hours I was connected. Simply needed to clone the MAC address and run winipcfg, release and renew ethernet adapter settings and I was on. Don't know the problem with the compatibility between the SB4100 modem and the BEFSX41, but there is something going awry there.
I also think you have

sense of humor

with the name aeinstein

Reviewed by: SCboog, from SC
Date reviewed: 13-May-03
statistics noted are good

extremely difficult setting up

I too run a Motorola Surfboard SB4100 and put in probably 20 hours worth of work only to still be unable to connect. WAN light would never light. Tech support went through the old "check the cables" etc. and the only thing they knew to do was tell me to "reboot, reboot". I finally returned it and bought a D-Link DI-704P in which I was told was comparible in Firewall protection. I didn't have an easy time setting this one up either but in about 3 hours I was connected. Simply needed to clone the MAC address and run winipcfg, release and renew ethernet adapter settings and I was on. Don't know the problem with the compatibility between the SB4100 modem and the BEFSX41, but there is something going awry there.

Experience: 5 Days

i'm not trying to start a f-war here, but it seems to me that ur posting opinion as substantiated fact. ur definitely entitled to ur o; posting o as verifiable fact is another story altogether. btw, i've been using a 4100 for 2 yrs w/o a prob; no router.

Well my highschool buddy who works for my ISP has told me a number of times how crappy the motorola surfboard SB4100 really is thats strictly hearsay but believe what you want to believe but Im telling him that the surfboard model Is outdated and if your using it your not "UP TO DATE" remeber technology doubles every 6 months on earth. Besides if you notice in the link about the surfboard nobody has it for sale which leads me to the conclusion that is not even for sale anymore
no offense takin here bra


substantiated fact

Beware Motorola Surfboard 4xxx owners
I purchased this router to work with my Motorola Surfboard 4100 cable modem, but when I connected the modem to the router's WAN port with the supplied cable, no lights appeared on the router.
I tried my old cable with the same result and then a new 50ft cable. After several connection attempts with this new cable, the lights came on and everything worked fine. I thought the intermittent connection must be due to a faulty WAN port, so I returned the router to Amazon for a replacement, which arrived just a few days later. (Fantastic return service!)
However, to my dismay, the replacement seemed to be suffering from the same problem ... with the 4xxx modem. It seems the voltage on the cable modem is too high, which is upsetting the router. Some other router brands are having similar problems connecting to the Motorola modems.
The recommended solution, which I am now using successfully, is to put a hub between the router and the cable modem.
My advice to Motorola 4xxx owners: Search the web for information about which router will work with your modem without having to buy a hub as well.

The connection problem aside, the router was a breeze to set up and has been working without any other problems.

btw, i've been using a 4100 for 2 yrs w/o a prob; no router.

OK guys, I have been out of town for a few days but am back now. My OS is win XP and i have the wireless 802.11b -G router :\

I don't know if a 802.11b router is the same as that bfx11fg or whatever router you were talking about :/ HELP!!

If you go to 'Start' then 'Run' and type 'cmd' (or however you usually get the command prompt), then type 'ipconfig' and enter, you will see an ip for your default gateway. That should be the address you use to access the linksys admin page. Mine ended up being which is different than the linksys documentation.


I suggest you press the reset button on the back of your router. Now you should be able to access your web based admin utility. If you previously reset your password, it will default to the original factory password when you first bought it. I had a similar problem to yours and this is how I corrected it.

Hi, actually having the same problem...i changed PCs everything working fine with linksys BEFSR41 then just switched to new pc, connected wires all the same and now cant log on to the router config by going to in browser. i have 2 other pcs connected to it and can access it on those. this pc i can release ip and renew it, giving me as my ip, so i know it recognizes it, etc.... (i can connect to the net, etc...since im writing this post on the machine) just CANT get into the config from the pc though! help!

I know this will sound odd, but if you have a pop up blocker shut the program down. I had the same problem...closed the popup blocker and I could access the config page wih no problems.

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