I'm planning on building a new desktop probably in about a couple of months or so. I haven't been as updated with the newer parts and technologies as I was a few years ago due to changes in priorities (haven't lost love for computers though). I need suggestions on what specs would suit my needs as indicated below.
- Everyday browsing, facebook and probably some youtube streams for my daughter. I would also need it to be able to handle some newer games that might come out in the next year or so. So far I only play World of Tanks and some World of Warcraft every now and then. But generally, something that can handle games like the abovementioned.
- I will most definitely run Windows 8 Pro and I hope all the games are compatible.
- I'm not sure whether to get an Intel (i7 preferably) or an AMD CPU. I am currently more inclined to getting an AMD simply because of the gaming capacity.
- What motherboard brands are reliable?
- Amount of RAM?
- Graphics adapter that would work on most games?
- Would a touchscreen monitor (to maximize win8) make any sense or would it just be a waste of money?
Any suggestions or comments would be highly appreciated.