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Re: I'm not quit sure, but is it because they all using the same "ComboBoxSelectedIndexChanged"? What happens in that method? You can also try using a separate datasource for each combobox. | |
Re: Rounding off from 2.90 to 3.00 is very unusual. 2.90 is rounded to 3, for that you can use asl ss125 says Math.Round. You cannot use Math.Round(2.90, 2) to return 3.00, it will return 2.90! | |
Re: I don't know what happens, maybe you have an empty row in your database. Your code seem equal to [Click Here](http://nl3.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-fetch-array.php) On option in your code that you lack an else-clause so if the row does not fit in the else-ifs, no value will be put in the cell. In … | |
Re: I think you are looking for this feature: [Click Here](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/replace.html) REPLACE in stead of INSERT and UPDATE. You'll only have to check whether a row in changed or not. | |
Re: In addition to prixat: Milage(txtMilage.Text) = 0 if isn't set. Then Milage(txtMilage.Text) * Rate is also 0. | |
Re: Sunil 8, what do you actually want to do? Create an hyperlink to some text? In that case you can add some text in a cell, assign a name to that cell and use it anywhere in the excelsheet. Please describe your question in more detail. | |
Re: It depends on database you are using. When you use an Oracle database you should use || (double pipe) to concat, + can be used with SQL Server and for MySQL you should use Concat('A', 'B').... | |
Re: I should use the same mvc action that uses a two private voids or functions to process the 2 different tasks. Seems most straight forward to me. | |
Re: When you're working with MySQL the query below will work, but will only return rows that has an payment record. When you alter the INNER JOIN into LEFT JOIN you'll get the original result, extended with the hasPaid column that contains a null value when no paymend record with idNumber … | |
Re: Some questions that might help you: * Maybe $status returns a string '1'. * You write the query returns 1, but does $data['Finished'] also return 1. * What value does $status have outside the while-block? Good luck | |
Re: I think you shouldn't use .executenonquery (see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand.executenonquery.aspx) but .executereader (see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9kcbe65k.aspx). | |
Re: Use can use a foreach for all IEnumerables (like List) List<NameAddress> route = dialog.getRoute(); foreach(NameAddress nameAddress in route) { //some more to copy rout to another List<> } | |
| Re: I don't know such editor, but I would suppose an altnernative strategy. Implement WordPress or Drupal which can be extented whatever you want and in which your friend can add content, without the need of any programming knowledge. |
Re: Does your queries change html characters into html-save characters? | |
I am working on an application that keeps track and uses files stored on the file system. Users are allowed to open, create, delete and move files in the file system. Meanwhile my application is not constantly running so I can't keep track of all changes real-time. Afterwards my application … | |
Re: Try using a semicolon after the window.alert() or additional attributes to the script-tag like type. | |
Re: You can't just put any character in an GET parameter because it posted into the URL. Use a POST variable in stead and/or encode the variable input to url-save characters (e.g. use base64_encode). | |
Re: Usually you get input from a form by $_REQUEST['date3'] for date3. The use of dates in queries does depend on your database. For Oracle I saw an example (that I cannot try because I currently haven't got an oracle db available): SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE END_DATE BETWEEN TO_DATE('04/15/2006' , … | |
Re: Maybe you can find some help here: http://blog-mstechnology.blogspot.nl/2009/06/get-printer-details-thru-c-code.html | |
Re: Something like this does change the representation in your worksheet. Sub ChangeActiveCellFormat() ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" End Sub Depending on you local settings of Windows Excel uses a . or a , to separate the thousands. This however converts the content of the active cell into text and put it in … | |
Re: Because a and b were successfully incrementented? You have putten an 'conditional or' operator between the two statements. Although I am not an C expert, usually, when the first part appears to be true the second part will not performed at all. | |
Re: You haven't got an external screen to connect? Maybe you can try reset the machine by keeping the on/off button pressed for a while. Try running the machine without battery. Nasty problem: good luck! | |
Re: Hi, maybe you should try $_REQUEST because this contains both the GET and POST parameters. To find out what has been sent to your PHP server you can dump the content of the variables with var_export: <? //either var_export($_REQUEST); //or print var_export($_REQUEST, true); ?> This dumps the complete content of … | |
Re: You can call TextBox1.Text.ToLower() or TextBox1.Text.ToUpper() so all characters are in lower or upper case. | |
Re: Make use of of the windows user - this user is already authenticated! Validate whether the logged in Windows user has access to your application. One example of retrieving the Windows user you can find here: [URL="http://www.spiration.co.uk/post/1367/Get%20Windows%20username%20of%20current%20user%20-%20C%23"]http://www.spiration.co.uk/post/1367/Get%20Windows%20username%20of%20current%20user%20-%20C%23[/URL] | |
Re: Maybe you can specify your question with code samples. The first thing I think of is: does you form action contain Get-parameters? Or does it perform a Post? In that case use should question your form with $__POST[variable]. With $__REQUEST[variable] you can look for both Post an Get variables. | |
Re: May "us-ascii" is not completely suitable. See: [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.text.encoding.aspx"]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.text.encoding.aspx[/URL] (and especially the Remarks part). | |
Re: I'm not quit clear what you mean with boolean full-text search and what you're doing? Do you have an column that containing "True" or "False"? The most dynamic feeling can be created by loading the records into memory. I cannot see what limitations you are confronted with. | |
Re: a bit out of time, but for future searches: You use [CODE] Excel.XlFileFormat.xlXMLSpreadsheet [/CODE] which is actually an XML file. When you use the extension of an Excel workbook does not expect an XML file, so the message is shown. Excel won't show that message when you use: [CODE] //extension … |