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My Youtube is my Hobby,
besides of many others I really do like Youtube.
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- OK: OS : LINUX - UBUNTU - SUSE Languages: C - JAVA - LabView
3 Posted Topics
Hello, I'm working on a litle program. While working I stumbeled upon some problems. I would like to check if two Arrays are equal to each other. I tried this one, but it didn't work properly. [CODE] int control(int x1,int y1,int x2, int y2)//x1,y1 and x2,y2 -> coordinates of a … | |
[B]So, what do I do? What do I like? What are my hobbies? [/B] [CODE]Name: Johnny Nickname: Johnny Height: 183 m Weight: 75 kg Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Location: Zurich/Swizterland Age: 20 Hobbies: Listening to music, all kind of sports - mostl likely - soccer, biking, hiking, jogging, ..., going … | |
Re: Ok, It's my turn of trying a different way of solving the problem: After half a Year C in school, I came accross this solution. If you wanna see the excecuted file, I've uploadet the Picture to :[URL=""]The Picture and Code of the Programm Dez-hex wandler[/URL] [CODE]/* Titel: Dezimal-Hex-Wandler Datei … |
The End.