Nokia Dumps Symbian and Creates Symbiosis with Linux

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To get down and dirty in mobile phone competition, Nokia decides to take on Apple and Google by adopting the Linux MeeGo platform for its new N-Series phones. Back in February of this year, Intel and Nokia teamed up to create the MeeGo mobile phone platform.

This bold move allows Nokia to compete more effectively with Apple's iPhone and Google's Android-based phones. The MeeGo platform features rich applications via the blending of the Moblin Linux distribution and Linux-based Maemo.

Nokia realizes that the mobile space is competitive and Apple's iPhone has displaced Nokia's dominance in that space. Interestingly, this announcement comes on the same day as the release of the much anticipated Apple iPhone 4.

All About MeeGo

MeeGo is an open source, Linux project which brings together the Moblin project, headed up by Intel, and Maemo, by Nokia, into a single open source activity. MeeGo integrates the experience and skills of two significant development ecosystems, versed in communications and computing technologies. The MeeGo project believes these two pillars form the technical foundations for next generation platforms and usages in the mobile and device platforms space.

MeeGo includes:

  • Performance optimizations and features which enable rich computational and graphically oriented applications and connected services development.
  • No-compromise internet standards support delivering the best web experiences.
  • Easy to use, flexible and powerful UI/app development environment based on Qt.
  • Open source project organization managed by the Linux Foundation.
  • State of the Art Linux stack optimized for the size and capabilities of small footprint platforms and mobile devices, but delivering broad linux software application compatibility.

MeeGo currently targets platforms such as netbooks/entry-level desktops, handheld computing and communications devices, in-vehicle infotainment devices, connected TVs, and media phones. All of these platforms have common user requirements in communications, application, and internet services in a portable or small form factor. The MeeGo project will continue to expand platform support as new features are incorporated and new form factors emerge in the market.

iddaa 0 Newbie Poster

thank you very much for this idea.

DameMak 0 Newbie Poster

Ohh Nokia, Ohh Intel. Idea is excellent BUT WHEN WE WILL SEE THE FIRST PHONES? When iPhone 4 is sold in 100 Million pieces? :-(

great2010 0 Newbie Poster

LOL,I think we will see this phone A.S.A.P. Good luck.

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