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Member Avatar for Vrunda_1

Create a Project name Banking which will have the following classes with the given instance variables and the methods Create a class Account with first name , last name, address , phone number, balance (instance variables) Withdrawal and deposit methods Create checking account class extending the account class, Having additional …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Depression1

Hi, I've been having issues with my program where I make the rocket do what its supposed to do when it comes to outputting a filled and hollow rocket body depending on either a odd or even value. The only problem I am currently having is duplicating the body length …

Software Development
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi all, I have an application which saves data (books details like book title, author and location) to a mySql db and performs CRUD operations. I thought I'd use hibernate to take care of the ORM side of things and everything was OK when it came to create a record, …

Software Development hibernate java
Member Avatar for Blink383

My problem is setting the size of the JButton. I want it to be a little button centered below the "Hello World" JLabel field (as it is now it spans the full width of the JFrame). I am unsure what is causing the setPreferredsize to be ignored. I am an …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hi! I have made a POS Sotware. I have used only one JFrame as Main/Home Screen of the software and used JDialogs for all other screens. In this post I have concern with the 2 screens; Home Screen(which is a Jframe) and Sales Screen(which is a JDialog). As Home Screen …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for kouty

I dont understand the appearent discrepency in the treatment of the variabe x, y, and z. Why y isn't treated as x and z? #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char result[100] = "Philippe Dupont 30"; char x[50]; char y[50]; int z; /*We use sscanf to give a value …

Software Development c sscanf
Member Avatar for kouty
Member Avatar for optimumgiant

Anyone can fix this code. thank you, only TURBO C program #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define true 0 #define false 1 struct product { char id[10]; char name[20]; int quantity; int numSold; float price; int discount; float sales; }; struct product prod[30]; int count = 0; FILE *f; int writefile() { …

Software Development
Member Avatar for optimumgiant
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Now I am making my pos software client - server based software. I am using java derby as the database. On the local host I am running the program successfully. But on the remote server I face an exception. First I tell you, how I am connecting to the remote …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for m.mohamed

I am trying to create a method that will count number of zeros in a statement/numbers (numOfZero), that a string as input and returns the number of occurrence of ‘0’ in the string. And if there is no zero it should return zero. I have used String.length() and String.CharAt(int index). …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for DanyOcean

Hi, I apologize if my english is bad, I need some help printing the value of a variable in the code that I show below, I'm using emu8086 and I need that this works in this code example that is the same that comes in the examples of emu8086 (PrinterDemo.asm) …

Software Development assembly
Member Avatar for Thaumtrope
Member Avatar for pelin

i am almost done with the hangman game but i just need to migrate it to graphics i know i need to use entrybox but i still dont know. [CODE]rom graphics import* from random import * MAX_BAD_GUESSES = 7 def readfile(): infile = open("wordlist.txt","r") contents = infile.read() lines = contents.split("\n") …

Software Development python
Member Avatar for Devarshi_1
Member Avatar for Barnacle

from tkinter import * import time root = Tk() root.title("Testing System") root.geometry("900x600") def main(): def tick(): time_str1= time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") clock.config(text = "Current Time:\n" + time_str1) clock.after(200, tick) def date(): date_str1 = time.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y") date2.config(text = date_str1) date2.after(200, tick) frame = Frame(root) clock = Label(frame, font = ("times", 14, "bold"), …

Software Development python
Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Peter_TARAS

Hello, I am learning Tkinter. As a part of the learning process I am building a Notepad clone in order to become familiar with Tkinter widgets. I am pretty close to completing it - I added about 90% functionality to the application - but I face two problems: 1) The …

Software Development python resize text tkinter widget
Member Avatar for bevis.hobbs
Member Avatar for naya22

I am working on a math tutoring program that asks the user for a seed value, gives them two random numbers from 1 to 500, and asks them to key in the correct answer. So far, here is my source code: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <time> #include <conio> …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Gheorghe_1
Member Avatar for Kent_4

Private Sub delBtn_Click() rs.Open Dim list As ListItem Set list = ListView1.ListItems.Add(, CStr(rs!Project_Name)) confirm = MsgBox("Do you want to delete the Employee Record", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Deletion Confirmation") If confirm = vbYes Then ListView1.ListItems.Remove ListView1.SelectedItem.Key 'this line gives error Dim CM As ADODB.Command Set CM = New ADODB.Command Set CM.ActiveConnection …

Software Development visual-basic-6
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for david.godistei

I am a beginner in C# database developing. I am developing a payroll application with four (4) user roles (i.e. Admin, Accountant, HR and ReadOnly). There is a Dashboard that displays four buttons that link their respective access pages. Though when logged in based on the user's role, he is …

Software Development
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I am having an issue finding duplicates in an arrayList. Here is some code studentRecords.add(new Student("Jo", "Pip", "JP000", LocalDate.of(1999,9,23), Sex.FEMALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Tara", "Bot", "TB345", LocalDate.of(1991,9,1), Sex.FEMALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Mara", "Lewart", "ML456", LocalDate.of(1988,5,23), Sex.FEMALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Anna", "Clarke", "AC010", LocalDate.of(1999,1,1), Sex.FEMALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Frank", "Boia", "FB300", LocalDate.of(2001,8,13), Sex.MALE)); studentRecords.add(new Student("Anna", "Clarke", "AC010", …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for Mike Askew

I am currently creating a product lookup system for a project of mine, however from reading around it has come to my attention that an OLEDB connection will not handle the SQL query below as it will not handle more than a simple "SELECT, FROM". Table: tbl_ProductInformation Field: Product_Name CurrentEntry …

Software Development oledb sql vb.net
Member Avatar for Carmelo_1
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, I'm a little stuck with something here. Basically I have a a method which, given a List of Students will have to filter out those who are younger than 60yrs old and should return a List of Students who are over 60yrs old but I want this to …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for cambalinho

how can i print 3 values(without knowing their string\number size) in same column using cout? i'm using these code: cout <<"\n" << "show tokens\n"; for(unsigned int i=0;i<Tokens.size(); i++) { cout << "Token: " << Tokens[i].Token <<right<<setw(20-Tokens[i].Token.size())<< "Type: " << Tokens[i].Type <<setw(40) << fixed << "Position Line: " << i<<"\n"; } …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for joao_9

hello i am developing an application in c ++ and mysql and i am having a lot of difficulties in more specified login in the query where the query needs the user and the pass which are in variables. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Tormod

Has been looking at different methods like using a look-up table or double-dabble, but have up to this moment not found any algoritm that do the work most effectively. The 64 bit value is delivered to the routine in two 32 bits registers (upper,lower). I am writing a larger project …

Software Development assembly
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

At the risk of making a total fool of myself... I got very excited when I discovered that Java's "only opaque rectangular windows" limitation has been removed. Full release is intended for Java 7, but working methods can be accessed thru com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities in recent releases of Java 6 (I'm using …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for frnds2vivek

hi.. am unable to view objects of a form in a project, although am able to view its code.. Whenever i try to open the form to view its objects, i rcv an error mentioning **"Error Loading Form. Please check "<path>.log" for details."** In the log file it says **"Line …

Software Development visual-basic-6
Member Avatar for ma14
Member Avatar for millanskie

Anybody who knows how to change word or character in kanji to katakana or vice-versa. I'm using 2 textbox to do this, the first textbox is for katakana and the second textbox is for kanji. What i wanted to do is, whatever i typed in the kanji textbox it will …

Software Development vb.net
Member Avatar for Valeria_3
Member Avatar for Saboor880

H! I am writing a java proram in which I need to generate and read barcodes to and from .PNG images. I used barcode4j-2.jar library to generate barcodes and write them to PNG image. I did this successfully. But I faced an error during reading that generated barcode from the …

Software Development desktop java netbeans
Member Avatar for orichisonic
Member Avatar for 雪嫣

I new in learning Object Oriented Programming... I face a problem that how to do this question for loop and if.... hopefully can get some help in this website...` this question is need to do from the previos question.. this is java need to do the question using NetBeans.IDE.. question:(at …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for franj776

I'm doing an assignment for a class and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong to keep getting the "illegal start of expression" error. Any help would be appreciated. public class Overloading { public static void main(String[] args) { public static int max(int num1, int num2) { if (num1 …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Rohan_12

Hello Everyone, I have an FPGA application that has some function (i.e: Matrix Multiplication) now I want to create the memory interface for FPGA communication based on the model pushed into the FPGA? For example, If we have the size of 1024 and the size of data is 10 bit …

Software Development c c++ fpga malloc memory
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for guitarrick

[I]Last project for the semester and it's late!!! I am in need of some logic with this one....It seemed simple, but now it's out of control. My array with the ASCII converter works, but I can't seem to develop a complete output function to output this 'counter simulator.' Here's the …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Gabby_2

The End.