phatJacob07 0 Newbie Poster

I usually feel pretty bad asking simple questions like this, but I've a deadline that's fast approaching. What, if anything, is wrong with this Update statement?

"Update ScoutInfo Set YearID = 20092010, GSUSAID = 1, FName = 'Jacob', LName = 'Lowe', DoB = '10/16/1989', Grade = '12', Level = 'Ambassador', School = 'Jacob Memorial', YearsIn = 12, NutsOwed = 0, CookiesOwed = 0, MiscOwed = 0 Where ScoutID = 10000"

The datatypes are all either Text or Number (in Access). The double quotes are only for readability in VB syntax.

Visual Studio keeps telling me there's a syntax error hanging out, but I'm just not seeing it. :\

EDIT: Nevermind, just realized that I made the same mistake as I had done previously (Level being a keyword in Access.)

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