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Write an assembly program, fsm1234.asm, that prompts the user for a number and checks it against the fsm in the figure 2.
Figure 2.
L={1,2,3,4} All numbers besides 1 must be preceded AND followed by a 1. So every 2,3 and 4 WILL have a 1 before and after it.
Here are some valid inputs: 11112131214141411121, 1214131, 131,14121.. the list is endless! NB: 1 is a valid input aswell. In this case the start state is also the final state

my code:

Writestring  proto
crlf proto
Readint proto
Writeint proto

mg byte "Please enter number ",0
numb sword ?


main proc

mov dx,offset mg ;displaying message to the user to enter number
invoke Writestring

mov cx,3 ;this the counter

;this the loop

mov dx,offset numb
invoke Readint
invoke crlf
mov dx,offset numb
invoke Writeint

loop label1 

terminate : exit

main endp
end main

please guys help me finish this code..