alonso.jasl 0 Newbie Poster

Hello everyone,

I'm not sure whether this post belongs here. The thing is that I want to do a Page reload from my java code running on the server. After pressing a button, I wish for the page to do an automatic reload. So, inside the class file, I have this:



public class ConfirmPopup extends DynamicPopup {


final Button ok = new Button("OK");
    ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
        public void onClick(Widget sender) {



So, I have this functionality inside the class. And it works out fine, I've tested it, but it sometimes doesn't work on Firefox, or even in Chrome in other computers. I've got a server that runs the application, after compiling it is deployed to the server. What could it be? I mean, I've seen that one may use the location.reload(true), but this is for JavaScript right? I don't know whether there is an alternative to using the Window.Location.reload() from GWT, or if there is a way to make sure it will work independently from the browser one is using.

I hope I made myself clear, feel free to ask further questions.