
I just wanted to say Something about OS I read the one march 2004 topic But if I read a book on C and c++ Will it show me how to do like programs Is there a site that shows me how to make a OS?

A C/C++ book will NOT show you how to write an operating system, and for a good reason: it's far beyond the scope of the book. Creating an operating system takes a whole team of skilled programmers just to create a simple kernel. Linux took years before a GUI was even released with it.

It's usually easier to start writing an operating system with some sort of core already prewritten to make it easier. Here's a website you might find useful:

But I would say don't try something like this until you're confident you're capable of completing it. If you bite off more than you can chew, you'll usually end up getting frustrated and quit (I know from experience).

commented: good +1

ok now how do i put tht stuff into a OS LOL?

Also can u find me a book on it at amazon or barnes and nobles Thank you

ok now how do i put tht stuff into a OS LOL?

You write the kernel. This is the base of your operating system, will be the largest part of your operating system, and will take the longest to write and be the most difficult to maintain.

Once you have written the kernel, you compile it into an image as described in the FAQ link I provided. This image can then be loaded, either manually or with a bootloader (GRUB/LILO) when the PC is booted.

Look, seriously, if you don't know how to program, why are you even worrying about how to write one? Learn C++ inside and out, THEN try to attempt it.

>Also can u find me a book on it at amazon or barnes and nobles Thank you
I don't know that much about writing operating systems, I just know that they're hard to write.

Of course if you are curious enough you could ask google your question and study the links it gives you. I found at least a half-dozen articles in just a few seconds.

Most universities officer course in operating systems. You might take one of those courses, but you will need to meed the prerequisits first.

Also can u find me a book on it at amazon or barnes and nobles Thank you

You seem to be a newbie without any programming experience whatsoever. Go and learn to crawl before trying to run. But what the heck. Go and get burnt. Here is a good book with already written source code. But if you don't understand all the #defines don't come here asking. Get a good C/C++ book and learn them yourself.

Ok does it have to be C and C++ or one or anthoer?

ONE DAY I will be the next BILL GATES SOFTWARE lol

Ok does it have to be C and C++ or one or anthoer?

Doesn't matter. There are Operating systems written in both C or C++. You will have to learn assembly language also.


Do you think I can ern money for this and donate to the site and build something cool? and also can you check barnes and nobles online a look for a good book for my to buy Cause I buy the wrong ones



Do you think I can ern money for this and donate to the site and build something cool?

Maybe, maybe not. It depends if you can keep working at it, until you master programming and finish the project. It takes a lot of discipline, though.

and also can you check barnes and nobles online a look for a good book for my to buy Cause I buy the wrong ones

The previously mentioned book is also available at Barnes and Noble.

Edited *** I Will Get One For Assembly Line ***

This is getting ridiculous.

Look. For the book I gave a link, you don't need asssembly at all. Only C or C++ will be enough. So just buy that book and follow it. This is the official site for that book and its operating system. You can download the sourcecode also from that site. What the book does is explain the design of the operating system. Before buying the book, try downloading the sourcecode and see if you can read through the cdoe without passing out. If you can, then buy the book. If you can't, learn C/C++ a bit further and then try writing an OS.

You mean the 80 dollar one? Woah... Going to have to sell my wow account for that one and btw I dont understand ANY of it So I guess I am off to go get me a C++ book o_O

You mean the 80 dollar one? Woah... Going to have to sell my wow account for that one and btw I dont understand ANY of it So I guess I am off to go get me a C++ book o_O

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: Told you so.

Huh? Told me what :P? I wouldt understand it? prolly not have to tell me u prolly know hehe

Well I am going to get the 7 in 1 c++ for dummies book And read it then I will confim with you guys for the next step ok? We will all share the $$$

Well I am going to get the 7 in 1 c++ for dummies book And read it then I will confim with you guys for the next step ok? We will all share the $$$

Bad book -- don't waste your time and $$ on it. Read this thread for lots of good advice

Umm I am doing C++ not c hehe

And also I need a book I just cant stand the links here basically how it should be lol Start ---------> End lol Not ^^<>^<^>^<^>^<<<<><><<^^<^><&<^<&<%><&<

And anthoer post in the reocrd 3 seconds I suck at finding good books can U find be a good book?! I guess I jsut suck at this stuff lol

Umm I am doing C++ not c hehe

The thread covers both, if you'll read further.

And also I need a book I just cant stand the links here basically how it should be lol Start ---------> End lol Not ^^<>^<^>^<^>^<<<<><><<^^<^><&<^<&<%><&<

See the sticky at the top of this forum:

Ok lets start this off We need this info People saying This that and the Other thing lets do this....

Book on C++:
Program to write the code on:
Assembly line book:

Ok thats bassicly what I need people saying stuff like dont waist your time money dont get this that and the other thing I am so confused right now I will just give you somethings to just check for me if you can and I will make something...

"You can give the dog the bone, but you dont know how far he'll go"

A quote by me = :p

And woah not the reading but the $$$ ---------- LOL LOL

The following books are recommended; read them in mostly the order listed.

Umm maby the best couple books in there would be good and then yeah..

Ok lets start this off We need this info People saying This that and the Other thing lets do this....

Book on C++:
Program to write the code on:
Assembly line book:

Ok thats bassicly what I need people saying stuff like dont waist your time money dont get this that and the other thing I am so confused right now I will just give you somethings to just check for me if you can and I will make something...

"You can give the dog the bone, but you dont know how far he'll go"

A quote by me = :p

Look, if that thread doesn't answer your questions, do a little research before posting. Standard C++ code will work with any compiler, so that's not an issue. And these beginner C++ books provide more general-purpose information on C++, not how to write specific programs. And I don't think we need another book recommendation thread.

Also, if you have to post so much in such a short time, couldn't you just edit your previous posts? The edit timeout is a whole 30 minutes, which is lots of time...

[edit]Choose "C++ Programming Language"[/edit]

Yes, programming books are terribly expensive. If you want to learn how to write C or C++ programs then be prepared to do lots of reading, many many hours of practice, and spend quite a few $$. You may not have to buy all those books -- get the first two on the list, study them first, then in a few months you might be ready for the others. You might be able to find some of those books at your local library, others you might be able to find used copies at discounted prices at used book stores or online at www.amazon.com.

If you think the information in that link about starting C and C++ is too confisuing for you, then you may not be ready yet to begin studying programming. Wait a year or so then try again when you are a little more mature (assuming you aren't already). Often a year makes a big difference in young minds.

I am confused Can u give me a compiler I am getting to the point where I might explode of to much info...... showMessageBox.Text "Hello world"

Ok I will buy the 2 books And the most have book any REGRETS?

One very good free compiler Dev-C++ . That is probably the easiest one for newbes to use. Once you get your feet wet you can also get free the Microsoft VC++ 2005 Express compiler It is a little more complicated then Dev-C++

[edit]Ohhhh! Ahhhh! I see Bloodshet.net revamped their site -- much prettier now and appears to be a lot easier to navigate. If you have not seen it then you should visit and see the new and improved web pages[/edit]

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