Progress Bar v2.0-

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This version is more precise and accurate compared to my first posted version of this script.

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<title>Progress Bar v2.0-</title>
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<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var meter;
var count;
var loading;
var timer;
   loading = "LOADING"
   count = 0;
   meter = function() {
   td = (( document.getElementsByTagName ) ? document.getElementsByTagName("td")[ count ].getElementsByTagName("div")[ 0 ] : document.all.tags("td")[ count ].all.tags("div")[ 0 ] );
if ( count === (( loading.length ) - 1 )) {
   try {
   td.className = "bar";
   td.innerHTML = loading[ count ];
   } catch( e ) {
   myClass = document.createAttribute("class");
   myClass.nodeValue = "bar";
   td.setAttributeNode( myClass );
   td.innerHTML = loading[ count ]; 
   } count++;
   Function.prototype.timer = function( DELAY ) {
   if (( typeof DELAY === "number" ) && ( DELAY !== undefined )) {
   return setInterval( this, DELAY );
   } else {
   return alert( "This (" + DELAY + ") is not a valid delay counter!" );
window.onload = function() {
  counter = meter.timer( 2000 );

// ]]>
<div id="main">
<table id="progress" frame="void" rules="none" summary="Javascript, Progress Bar version 2.0">