sujimon 0 Light Poster

I have developed my website in VS-2005 and built in CrystalReports.

I found that after deploying the website to Windows2008Server I am unable to use the 'Export' button on CrystalReport to export to other format (excel, word, pdf) and I am getting an Access denied file in use error.

Export buttons work fine when I deploy it to my local machine with XPSP3

I have created a Custom Websetup that will prompt Machine Logon credentials & connectionString. I use machine logon credentials to 'Impersonate' in web.config.

I gave full permission to IUSR & IIS_IUSR account on Windows Temp and after Websharing this folder is showing up and accessible on the FileServer. Also the Windows Account used to Impersonate is an Administrator account.

One thing I want to try is to change the output directory of the reports to a subdirectory withing the root folder. But I am not sure if it would work. So I would like to have your valuable advice on this issue. Thanks !

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