ShadyTyrant 2 Junior Poster

I am working on a redirect script for a fancybox that loads a video, and then redirects the user to a new webpage when the fancybox is closed. I have the loader, and the redirect working.

However every video that is loaded redirects to the same page. I believe this to be a loop issue, and I could use some help.

// Jquery to load fancybox with iframes, and redirects

var sponsors = [
    {selector: ".video_one", uri: ""}, 
    {selector: ".video_two", uri: ""}

    for(var i = 0; i < sponsors.length; i++) {
        var msg = sponsors[i].uri;
        var myDel = function(){window.location.replace(msg);}
            'width' : '40%',
            'height' : '60%',
            'type' : 'iframe',
            'closeBtn': false,
            'afterClose': function(){myDel();}
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