slyme 27 Junior Poster in Training

I have a plug-in for a payment gateway for a WordPress installation with a WooCommerce shopping plug-in.

The payment gateway plug-in fails at the checkout. The error message may be a distraction at this point as I only want some more general advice. The error is suggesting some problem with the CGI configuration.

The support people for the plug-in have suggested the following:

1) CGI request and response must be uploaded in binary mode

2) CGI request and response must be executable (755)

3) CGI request and response must be in the right version (32/64bits, static/glib, prefer 64bits static)

4) Paths to CGI request and response must be right

Okay - 1 and two I can deal with.

Here's my questions: What does 3 mean and how do I find out the version I'm running? Does 4 simply mean the path to the cgi-bin?

I will ask these questions of the support people but I wanted to investigate first - I am embarrassed at my lack of success finding anything using Google!

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