Re: MySQL Packets out of order Programming Web Development by Haseeb_12 Thanks for sharing this insight! Disabling persistent connections when using transactions is a great tip and saved me a lot of debugging time. Should we noindex our JSON files? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani We use a lot of AJAX that loads JSON files that return an application/json mime … Re: MySQL Packets out of order Programming Web Development by wwwalker If PHP locks the database connection in a persistent connection and the packets from the transaction are incomplete then the packets would be out of order. Hence asynchronous PHP connection would be OK for transactions and not have the locks that persistent connection would create. Re: MySQL Packets out of order Programming Web Development by Dani Sorry, I’m not quite sure I understand what you’re saying? How can we Implement Multiple Surveys/Feedbacks on Our Result page? Programming Web Development by carnoico Hi, We are an educational institute. We are looking to implement something unique, we want to add multiple forms/surveys on the same page, we want each feedback form/survey under student name and rank so they can easily provide the feedback and then that feedback should be displayed on the same page with that student name with other details of the … Re: How can we Implement Multiple Surveys/Feedbacks on Our Result page? Programming Web Development by Dani If I understand you correctly, what you're asking for is custom development work. If you don't already have an in-house developer working on your website who is capable of doing this, you most likely will need to go the custom consulting route. You can use freelance services such as [Upwork]( or [Toptal](https://www.toptal.… Future of Web Development: Trends and Tools Programming Web Development by Haseeb_12 Hey everyone! 🌟 Web development is evolving rapidly with exciting trends like Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), Jamstack architecture, and AI integration. What tools and frameworks are you using? How do you tackle challenges like responsive design, performance optimization, and security? Share your experiences and tips! Cheers, Haseeb Ahmad: Re: Future of Web Development: Trends and Tools Programming Web Development by Dani What is jamstack architecture? I'm not familiar with it. As far as tools and frameworks, I've pretty much been using the same ones for the past 20 years. PHP + MySQL + Nginx + Redis + Memcached + SphinxSearch on the backend. Cloudflare as a CDN. On the front end, it's Bootstrap and jQuery. Yes, I'm still old school like that. For many years, I … Re: How Do I address ERROR: access violation writing 0x0000000000005140, Programming Web Development by Dani I don't have any python experience, sadly, but I am super awesome at jQuery. Once you solve this server-side problem at hand, if you find yourself with the jQ side of things not working, please don't hesitate to post. Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim … speeds you are looking at. Another option is to use AJAX to load the data after the page has loaded, I… moved to AJAX & Javascript websites like 6 or 7 years ago - let… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Dani … it totally makes sense!! > Another option is to use AJAX to load the data after the page has loaded, I… moved to AJAX & Javascript websites like 6 or 7 years ago - let… Re: How to Code a Load More Button? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani … the DOM!) and, as the end-user scrolls down, uses AJAX to load page 2, page 3, etc. and tack what… Re: How to Code a Load More Button? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by MarkMarketer … likely be fetching the additional data from a server using AJAX or Fetch API. Here's a basic example: HTML: <… ajax Programming Software Development by mangal123 ajax can i do programming of ajax in please help me and give me demo of ajax programming Re: ajax Programming Web Development by t_thakar ajax is very easy to use. you just need to learn the basic JavaScript. I've learnt it from youtube videos and "" (original jquery website and click on api) look for tutorials on youtube with most views because these are most popular and well explained. Re: ajax Programming Software Development by jbisono …, Actually if you are creating a website you can use Ajax no matter what is your server side code or IDE… you are using. Ajax is just javascript, which can be interpreted for any browser…. Now, there are a few ways that you can implement Ajax in ASP.NET. You should let us know what exactly… Re: AJAX Pagination Programming Web Development by Protuberance Ajax onSuccess event - create Pager for newly created table. Ajax help please... Programming Web Development by ajithredsmoke ….Everything works fine except the second combo. Here's the ajax code.. [code=javascript]function selected() { //alert("entered in …;Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) { //explorer < 4 alert("Ajax is not supported by your browser"); } } } xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function… Re: Ajax Programming Web Development by skfroi Ajax is a way of using existing technologies. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is based of HTTP request and javascript as the name suggests. The tutorial at [url][/url] should get you on your way. Headfirst: Ajax book is excellent to start of with as well. Re: ajax Programming Web Development by JorgeM … a bit of JavaScript knowledge if you plan on incorporating AJAX into your projects. In addition, if you do get into… JavaScript and AJAX, you may want to investigate jQuery which is just a… very good JavaScript library and it also has AJAX methods which makes development a whole lot easier. ajax Programming Web Development by joanna alday hello!!! guyz i want to learn how to make a website or web application, and i want to use ajax language.what are the compbination of is easy to use or not? ajax should call only once Programming Web Development by Eagle.Avik hi, i want ajax to be called only once, but insted it calls everytime …(function(){ $("#modal-launcher-user").click(function(){ $('#preloader_image_edit').show(); $.ajax({ url: "image_edit.php", cache: false, }) .done(function( html… ajax Programming Web Development by vimals ….open('GET', filename, true); xhr.send(null); } This is my ajax.js file..I am retrieving the values from a form… Re: AJAX Programming Web Development by twiss AJAX is a way of interaction between the client side (i.… ajax form submit codeigniter Programming Web Development by praba_web Ajax form submission not happening. **view:** <form method="post&…(){ $("#addwishlist").click(function(e){ // passing down the event $.ajax({ url:'<?php echo base_url();?>add-wishlist', type: 'POST… Ajax control display and behaviour not properly working - (calendar extendar control) Programming Web Development by salmax2005_dw Ajax control is not wroking fine.It is displaying partically and its behaviour is also totally different and not upto its usualy standard.Cud anyone plz give me some solution to solve this problem.urgenttttttttttttttt regards saleem Ajax calendar hide by report viewer Programming Web Development by gsting_88 Ajax calendar hide by report viewer I cant select … Ajax Tabs, half working Programming Web Development by qb I'm trying to figure out why some of the ajax tabs are not working. The first two tabs work, the third through 5th tabs do not work when you click on them. AJAX in IE malfunction Programming Web Development by Graphix …if (ajax) {'get', 'messageretrieve.php'); // Sends request ajax.send(null); // Function that handles response ajax.onreadystatechange …Returns the value to the document document.getElementById('messagebox').innerHTML = ajax.responseText; } } // End of function show_messages() [/code] … Re: Ajax loaded form processes the form but does not redisplay back in target div. Programming Web Development by ChrisATO …target = form.attr('target'); var data = form.serialize(); $.ajax({ context: $('#'+target), data: data, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus…target = form.attr('target'); var data = form.serialize(); $.ajax({ context: $('#'+target), data: data, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, …