406 Topics

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Member Avatar for Betty1909

#include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <cstdint> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <vector> // Use these constants for your arrays. const int MAX_ROWS = 100; const int MAX_WIDTH = 100; // Side of an airplane, port or starboard. These terms are more // precise than "left" and "right," which …

Member Avatar for Betty1909
Member Avatar for Devon_1

I am trying to create a 2D array of Point of distorted checker board like this photo: [Click Here](http://download.altamisoft.ru/download/resources/image_with_points.jpeg) Starting from the mid point, I think there should be some kind of sin and cos algorithm depending on x&y distance between each vertex and the mid point but I don't …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for nithyananthanaiker

Hello guys. I am currently developing an OCR tool using Chain-code algorithm in Java. I was googling and found this code in Matlab. I have no idea on using Matlab. So, I need help from someone who's good in Matlab to convert it into Java. This will be a big …

Member Avatar for Neha_18
Member Avatar for Itz Mhe

Am trouble with this algorithm can someone please assist Mi.. Write a algorithm that will accept employee name, job title, total sales of all sale staff,the algorithm should calculate a commission at 8% of their total sales amount if more than $30000 .it should display the name and commission of …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

I'm working (rather beginning) on a Huffman tree. I think I've run in to a problem for time complexity. Huffman trees are supposed to be fast in most ways. As I prepare to build my tree, I have three for...next loops in separate methods. I think that could be very …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for claptus

Let assume that ‘k’ is an integer that indicate and reveals exactly the length of subset that sum to 0. Thus length of subset to pick is determined by ‘k’. If I would like to pick only ‘k’ distinct set of integers from any given set of integers in polynomial …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for dyingatmidnight

I'm really having a hard time understanding this stuff and all the examples I find online just aren't starting from a place that makes sense to me. I missed my lab last week and the prof suggested those of us who missed it should go through the lab anyway because …

Member Avatar for hadisur_rahman

make 100 with just required digit is ..you can used four 7 digit and only one 1 digit ... 7,7,7,7 and 1; now for making 100 with them you can used any arithmatic symboil... * ,/, +,-

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for Mar. Na.

Hi , this algorithm diffecult to implement and work ,how can i write code for this because ,i write code for it but isnt work completely to find CBO i.e Eff.size. Input: Any class file Output: Total coupling in the class file /*Eff is set for efferent coupling(set is java …

Member Avatar for Mar. Na.
Member Avatar for gajen007

An assignment is given to prepare a prolog code for the following scenario. Five bikes with colors Red, Blue, Black, White and Grey are in queue. At least one in front of Red and at least one behind the Blue. At least one in front of Black and at least …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello everybody im thinking about how AI works and actualy im really confuzed and scared at the same time, so me as low programmer i know how the computers work, first you write the program than you give him input and it gives you output based on what you insert …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Fatma_3

how can calculate complixty for this code package ca.pfv.spmf.algorithms.frequentpatterns.fpgrowth_with_strings; /* This file is copyright (c) 2008-2013 Philippe Fournier-Viger * * This file is part of the SPMF DATA MINING SOFTWARE * (http://www.philippe-fournier-viger.com/spmf). * * SPMF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for queenofdrama365

JAVA How to read in strings from a file convert to byte code (unicode) and save in array for hashing? how to use hashing (using list of strings) to find longest chain? (from text file dont print the output in a file just dislplay.)

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Robayet

If there is a n*n chess board ,how will I start the place of queen that didn't face attack.

Member Avatar for joe97

guys i have this assignment about luhns algorithm and i cant seem to know where to start (i am very weak in functions and arrays) , if anyone can help me out with the start of the i would be very thankful then later on i will be disscussing my …

Member Avatar for joe97
Member Avatar for Isaac_9

Hey guys, Am Isaac from Nigeria. My final Year Project is solving timetable problem using genetic algorithm. The problem is I don't know how to accept population from my php script... Someone please help

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Member Avatar for hadisur_rahman
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for sirlink99

Hello everyone! I am writing a GA, and I am trying to implement elitism. My problem is an interesting one. I cannot release too much code because it is an ongoing assignment. I have asked the TA, and he is unable to find the solution as of this moment. The …

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Member Avatar for sciprog22

Hello Members, I have a question regarding the worst case running time for Knuth Morris Pratt Algorithm for String Matching: Let's say the T = AAAAB and P = AB. In this case, the prefix table is: Cell# P Skip Distance 0 A 0 1 B 0 As I scan …

Member Avatar for kouty

Hello. I want to submit a code stuff with an explanation. It is not a valid code. Someone can help me to find error? <code> ** ** I'm trying to build a program that change numbers writen in decimal notation. If we consider each ranges of numbers: unities, 10-es, 100-es …

Member Avatar for kouty
Member Avatar for Vinolia

Implement the following class.the class has two instance variables num for the fraction numerator and den for the fraction denominator. public class Fraction implements Comparable<Fraction> public Fraction(int num, int den) // initialize instance variables public int den() // returns the denominator public int num() // returns the numerator public Fraction …

Member Avatar for Vinolia
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Don't you just get sick of hash algorithms constantly been brute forced or even cracked. Well here is an algorithm I have created in my spare time to help out the little guy who just wants a secure hash. This hashing algorithm uses many different techniques including ones used in …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Missy_1

Hi everyone I want to calculate the complexity of this algorithm: int function (int n, int m) int result=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for (j=0;j<m;j++) result=result+i*j; }; end so I proceeded as the following: as the programme is composed of two loops I started by calculating the number of operations of the …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Ghost0s

Hi im trying to learn software engineering at home but m confused about two things should i learn coding 1st or learn algorithms 1st i already started learning coding but some people said that i should learn algorithms 1st then i started looking for algorithms courses online but most of …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for nathan.pavlovsky

Hello all! I am trying to take a string that has mixed uppercase and lowercase chars and then convert it to lowercase. I am doing the following line of C++ code: transform(theReadMessage.begin(),theReadMessage.end(),theReadMessage.begin(),theReadMessage.end(),::tolower); //theReadMessage is a string to convert to lowercase and my C++ xCode debugger gives me this message `Too …

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Member Avatar for Henry_5

I am implementing the last feature of my Python Checkers Game, which is to require the user to make multiple jumps. For captures, I do the following: 1 Check if the move is valid: 2 self.validatedMove = True (The move that has been made is valid.) 3 self.capture() (Captures the …

Member Avatar for DragonMastur
Member Avatar for PixelandtheWolf

Many of you probably have read about [Google's announcement](http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2015/03/an-update-on-doorway-pages.html) on Doorway pages. Whether or not this ranking signal has come into full swing yet is debatable, but regardless, I'd prefer to be pro-active if anything occurs. For those of you who don't know what a Doorway page is, [VolumeNine did …

Member Avatar for iamrichard
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Some folks go on vacation around the Easter holidays, so it would be nice to know when Easter happens in the years ahead. I had this as a Python snippet in my "oldies, but goodies" file and translated it to Go. It was actually quite easy in this case, and …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for bijutoha

Yes I'm too worry about this Update. Because my website still not responsive. Could anyone say something please, This **21st April Google Algorithm update** will penalize non-mobile friendly websites? I'm waiting for your valuable response.

Member Avatar for advent_geek
Member Avatar for zrd0808

This is a homework problem; however I just want some direction. I have to write a module graph.cpp that implements djikstra's algorithm. so far i am at the reading in module and am trying to make an array of structures. here is the code. [code=c] // Zachary Dain // CSCI …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA

The End.