58 Topics

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[ATTACH=RIGHT]22151[/ATTACH]It would appear that a Florida bank has been the victim of a $13 million ATM heist, but just how did the cyber-robbers pull it off? Although the security breach which led to the ATM fraud itself seems to have taken place in March, and was disclosed in the first …

Member Avatar for Lightninghawk
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Picked up from old thread but currently applicable (the IBAN number became more widely required actually this year in Finland). The style was quite alien for modern Python coders, so I massaged the code to my own liking. I removed many temporary variables, as for my opinion they did not …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for danielkull

Hi, I am building a website that will allow users to send money to each other for goods and services, then withdraw money from account (the website) to a bank. Authorize.net is only for facilitating payments, the same PayPal etc. and I cannot find anything online that will explain me, …

Member Avatar for danielkull
Member Avatar for r.cromwell

I've made a program of basic bank transaction. I'm having a hard time figuring out how will that cin >> newb; and cin >> currentb; work out...the program works if you remove the formulas..also i'd like to add if (withdraw <=10000) the program will stop the user from withdrawing but …

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Member Avatar for milan2011

Hi, I am trying to make a bank application that has two interfaces.One is the employee interface that lets employees to create an account and assign a IDnumber to each account(lets say the bank only accepts 100 accounts) and a balance for each account. The employee can also close an …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for happygeek

A new botnet has been discovered which is not only targeting users of UK banks, but doing so in a new and worrying manner. Said to comprise of in excess of 100,000 infected machines, the Zeus 2 botnet is operated and controlled from Eastern Europe according to [URL="http://www.trusteer.com/company-overview"]secure browsing security …

Member Avatar for Voidz
Member Avatar for Phesojon

I can't run my program using this code. Please help me to edit it with the same function. Thanks in advance. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> main() { FILE * fp; int bmenu,amenu,an; float balance=0,deposit=0,withdraw=0; char c,quit,name[50],address[50]; clrscr(); printf("**********BANK MENU**********\n"); printf(" ---- ---- \n"); printf("What do you want to do?\n"); printf("[1] Log-in …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for dstaner

I've been given an assignment as follows and I'm having trouble getting it to work properly, hoping if anyone out there can lend word on how to get it running? "A bank account starts out with $10,000. Interest is compounded monthly at 6% per year (0.5% per month). Every month, …

Member Avatar for happyherbivore
Member Avatar for Mayank23

how can i display all the account numbers that have been entered. it only shows the last account number entered, not any before it. heres the code- [code] #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double deposit; double previous; double newtotal; double withdraw; int total; int number; int res; …

Member Avatar for Mayank23
Member Avatar for Mayank23

i made a bank program, it askas the users to put in their account number. it works with a while loop. i ask for the person to enter 1 to start or 0 to stop. i need help on how to display all the account numbers that were entered once …

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Member Avatar for mbouster

Dear all I need your guidlines with this project because I dodnt done nothin yet an i am terrified to admit that I am going to deliver this on Wednesday and in the midtime I have a final in another course. What I didn till now is the UML for …

Member Avatar for artche20
Member Avatar for swagatikat856

hii daniwebians, i need the source code for my project "online banking",could u provide it using J2EE.

Member Avatar for zinahun
Member Avatar for kinyee

hi i m new to Haskell, i need help in the deposit money in this simple atm bank system the problem shown during enter amount on deposit" Program error: Prelude.read: no parse" below is the code.Please help.Thank you [CODE]import System.IO start :: IO () start = do putStrLn "------------------" putStrLn …

Member Avatar for argg
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Who needs plastic in the 21st century? [ATTACH=right]16789[/ATTACH] Two major U.S. banks have confirmed that they will later this year be launching joint test programs with Visa to let customers make in-store purchases with their smart phones. [URL="http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE67I59S20100819"]Reuters[/URL] reported Thursday night that both Bank of America and U.S. Bancorp will …

Member Avatar for saba17

for the mba banking and finance course in Sikkim manipal university, will the study material be provided by the university and what’s the mode of exams and studies.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for allnillin

i have finished writing my program, but teacher want me to write a checkbook balancing program of a user's account. It has to use getline () to read a line, which will contain either the word "withdrawal" or "deposit". After reading each pair of line, the program should compute and …

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Member Avatar for Jeun

/*None of the buttons except create and clear work can someone help please , can anyone help me with the parts i have missing , the account and date test class work fine i just need the bank account GUI to work properly , here is a detailed explanation of …

Member Avatar for slfisher

After finding out that criminal [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story253452.html"]attorneys [/URL]and divorce [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220645.html"]lawyers [/URL]are using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter to find out information for and about clients, it shouldn't be any surprise that banks are doing the same thing. "Companies like RapLeaf of San Francisco have been quietly gathering information …

Member Avatar for twiters
Member Avatar for happygeek

Chip and PIN credit card attack leaves banks on shaky ground according to one analyst, although oddly enough the banks appear to disagree. Researchers at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory have revealed how the Chip and PIN credit card security system is flawed and left vulnerable to fraud. Steven …

Member Avatar for MsCamellia2010
Member Avatar for blakenbama

I'm taking my first class in c++ this semester, so i'm a newb. The only other programming experience i have is in python. My teacher gave me this assignment and i don't even know where to start. I don't want anyone to post any code, but a few tips on …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ahmedshayan

1. Create a class Account that has following instance variables: a. private account number (string) b. private account holder name (string) c. private balance (floating-point) d. private account opening date (string) e. profitRate (final, floating-point): 5% for all accounts Supply a default constructor, a parameterized constructor, and a clone constructor. …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for newsguy

Where would we be without the hole in the wall, that magical machine that provides us with cash whenever we need it? Where would we be without online banking, that magical system that lets us pay our bills via the Web? Customers of the HSBC bank in the UK found …

Member Avatar for CarliZ
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

It’s no secret that one big key to unlocking the business and consumer technology spending lockbox is easier credit from banks and other lenders. On the surface, the better-than-expected earnings news from big banks like Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase gave a much-needed boost to that theory. …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Technology workers are nervous enough without worrying about the health and safety of their investment deposits. While I think what I'm bringing to you now is nine parts hyperbole and one part reality, it makes for an interesting and even frightening discussion. Specifically, are your bank and investment deposits safe? …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

It has been estimated that something in the region of 70 percent of the ATMs in current use are based not on the proprietary hardware, software and communication protocol platforms of old but instead on PC/Intel hardware and commodity operating systems, the most popular being Windows XP embedded. In fact, …

Member Avatar for ShaneW
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Allow me one last word on the credit crisis of last week. I hope by now I've demonstrated that credit and debt aren't the sole domain of green eye-shaded numbers crunchers on Wall Street. As the green-eye shaded numbers cruncher in your own company's finance department can tell you, bad …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to an in-depth study by the [URL="http://www.socialfuturesobservatory.co.uk"]Social Futures Observatory[/URL], anti-bank feeling is running so high in the UK that 74% of Brits would consider borrowing or lending money through a social lending community in preference to their high street bank. In the ultimate case of old concept finds new …

Member Avatar for Danny

In a recent survey conducted by ACNielsen International Research, record numbers of entrepreneurs are using eBay ([url]http://www.ebay.com[/url]) to supplement or earn their living entirely on the site. According to the survey, over 724,000 Americans use the site to earn their primary or secondary source of income, and another 1.5 million …

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The End.