139 Topics

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Member Avatar for coolbeanbob

Hi Everyone, I am trying to get the program below to work correctly. The line below is where I'm having trouble. (line 33 in PrefixCalc.java) calc = new ExpressionTree(new Scanner(console.nextLine())); When I run the program and enter "4 + 8", the scanner only picks up "4". Apparently this program was …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for tumblinmonkeym

I have to write a program that creates a binary search tree from a file and output it and several other requirements. One requirement that I cannot figure out is how to find the search cost for each node. These are the instructions I was given Calculate the search cost …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for tiffany.leroux.7

I am doing huffman coding and I have made the tree. Now I am required to traverse the tree to create bit strings associated with the characters. Then I will put the bit string and char into a map to use with encode/decode. I have been working on this for …

Member Avatar for owenransen
Member Avatar for next_tech

Hi Guys, I am working on a binary search tree and I've been stuck on some code for the last couple of days. There are 2 issues that I can't seem to figure out how to fix. 1) I have a file that has a list of names and ID's …

Member Avatar for bguild
Member Avatar for Alkajak

class BTNode(object): """A node in a binary tree.""" def __init__(self, item, left=None, right=None): """(BTNode, object, BTNode, BTNode) -> NoneType Initialize this node to store item and have children left and right, as well as depth 0. """ self.item = item self.left = left self.right = right self.depth = 0 # …

Member Avatar for dashing.adamhughes
Member Avatar for wschamps42

Hey guys, can anyone tell me how I could use randomaccessfile to read in a txt file and copy the content to a tree? Also how to then do the opposite and write newly changed nodes from the tree onto the text file? It's pretty much like creating a save …

Member Avatar for bguild
Member Avatar for ibthevivin

Quick question. I'm studying for my CCNA and my supervisor gave me this challenge question. You're given 5x Cisco 3560's and 5x Cisco 3750's which are to be installed side-by-side on a rack. Which model would you choose to avoid issues with STP? I'm currently skimming over [this](http://www.cisco.com/en/US/prod/collateral/switches/ps5718/ps6406/data_sheet_c78-584733.pdf). Thanks!!

Member Avatar for ibthevivin
Member Avatar for RozenKristal

I got a java test done and somehow my answer for this question is incorrect, can you guys help me explain it? So the question is: in a binary tree with height 3 the least deep leaf has depth 2 (Root has depth 0). a)Max numbers of nodes this tree …

Member Avatar for RozenKristal
Member Avatar for hitro456

Hi All, I have a binary search tree (consider following structure). struct bst { void *value; struct bst *left, *right; }; I want to save this unbalanced binary search tree in a file. And when I read this file, I don't want to recreate the tree from these nodes. So …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for MiTiM

I want to create binary tree. With this program I wrote I have some problems. It seems the element I added to the tree is always added to the root place! Adding never happens to the left or the right subtree. This thing is prooved by result I always get …

Member Avatar for MiTiM
Member Avatar for fyra

Hi people. I have a remove function that should set a hide member of a node to 1 instead of actually remove the node. The function works well when I insert and remove top and tap respectively (both nodes have their hide member set to 1) but when I insert …

Member Avatar for fyra

Hi everyone. I'm tying to understand the instruction below. I wish someone could explain me what it means: tree->destroy(((AvlNode*)(*position)->data)->data); // destroy the left branch of the binary search tree starting from the specified node static void destroy_left(BisTree* tree, BiTreeNode* node) { BiTreeNode **position; // can't remove from an empty tree …

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for gtkesh

Hello everybody. Here is my remove method for bst. As you all know, there are 3 cases to consider while removing a node from bst. For the last case, when a node (which is to be removed) has 2 children, I want to use predecessor instead of successor to change …

Member Avatar for nitin1

#include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define MAX 10000000 #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> char s[MAX]; int p[MAX]; int bucket[MAX],nbucket[MAX]; struct suffix { int idx; }pos[MAX]; int H=0; bool cmp(struct suffix i,struct suffix j) { if(H==0) { return s[i.idx]<s[j.idx]; } else { if(bucket[i.idx]==bucket[j.idx]) { return bucket[i.idx+H]<bucket[j.idx+H]; } else { return bucket[i.idx]<bucket[j.idx]; } } } …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for satnav_8

Hey guys, I'm stuck. What I want to do for a school project is demonstrate how bacteria divides and multiplies on an exponential scale. What I want to do is have a TreeView, and when the user clicks the 'Populate' button, a tree will be generated. I want the tree …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Basteon

Hello! I am making a custom control, simmilar to TreeView, in WinForms C#. And I was wondering how is the Nodes collection made. The one with Roots and Childs. I tried using a simple collection but it doesn't give the functionallity I need. [Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/QAaW6.png, "Screenshot of the TreeView's nodes collection …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for krunal1986

hi, i am getting Run time error '13': Type mismatch error. below is my code: Dim ndMain As Node Set ndMain = TreeMain.Nodes.Add(, , "Root", "Main Menu", "myappname") thanks, krunal

Member Avatar for Bile
Member Avatar for sobias

Hi, Very fast question guys, since tomorrow is my quiz and I have to sleep now. I stompled upon an old question asking to ** remove the root of the AVL Tree** . I never tried that before, after a very fast search, I found this PDF File https://www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~cs240/s10/handouts/tree-examples.pdf ** …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Arabian filly

hi every one =) I just started to learn trees in java but I am kind a lost with it is implementation I need to understand implementing and tracing methods useing tree interfaces please post any recommended source , tutorial or lecture thank you

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for DelilahDemented

I'm trying to build a tree from a file and it keeps blowing up on me. It doesn't even give an error but it shuts down when I try to run it. I'm not sure what is wrong. I think I have something wrong with my root but I'm really …

Member Avatar for nah094020

Ok cant seem to find the null pointer exception error on my code one moment its working fine the next when i add the 20 i get an error, and i dont know if this is what messing my find method. Between my tree is supposed to be a binary …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for nah094020

Ok so this is my task: Description: Create a generic class called GenBinTree. GenBinTree will use nodes that store a value of the generic type to store its contents. This tree will not be a search tree (no ordering of nodes by value). What ges me its the the part …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Rishabh876

so i was trying to make a binary tree program. just inserting and deleteing. some how i messed up. i think insertion is ok till level 1 after that stays on level 1 only. also the function to delete the whole tree is not working. it only deletes node at …

Member Avatar for Rishabh876
Member Avatar for cody.reddoor

public void inOrderTraversal(TreeNode node) { if(node == null) { return; } inOrderTraversal(node.getLeft()); System.out.print(node.getKey() + " "); inOrderTraversal(node.getRight()); } I wrote this code for going through a binary search tree and printing out the items in order from low to high. it works just fine but i need to get it …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for tvm78

Alright, so I am designing a program that contains binary trees to function as a parser. I have encounted a very strange problem that is causing my program to fail while it is running. I have done several tests and narrowed down the incidents. Ok, so this results in a …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

Could anyone tell me how to make a BSP tree?? like what things should i consider to implement it?? i'd be grateful if anyone gave me a list of basic steps to implement it..thank you

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for samohtvii

I am looking to create a binary tree and then print it out. I am getting some strange errors I cant fix. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> struct animalTree { char data[100]; struct animalTree *left; struct animalTree *right; }; typedef struct animalTree aTree; void fillTree(FILE*, struct animalTree*); int readNext(char*, FILE*, int*); …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for samohtvii

Hi all, Say i have 2 nodes of a tree. struct tree{ int data; tree* left; tree* right; }; NODE1 data = 3; left = NULL; right = NULL and NODE2 data = 6; left = NULL; right = NULL How do i say Node 2 if the left link …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for samohtvii

Hi all, I am having trouble getting a tree to and from a text file. The text file will hold questions and animals. Each node should hold one question and one animal. So if you can imagine: Does it have 4 legs? / \ Does it purr? Does it swim? …

Member Avatar for samohtvii
Member Avatar for vikingsheepman

Hello all! I have used this forum many times in the past to solve a variety of programming related problems, but am truly stumped on a segfault within a binary search tree. I have isolated the segfault to a fscanf statement that look legitamate to me. The following code blocks …

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The End.