48,986 Topics

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Member Avatar for Peewee

Well I have looked around the forums. But I cant find the answer to my question. It has been asked many a time. Im a complete novice to the world of programming (I am, lololol) I am trying to decide which path to go down, c, c++, vb, etc. Please …

Member Avatar for Slade
Member Avatar for elna

[font=Times New Roman]Can anybody tell me if there is a better way to code the following problem than what I’ve included below? The problem that I can see with my code is if you had to add 20 shapes to the list then you would have to add 20 if …

Member Avatar for elna
Member Avatar for gerizzel

#include <iostream.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <string.h> #include <iomanip.h> //for logfile struct log { long number; char date[9]; char time[9]; char gate[2]; }; //for customers struct customer { long number; char initial[2]; char lname[20]; char snumber[7]; char sname[17]; char stype[17]; char suburb[17]; char state[4]; char postcode[5]; }; //constants for array sizes …

Member Avatar for FireNet
Member Avatar for bryj3

Thank for all the help you guys have helped me with.. Can someone tell me, how do I ? 1. Declare an array. Call it values with size 25; 2. Initialize this array with any random number 3. Prompt the user to enter any number 4. Search the array for …

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

I want to install a GUI library to try out but I cant seem to get it to work. I am using Dev-C++. Can any one help me to get it to work.

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for Saleh

Hey hey, how ya doing ya'll? Could any one help me or guide me to a reference that might walk me through a step by step tutorial, of how could i open or close a Cd-drive's tray using C/C++ codes? thanx in advance.

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for popo_prince

i have been trying to incorporate various element into this mortgage calculation program. it is supposed to present the three options from the array or prompt you to enter your own rates. my structure with the public and private sections are out of place. i need help streamlining this and …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for meff_04

:rolleyes: right, im goin 2 sound like a right dunce now but here goes... what exactly is Visual C++? i've found things about it, but nothing which is easy to understand. any help would be appreciated

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for ze_viru$

i wrote it in c++,so it just giving me the matrix. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int account; do { float startBalance, endBalance, allowed, credits, charges; cout << "Enter account number: "; cin >> account; cout << "Enter beginning balance: "; cin >> credits; cout << "Enter total …

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for gerizzel

i Need 2 design a program that will be able to read the two files of an EWAY Checkpoint (toll for moterway) and customer database, that will be able to produce a statement for each customer who has non-zero balance. and includes: Headings of the statement Customer information: customer’s name, …

Member Avatar for gerizzel
Member Avatar for Lost Chyld

I'm working on a program with menus, but I don't know how to clear the screen before displaying the next menu.

Member Avatar for wildrider30
Member Avatar for mustardman

Hi there I am atempting to build a grammer checker which uses chomskys theories in sentence structure. I was wondering whether anybody had tried something similar and could offer any advice. Thanks:p

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for ssodangi

Hi everyone, I think this is a newbie question but that's exactly what I'm in C++ and programming generally. I undrsatand that tools such as pseudocode, flowcharts and hierarchy charts are planning tools that are useful in the process of identifying exactly what steps to take to solve a programming …

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for prabhu_kar
Member Avatar for prabhu_kar
Member Avatar for Caps

I'm working on an aim profiler program in C++ using VC6, and I'm trying to take the last login name for AIM from the registry and store it in a variable. I'm not that experienced with the Win32 Api, but I'm trying. Here's my code: (I took it off a …

Member Avatar for ElectroBoy

I am struggling with creating a function that is void. I can write the code inline without a function as follows : #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { string answer; answer = "Yes"; while ( answer[0] == 'Y' || answer[0] == 'y' …

Member Avatar for ElectroBoy
Member Avatar for FireNet

I am currently developing a Snake game with multiplayer support(Not Network based) with unlimited no of players(ok limited by the keys and RAM and processor speed but not restricted). I developed a nice concept of key maps to load all controller information into memory and handle it there.This works just …

Member Avatar for FireNet
Member Avatar for liliafan

Hi I am needing to store some data for a project I am working on, I am trying to figure out the fastest method to access the stored data, the data takes the form: keyword (std::string) - list of ints ie: yellow - 2342 2312 8478 3827 9773 4837 2893 …

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for camelNotation

Hi.I'm posting a little part of my code here and the errors... #include <iostream.h> intintboolfalsetrue enum CHOICE { DrawRect = 1 ,GetArea,GetPerim,ChangeDimensions,Quit}; // rectangle class declaration class Rectangle --------------------Configuration: Week1inReview - Win32 Debug-------------------- Compiling... review.cpp D:\Adobe\Vc++6projects\Week1inReview\review.cpp(5) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'enum [tag]' D:\Adobe\Vc++6projects\Week1inReview\review.cpp(5) : error …

Member Avatar for meabed
Member Avatar for BountyX

What is the windows API? -API (application programming interface) are (in this case) messages passed between a program and the Operating System. What can API do for your C/C++ coding on windows? -API can be used to make graphical programs and extend communication between your program and the operating system. …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for AmericanD

I have a function that does intermediate calculations to a greatest common divisor deal. and here is how its implemented iteratively (see exteuc() function) . i tried to implement it recursively too, (see exteuc2() function) . feel free to look at it and give me suggestions if i can improve …

Member Avatar for zhangshi

Hi, I have a question about the RTTI library typeinfo. I used typeinfo to qurry the type of an int as in the following, ... #include <typeinfo> .... int i; cout << typeid.name(); ... This is suppose to produce int as output but instead I got i, the name of …

Member Avatar for BlackDice
Member Avatar for bil

I have got your site of interest and useful. Iam a student and besides learning programing in class, i take time to teach myself C++ from the internet. i have this exercise in which i got stuck and wish to solicit for help, do you offer help on such? if …

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

Guys, I am a newcomer in programming. Just beginning to learn C. Now my university text book is A Book On C- by Al kelley and Ira Pohl But i heard that C primer plus-by stephen prata is also a good one. I also heard that Expert C programming and …

Member Avatar for scisoft
Member Avatar for liliafan

Hi I am trying to figure out how to do something for a program I am writing I am fairly new to C++ I have only been using it for about 3 months. Basically I want to launch a pthread which is easy enough but from within that thread I …

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

I want to know how to get started to make a program in C++. I have read up on the material and I just don't know where to go from there. i would like the program to work on a windows platform.

Member Avatar for liliafan
Member Avatar for keir.whitlock

hi i have a win32 c program. in it there are a few buttons and i am trying to get the program to display a differnet bitmap, for each button. Now i have managed to change the bitmap with this case ID_STUFF_SMALLKEY: image = LoadBitmap(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SMALL)); if(image == NULL) MessageBox(hwnd, …

Member Avatar for keir.whitlock
Member Avatar for abort

I need to connect C++ to a IRC Server, There are various sources around but there all big irc clients so i dont really understand it all.. Does anyone know of a tutorial for this? or could somebody give a working example, Any help would be greatly appreaciated, thanks.

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for anuhnm

Define a class to represent Circle with 3 private data member which are Radius, XP & YP. To include a complete set of the foll. funnctions ie. accessor, constructor & member to input a circle, to get the location & radius of circle, to move a circle and resize a …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for frosticex

I'm a novice programmer, I'm writing a program called GPA that reads characters and numbers from a file. The numbers from the file are the amount of credits for a course, the characters on the program represent the grade for the course. I'm supposed to find the amount of credit …

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The End.