98 Topics

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Member Avatar for manowar666

Hi, I am building my first VB2008 application and I am trying to figure out a way to make some check boxes being checked when an entry from a combo box is selected on top of these check boxes. More specific, I am trying to describe the services offered in …

Member Avatar for manowar666
Member Avatar for tyrium

Hi, What i want is to have a checkbox area where the items i select are stored in a array. Im guessing there should be a some code to find out what has been checked. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. [CODE]echo '<form action="myown3.php" method="post" name="domaintest" action="_self">'; echo …

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Member Avatar for xxunknown321

My assignment: Create a class with a method that accept a charge account number as its argument. The method should determine whether the number is valid by comparing it to the following list of valid charge account numbers: 5658845 4520125 7895122 8777541 8451277 1302850 8080152 4562555 5552012 5050552 7825877 1250255 …

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Member Avatar for druveen

how to assign database values to checkboxes from the following code i am geting only one value through post <form method="POST"> <?php $j=0; while ($value1 = mysql_fetch_row($value)) { ?> <table> <tr> <td> <input type='checkbox' name='expert' value=' <?php echo $value1[1]; ?>' > <?php echo $value1[1]; ?> </td> <td> <input type='checkbox' name='intrest' …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for R3Slick

Ok so I have been working on this all day but cant get it. I want to add an Employee ID to an Employee Table....I got this much...But first I need to check if that ID exists already. How can I do this, here is my code: [CODE]<?php session_start(); require_once …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for kool.net

hi, pls. tell me how to select value from a check box, & from a list box or combo box. actually i m new to c# , so sorry for this stupid question but i need your help. Thanx in advance. Happy Diwali Regards ~ Dimple

Member Avatar for avirag
Member Avatar for yorro

I have created a very long code on my app for checking if a record exist then insert. Is it possible for a single SQLString to check if records exist then update or insert? Sorta like [CODE] IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT column1 FROM table WHERE column1 = [COLOR="Red"]'sample1'[/COLOR]) THEN (INSERT …

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Member Avatar for MillStrike

Hi! I'm going crazy about this problem. Here's the setup: On my mainform I have a menustrip from where I can open a new form (form2) with different controls like checkboxes etc. After I've modified these controls I close or hide that form and continue using the mainform. Now here's …

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The End.