204 Topics

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Member Avatar for NH1

I need a way to put a dataGrid inside a comboBox. The only way i could figure out how to do it is "using data bound items". The problem with that is that it only shows one column in the dataGrid. I need to be able to set it so …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for kramerd

I have a complex UI with little screen real estate, so I'm trying to allow users to manage contents of a combo box using a right-click context menu. But I'm having trouble getting the combo box's drop down list to appear at the same time as the pop-up menu. I've …

Member Avatar for fire_

Hello. Can someone tell me how can i add string to combo box? i tried [CODE]GetDlgItem(IDC_COMBO1)->Items->Add("Text"); [/CODE] but it didn't worked. and everything that i could find on google didn't helped :( so i'm asking you pros ;)

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ehrendreich

I am working on validating a combo box. This does have a list of possible values but also allows for editing. So for example if the user does not select one of the available cities in the list they can type it in. I have tried using the validation event …

Member Avatar for ehrendreich
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello mates I've got a database with tables for Job Department and Job position. Every Positions has a respective Department assigned by the id. So, when the user selects a Department, the program deploys into the combobox the values of the Positions assigned to that department. The thing is, the …

Member Avatar for muriloazevedo

I have a comboBox that I need to fill using data from Access database. For this, I get a DataTable with resultset from database, transform this resultset in a List<T> to sort by number and fill the Rows with this List. The problem is, after selected some value, I can't …

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Member Avatar for TommyRay

Hi all, I didn't think this would be a problem, but it appears that others also search for this solution. [B]There is an annoying DING! when hitting the Enter key in a ComboBox in VB.Net[/B] so I sought solutions. Here is the solution I am working with. I created a …

Member Avatar for TommyRay
Member Avatar for Kindson

I have a dropdownlistbox in a webform. When the page loads, it displays the initial text, that is ok. When selection is made, it works ok. But when i tried using the text property ie msgbox(cbomodel.text), what shows in the previous text. The newly selected item is never recognized. Is …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Okay so I have a datagrid view I am trying to build (here is the code so far) [CODE] public partial class employeeAlterForm4 : Form { static readInFileDel2 readInFileCall = new readInFileDel2(readInFileClass2.readInFile2); static Employee [] employeeTempArray; ToolTip tooltip1 = new ToolTip(); Panel panel1 = new Panel(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public employeeAlterForm4() { …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for krishnisilva

hi there, in my project i have a combo box with some values in it at runtime the user can write on that combo box,ho do i avoid this and let the user select only a value from the combo box. can some one help me with this, thanx

Member Avatar for krishnisilva
Member Avatar for Bold Eagle

I have two comboboxes the first one is for order #, the second one is for the amount of order payments, there could be 1, 2, 3... payments for this order. I would like to get all payments to show in the second combobox that relate to the order # …

Member Avatar for Bold Eagle
Member Avatar for rexyrexin

I am working in windows forms in c#. I have at table in sql server which has a column named AssignedTo. This column is of varchar type and contains more than one value separated by commas. When showing in datagrid, the values are shown easily in a cell. But as …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for OsheRono

Hello everyone, Now this is my first time posting a question, if I do end up making it too general please let me know. OK, now, I am in the process of programming a small program capable of accessing a sql database. That is no problem. Now, I have decided …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for dirnthelord

Here is the thing. This code segment is supposed to add the Subject Codes for Student each time I change the Student ID from [I]jcmbDIT [/I]combo box. Initialization works well. and after I handled [I]NullPointerException[/I] subject codes are loaded into the [I]jcmbSubCode[/I] combo box correctly. [CODE]private void jcmbDITActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { …

Member Avatar for okahontas

Hi php masters.. i manage to use an ajax combobox to shows bus fares and destination on my site and it works great in xampp.. problem start when i tried to upload the site to my host server (linux).. the combobox contains 4 .php scripts and 1 .js script there …

Member Avatar for Sailor_Jerry

I have a dataGridView with 4 columns. 3 of the columns i want to use a combobox. In the datagridview properties from the design view i already set the columns to DataGridViewComboBoxColumns. how do i from the code set the columns values from a dataset? I can get the data …

Member Avatar for Sailor_Jerry
Member Avatar for wild_angel

Hi All! I have a table that there is a combo box inside the table. For example, the combo box consist of item codes. And then, whenever user choose item from combo box, the next column inside the table will show name of the item. Here is my example coding: …

Member Avatar for wild_angel
Member Avatar for jorgelex008

Hi all, I'm new to Java and going through a steep learning curve. Every now and then I'm getting dead stuck, so your help is immensely appreciated. So, here's the problem: (with Java NetBeans IDE) I have a JFrame form, and in it 4 JComboBox'es. Also a JButton titled "Enter". …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for JAM1011

Hey everyone. I am having problems trying to figure out how the user can select the times they want to start work at, the time they want to have from lunch and finally the time they would like to finish. I then would calculate the number of actual working hours. …

Member Avatar for JAM1011
Member Avatar for sadiyadhansay

hello, i m fresher in php. i m having problem getting following display in "multi level combo box" 1. 1.a 1.a.1 1.a.1.1 1.a.1.2 1.a.1.3 1.b can you please help me how it can be done ? thanks sadiya

Member Avatar for sadiyadhansay
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Hi all, For a combobox I was trying to imitate the behaviour of this code example:[url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.listcontrol.valuemember.aspx[/url] So I have this class: [CODE=c#]class Planet { private string myName; private double myGravitationalAcceleration; public Planet(string strName, double Acceleration) { this.myName = strName; this.myGravitationalAcceleration = Acceleration; } public string Name { get { return …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to pass parameters across JSP pages without using links. For some reason, I can only get null across... Here is my code: Page 1 [CODE] <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Test Page</title> </head> <body> <form name="testForm" action="Test.jsp"> <select name='tableSelect' onChange='testForm.submit();' style="text-align:center"> <option …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for garcon1986

Hello Everyone. I want to make query with php combo box items. When the user click on the items of combo box, the following table will generate correspondent data. Now i can display data in one table, but i don't know how to use it with combo box. Does there …

Member Avatar for garcon1986
Member Avatar for phoenix911

hey hey... just want to know, if theres some kind of way to prohibit the user from entering data into a combobox... i dont want to use a list box... to must space taken, and no point in disabling it... as then i cant select an item... please help thanx …

Member Avatar for pilipino93

The End.