123 Topics

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Member Avatar for king03

Hi there guys I need your help so badly as I can't finish my program. The instructions are: create a console application that instantiates a class with a method that takes in a string of values converts upper case to lower case and vice versa. The method also returns the …

Member Avatar for duke_swh
Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for baby_c

Hey friends.Need a help from you again. I'm trying to study about streams and I wrote small code for get input from command line and print it in the screen,but It prints weird characters like Japanese :O . Can anyone explain what I did wrong... [CODE] import java.io.*; public class …

Member Avatar for baby_c
Member Avatar for rayden150

If anyone could help this humble learner I would deeply appreciate it, Im trying to put this whole function, the couts in the middle but gotoxy() on a console application doesnt seem to work, im on windows vista and using codeblocks the latest version, Maybe I have a library wrong …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for scrivomcdivo

Hey folks. I currently have the below code:- [CODE] int double weeksInYear = 52; int double num; while (num <= weeksInYear) Console.WriteLine("Week " + num); num += 2; [/CODE] Now when my code runs, it produces approximately 26 lines of text as below:- Week 1 Week 3 Week 5 etc..... …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer

Well, it bothers me to build menus for every shell application that needs one. So, I've written a module to handle that, like in the good old turbo pascal times. :) Here it is, the module comments are pretty explainatory, I think, and the sample usage if run as script …

Member Avatar for Beat_Slayer
Member Avatar for UltimateKnight

Hey all. When you have the whole program running, and is executed it's running at the black console window. How are the programs made so that they run with GUI interface and stuff like that? Are they exported differently and where are the images and things put together ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for ichigo_cool
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

I am doing a personal project to get to know C a little better: Some essential information - I have a usb printer - I am using Windows 7 OS..suggest better Os..haha..not NT or ms-dos ;) - I am using Visual C++ 2008 Express edition..coding strictly in C however(You can …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jlivvers

Hi I have a c# console app that calls some access 2007 queries. One of these queries throws an error "Undefined function 'MonthName' in expression". I understand that some functions that are available in VBA cant be called from c# and if i comment out the 'monthname' function the call …

Member Avatar for jlivvers
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

Hi, I'm very new to Java (started today, though I have 1.5 years in c++) and I've now read a little bit about Java, the thing that I can't find is how to take user input from the keyboard through a console window... How can you go about do that? …

Member Avatar for sourabh17
Member Avatar for echocoder

I am using the following string and Java code to create a user on a Linux box via Java. [CODE=java] ... String x = "/usr/sbin/useradd -g users -s /bin/bash -c 'FIRST M LAST, STERK,DIV-DIS-OFF,123-456-2913' -p 2342asdfa231rcawef09 -d /home/flast -m flast"; RunCommand(x); ... [/CODE] However, upon execution it spins a list …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Razzo1

Well I am coding a small intermediate program to help me with learning c++ , and i am wondering how to check for blank input to cin >> string heres what i have [CODE]string name; cout << "Enter You're Name: "; getline(cin, name); [/CODE] and if i just hit enter …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I have decided to make a timer program on my computer to limit the amount of time that I game. Anyways, I have it working fine with a small borderless window in the top left of the screen that ticks down and when it gets to 0 it sounds …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for spoonlicker

I'm having real complex problems with Windows API and a console application. The issue is that I can't have both windows active at the same time. I tried to include both headers, did both required tasks but only one of the windows opens. Here is the completed code: [code]#include <windows.h> …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for maac2002

Hi, I'm novice by complete to webservices et al. I've created successfully a webservice and referenced it in a console application. By simplification let assume that the webservice contains a webmethod, the 'classic' CelsiusToFarenheit (string Celsius). Once referenced i can see my new namespace ServiceReference1 with the following classes inside: …

Member Avatar for maac2002
Member Avatar for JordanHam

I am just having trouble with the beginning stages here. I am just very confused on different syntax terms. I have a book here "Microsoft Visual C++.net" with all the installation and whatnot with it. It doesnt use the normal cin and cout but used Console::WriteLine and what not. Is …

Member Avatar for JordanHam
Member Avatar for livinFuture

I am currently writing a program that can calculate the number of total seconds in a user given number of hours, minutes, and seconds (in that order in hh:mm:ss format hh, mm, and ss being any number from 0-99). I'm not really worried for checking for errors in user input, …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for electrox73

Ok, I have no idea how to make this becuase I need to be able to update the Name & Password database for the Web or somewhere else. Regards

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1
Member Avatar for Levo

I'm developing a C# application and I need to start an external console program to perform some tasks (extract files). What I need to do is to redirect the output of the console program. Code like [URL="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/415620/redirect-console-output-to-textbox-in-separate-program-c"]this one[/URL] does not work, because it raises events only when a new line …

Member Avatar for SoulReaper1680

Hey, I was trying to make a program which displays two chars A and B on the screen. Using the WASD keys, it lets you move the A char around and using the arrow keys it lets you move the B char around. I wrote the following: [CODE]Module Module1 Dim …

Member Avatar for SoulReaper1680
Member Avatar for weasel7711

The small business which I work for uses Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008. Using SBS Console I can navigate to the Users and Groups tab and then to the individual user. When I click on a user's properties and then click on the Computers tab I can see access …

Member Avatar for weasel7711
Member Avatar for helpfullProgram

Hello everybody! This is an amazing place you have built up here and I have never ceased to be amazed by the knowledge available... I have just one question which might seem quite easy to the right person so here goes. I am working with the console in C++ so …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for Sinaru

You can use the following class to align text such as paragraphs to be centered, right, or left on a console. Also it supports some more methods. I have written this so it will be helpful for some and also for me. I'm not that pro so have wasted a …

Member Avatar for Sinaru
Member Avatar for dsul

I'd like to have a windows forms application execute a command line instruction similar in structure to the following: ProcessText file1 file2 where ProcessText is a working console tool for automated text processing, file1 is the text I need processed, and file2 is the created text output. From the command …

Member Avatar for PsychoCoder
Member Avatar for BLY

Hi all, I'm trying to create a method Load that will call a stored procedure,the source code has some problems,really need some guidance still new in C# Ok here's the code now with some minor adjustments rather than just getting one data,i'm planning on retrieving all the parameter just by …

Member Avatar for BLY
Member Avatar for Panarchy

Hello! I've been learning how to code C++, but entirely Console apps! Can you tell me how I can convert Console apps into GUI apps? [Only using libraries built into Dev-C++ {yes, I know it's a pain!}] Thanks in advance, Panarchy

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for H. B. Duran

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16431[/ATTACH]Blitz Arcade, the downloadable division of Blitz Games Studios found themselves a World Record holder today, despite having accomplished this feat last year. With the creation of[I] Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Toa[/I] in 2009, Blitz now holds the Guiness World Record for the very first stereoscopic 3D console …

Member Avatar for wade2462

Okay heres my problem, the fastforward and its opposite don't work correctly. I want the user to be able to enter X seconds to ff or go back, but since its a COM and it doesn't provide this function (I think its meant for WPF or WF where you just …

Member Avatar for tanor
Member Avatar for theguy126

I tried renaming my .py file to .pyw. But compiling with py2exe does not make a difference. I tried using root.withdraw() but all it does is freeze the application, prevent the initial canvas from popping up, and fail to remove the command prompt window anyways. Does anyone have a solution? …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for leiger

This is code I've taken from another website, and adapted to work with the JFileChooser. I got it working so that someone could select a java file with the chooser, and I'd send a "java -jar FILENAME" to the console and the app would launch. However as soon as I …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis

The End.