23 Topics

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Member Avatar for Emily Banks

When participants of a recent study were asked to share sensitive information on two different online surveys -- one designed to look unprofessional and the other backed by a major university -- the participants were more likely to share private information on the unprofessional-looking site.[ATTACH]16892[/ATTACH]Researchers from Carnegie Mellon released yesterday …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for marc.punzirudu

ok, im working on an assignment implementing a circular queue (fixed size 15), shared memory, normal producer consumer problem, using three semaphores (one for the queue and one for each process). The objective is to have the producer put the characters from mytest.dat (max 150 chars) into a circular queue, …

Member Avatar for marc.punzirudu
Member Avatar for crownedzero

Still playing with multi-threading and Prod-Con, at this point I've been at this for days. Would love some help debugging; thanks in advance. http://pastebin.com/jhHB9kTY - Main http://pastebin.com/BZSspf3x - Consumer http://pastebin.com/ndzAADJz - Producer http://pastebin.com/p7YdzH1D - Product http://pastebin.com/rxs3WzDT - Message http://pastebin.com/JR5ywgz1 - Utiliy 2 Producers, 4 Consumers Essentially Producers push a message …

Member Avatar for crownedzero
Member Avatar for CPT

i've just started learning the C# language and this is my first program to use threads. I don't understand why the consumer thread doesn't get called( only after the producer has stopped)and when it gets called it doesn't consume anything, also I've noticed that the majority of produced elements are …

Member Avatar for happygeek

On the 11th September a customer of the [URL="http://www.pcworld.co.uk"]PC World[/URL] computer superstore in Colliers Wood, London took his laptop back for an under warranty repair. The computer was only a few months old, and a crack had appeared near the left hinge which is indicative of an internal joint failing. …

Member Avatar for dews
Member Avatar for vavazoom

I'm working on a project that utilizes producers and consumers for an operating systems class. Each producer and each consumer will be its own thread. The producers will generate records that will be stored in a global buffer, in which the consumer will then access to use the data. I …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

When you are dealing with a populations as large as China's, even when you take into consideration that three quarters of the population doesn't have internet access, you are still talking about a very large number of those who do. So it's no surprise that Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! want …

Member Avatar for ChinaWebGuy
Member Avatar for Ajantis

Hey there good folks! :) I am working on a thread task called, Lab Alarm, and I am nearly done with it. We're suppoosed to work with the "producer-consumer" problem and It's just teacher code that one is supposed to modify and add some own to it. Now, I am …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for happygeek

When a complaining consumer starts topping the Google search rankings for your company, perhaps it is time to start taking them seriously? Who says that blogging is a waste of time? Not me, but then I've been blogging for a while now, admittedly in a professional capacity as a technology …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Speaking about consumer search [URL="http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2009/06/18/ballmer-we-should-have-built-search-sooner/"]last week[/URL], Steve Ballmer said he now regrets that Microsoft quote "didn't start earlier" unquote. But it seems to me that Microsoft has been all in for a long time and they just haven't been very successful at consumer search. It wasn't so much they gave …

Member Avatar for handydan918
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Two pieces of dispiriting information on the economy hit the big wire services today: The Associated Press -- The economy contracted at a staggering 6.2 percent pace at the end of 2008, the worst showing in a quarter-century, as consumers and businesses ratcheted back spending, plunging the country deeper into …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Historically, here in the UK at least, the electronic and gadget online marketplace has ruled the roost when it comes to consumer spending. However, according to one new survey, now it is milk and bread that are selling the most. Statistics from the largest discount voucher code website in the …

Member Avatar for vikasbe2001
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Today's stock dive - over 700 points - is being linked directly to this month's retail sales number, which fell 1.2% for September. That's twice as much as analysts had expected. Retail sales are of particular interest to the technology sector, which counts heavily on consumer spending to buy its …

Member Avatar for Frugal1
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to reports the most serious forthcoming threats to IT security will be revealed during the Gartner Security Summit in Washington this coming week, and it looms like the consumerization of IT will be right there front of stage. Something that Gartner research fellow, John Pascatore, describes as the Gen …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Anybody reading this blog knows that the media has been adamant about the U.S. economy tanking into recession, with reporters putting their notebooks and tape recorders down and waving pom-pom's in support of economic strife for millions of Americans. Why? Once again, who knows? Probably because it's a compelling story …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Even as U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson reassured us on Friday that the economy "would not go into recession" in 2008", some people, especially consumers, aren't buying it. This is exactly what I'm talking about when I vent over the power of perception and the media's glee in talking down …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Let's all take a breather at the end of another topsy-turvy week on Wall Street, where things have calmed down as of mid-morning on Friday (the Dow Jones Industrial Average is off a mere four points at 11:30 AM EST, and is actually up for the week . . . …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

There's an old saying in marketing that the consumer always gets what he or she wants. That's likely never been more true than with today's cell phones, where users are clamoring for more than just songs downloads, video, GPS, systems, and, increasingly, voice mail technologies. Voice mail? Did he just …

Member Avatar for sidfilmz
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Yesterday we looked at the 2008 technology spending market from the small business side. To be charitable, things look "iffy" for IT spending -- at least during the first six months of the year. Now it appears that, from the technology side of the market, 2008 could be a mixed …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I've been focusing on consumer electronics a great deal in the past few months; partly because that's where so much of the action is and partly because American consumers have ignored the economic naysayers and have continued to shop and buy cell phones, PDA's, HD televisions, and satellite radios, among …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Corporate marketers are paid to think five years ahead of the curve. Like hockey great Wayne Gretzky, who once said that he didn't skate to to where the puck is, but "where it would be", today's marketers have to know where the consumer marketplace is going, not where it is …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Toulinwoek

I'm going to proceed from the assumption that those of you who are reading this article are at least somewhat technically savvy. I was going to further assume that none of you (or at least very few) have ever been victimized by spyware or a virus, but that stretches reality …

Member Avatar for Catweazle

Hardware development is starting to throw up new technologies to us as the arrival of Windows Vista draws closer. The next ‘shake-up’ is in the area of integrated graphics. High definition media content is the spur, and current solutions simply don’t handle it. Only a small number of high end, …


The End.