15 Topics

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Member Avatar for tunir

I am having windows xp with 2gb ram and 250gb hard disk. every time i run my computer ,after working for 0.30-1hr ,the blue screen appears.it also happens if i open multiple apps at a time on my pc. here is the link with the ss of the blue screen …

Member Avatar for zhuliya
Member Avatar for slfisher

The issue of death and how to deal with it has already come to social media, with a number of social media sites having [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/post978070.html"]policies [/URL]on how to deal with dead members, notifying the dead person's friends, allowing people to memorialize the dead, and so on. But a new problem …

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Member Avatar for richardchrist

I have a dell mini inspiron 1011 running windows xp OS. I have had this for roughly 11 months (has 30 days left on the warranty). I turned my computer on the other day only to be confronted with the black screen explaining that windows has encountered a problem....etc and …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for happygeek

It's not the first time that Johnny Depp has died according to the Internet, but this time he is not alone. According to an ongoing online campaign, celebrities including Beyonce, Bon Jovi, Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz and David Beckham have all been killed in tragic circumstances. Perhaps surprisingly [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/thread306364.html"]Lady Gaga …

Member Avatar for 04ayasin

Hi, I have Windows 7 Professional 64 bit edition. After booting up and logging in I sometimes get BSoD. then the system reboots and I can log in normally. It doesn't happen too often, but it does occur often enough for me to notice there's a problem. Windows asks to …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to [URL="http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/2010/06/100615_face_book_update.shtml"]the BBC[/URL], although you'll need to understand Urdu to read it (here is [URL="http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/2010/06/100615_face_book_update.shtml&sl=ur&tl=en"]a rough translation using Google[/URL] for your convenience if you don't), Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg stands accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a Pakistani court filing under something known as 'Messenger Law' …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The [URL="http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/10/ad-industry-bans-targeting-people-with-cancer-ads-to-dead-people-allowed/"]New York Times[/URL] is running a really funny story, but with serious implications, at the moment. It concerns how the online advertising targets particular groups of people using site tracking technology. Apparently, if you have AIDS, cancer or suffer from an erectile dysfunction then your movements will not be …

Member Avatar for vivek010
Member Avatar for newsguy

Many a gadget freak has claimed 'I would kill for an iPad' over the last few weeks, but as the world officially goes iPad crazy ask your self this: would you die for an iPad? That's the rather serious question being asked as the Chinese factory where the iPad is …

Member Avatar for remilt
Member Avatar for happygeek

The death of Guy Kewney early this morning is not only a huge loss to the world of IT journalism, but to the world itself. He deserves recognition as the first dedicated technology journalist, having started way back in the early 1970's, as well as devoted husband, father and a …

Member Avatar for WASDted
Member Avatar for realflow

HELP i installed 2 updates and my pc went CRAZY:icon_exclaim:WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG HELP MEEE!!i got a TOSHIBA satellite built in mic windows vista home premium!

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for happygeek

No sooner had the news of the untimely [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/06/28/that-michael-jackson-effect/"]death of Michael Jackson[/URL] hit the Internet than the vultures started circling. For once it was not the gossip columnists and tabloid journalists digging up the dirt, but rather spammers and hackers looking to exploit a golden opportunity to distribute their wares …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

In the past few months, I have seen a number of online community or social communication communities built specifically to communicate messages after death. Some of these sites have very strong presense in the UK. Imagine a Facebook for the dead. Would you join such a community or pre-make messages …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for happygeek

Bob Monkhouse was once best known for hosting Celebrity Squares and Family Fortunes on British television. Then in 2003 he died at the age of 75 and all went quiet. Until now, when it would appear that Bob is back from beyond the grave and posting jokes to Twitter. It …

Member Avatar for newsguy

New laws have just come into force in the UK which apply to motorists who cause death as a result of careless driving. The Road Safety Act 2006 has been changed to incorporate distractions such as changing the radio station, applying make-up or eating a sandwich while behind the wheel. …

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The End.