Delta Launches Facebook App for Purchasing Tickets Digital Media Digital Marketing by Emily Banks …, chat with book flights on Facebook. Delta Airlines added an application to its [URL="http…to the [URL=""]Atlanta Journal-Constitution…Trip" tab. According to the AJC, Delta also redesigned and will be introducing an iPhone check-… Re: Delta Launches Facebook App for Purchasing Tickets Digital Media Digital Marketing by LastMitch >“Unlocking the full power of social media and mobile apps is the next step for Delta,” Kupbens told the AJC. I guess **Delta** is really benefiting the **social media** and **mobile apps**: Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 …for zero order term. */ class delta : public AbstractFunction<double, double> { public: MEMORY_MANAGED(delta); delta() : AbstractFunction<double, double>…; {}; /** \brief * Constructor. */ delta(double eps_): eps(eps_) {}; /**… Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 …Needed for zero order term. */ class delta : public AbstractFunction<double, double> { public: MEMORY_MANAGED(delta); delta() : AbstractFunction<double, double> …{}; /** \brief * Constructor. */ delta(double eps_): eps(eps_) {}; /** \… Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by VernonDozier …;592866]Hii everyone !! Can anyone creat class delta.h for me ! Its about dirac delta function ( for 2d) . a simple one. Looking…, you can at least tell us what a "dirac delta" function is so we don't have to research… Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by diafol …caught this on [url][/url] [QUOTE]&…though there's a contract between the US Government and Delta Airlines." A military spokeswoman says the troops will …out of proportion by what may be a misunderstanding? Were Delta told "We'll pay for 3 bags" … dirac delta function Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 Hii everyone !! Can anyone creat class delta.h for me ! Its about dirac delta function ( for 2d) . a simple one. Looking urgently. Regards, Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … about what exactly you want. If you are using Dirac Delta functions on a supercomputer, you obviously are not a freshman… know absolutely no C++, don't start with a Dirac Delta function, start with "Hello World". Like hammerhead said… Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 … about what exactly you want. If you are using Dirac Delta functions on a supercomputer, you obviously are not a freshman… know absolutely no C++, don't start with a Dirac Delta function, start with "Hello World". Like hammerhead said… Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ancient Dragon [URL=""]This article from SodaHead[/URL] made me mad as hell. Delta airlines should be ashamed of itself for the outrageous act against returning service members. Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by VernonDozier … a communication error on the part of the Military or Delta or both. Who ever was responsible for telling them they… to pay. The public outrage will be too high. Either Delta, Uncle Same, or both will pick up the tab. Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 I do not know much c++, I am learning and I am urgently need this delta.h files Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 … u the link where u can find alot about dirac delta function [URL=""… Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jingda This is absurd. Delta airlines should be brought to court and settle the matter. … Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Agilemind That is a communication error on the part of the Military or Delta or both. Who ever was responsible for telling them they could check 4 bags free should be picking up the tab. Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jon.kiparsky … rest of their natural - or foreshortened - lives. Yeah - shame on Delta. That's right. Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jingda Lol. After so much of reading, you have a conclusion. Shame on delta.:D MSI K7N2 Delta problem - Memory Detection Test - won't boot up, just beeps Hardware and Software Hardware by mediumburn … can offer some insight. The motherboard is an MSI K7N2 Delta, and the D-Bracket 2 was installed so I get… Another MSI K7N2 Delta problem - Memory Detection Test error with good RAM Hardware and Software Hardware by Eptin Hello, I have a barebones PC with an MSI K7N2 Delta motherboard that won't start up. It will not display … Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by hammerhead Why cant you do it yourself? Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by hammerhead No one here is going to code anything for you. You are better off with learning C++ and start coding on your own. The worst part of all this is that you expect people to do all the research and then code for you. I can only give you two suggestions 1. Switch to Matlab, such functions are predefined there. 2. Use [url="http://mathworld.… Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 [QUOTE=hammerhead;592956]No one here is going to code anything for you. You are better off with learning C++ and start coding on your own. The worst part of all this is that you expect people to do all the research and then code for you. I can only give you two suggestions 1. Switch to Matlab, such functions are predefined there. 2. Use [url=&… Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 i found code but m not able to decode. m sending the link were its defined. [URL=""][/URL] Re: dirac delta function Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 Thanks Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by WaltP I think it's criminal to charge for luggage at all. Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jingda Agreed with WaltP above. Maybe hell won't even accept them when they die.:D Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vegaseat There are people that blame the sun for their beach sunburn. Re: Shame on Delta Airlines, May they Rot in Hell Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting [QUOTE=VernonDozier;1580991] The article is a little bare on the specifics and it's unclear to me whether the weapons were in the bag or just the case, but if we have a bunch of guys travelling with guns on a civilian flight landing in a civilian airport and then their bags being handled by civilian baggage handlers, off-duty soldiers or not, that… Re: MSI K7N2 Delta problem - Memory Detection Test - won't boot up, just beeps Hardware and Software Hardware by Catweazle Switch off the PC before you open it up. (At the mains power, not just Windows shutdown or the power button. Try one RAM module in slot 1. Reset CMOS (instructions in your motherboard manual) Boot up and see if it starts. If not, repeat the procedure using the other module. Make sure both times that the module is firmly and completely … Re: MSI K7N2 Delta problem - Memory Detection Test - won't boot up, just beeps Hardware and Software Hardware by mediumburn Hey, thanks. I haven't had a chance to try this yet, and forgive me if this is a silly question, but what does resetting the CMOS do? Will it have any effect on the contents of my hard drive?