461 Topics

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Member Avatar for kdgeiger

I have completed my applet code and it compiles fine - when I try to open it in explorer I get my welcome message but the applet does not fully open - all I get is the little box with the red X in top left corner. Help! Here is …

Member Avatar for kdgeiger
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hello all, I have spent a good few days looking over daniweb trying to get the right answer, But I am yet to find what I am looking for. I have successfully upload my image to a folder store and named my uploaded image. The path and file name is …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle

Hey, I've got a datagrid which depending on fields that the user fills in will display some data, code is : [code] Try queryList = LSet(queryList, Len(queryList) - 4) 'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'VbDataBaseDataSet.marketingDB' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Me.MarketingDBTableAdapter.Fill(Me.VbDataBaseDataSet.marketingDB) Dim …

Member Avatar for plastered

Hey Guys! I have recently run into trouble with the Display Adaptors on my PC. I currently use a HP Pavilion w5130in PC with the following configuration: [URL="http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00395266&cc=in&dlc=en&lc=en&jumpid=reg_R1002_INEN"]http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00395266&cc=in&dlc=en&lc=en&jumpid=reg_R1002_INEN[/URL] I have made the following changes to the system about two years ago: 1. Installed a 1*1 GB SD DDR RAM (Go …

Member Avatar for wolfeater017
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for keavon

Hi, I'm making a 404 page, and I want it to display the current URL, but I don't want it to be server side. I don't know much about any variables are anything, so it would be nice if a nice person could give me all of the needed code …

Member Avatar for keavon
Member Avatar for kellyA

I designed my webpage in PS and sliced, optimized and saved it as images and html. I imported it into dreamweaver CS4, aligned it in the center and so far it displayed correctly. Then I added a new div tag to create a new CSS style sheet where I changed …

Member Avatar for darc.mosch
Member Avatar for bgs_gowtha

iam using acer aspire 6930 16" laptop.... iam facing a problem with my laptop.. the display gets flickered often... i see the lines moving up and down and feel like the screen is shaking. most of the screen gets blue dots then. please help me to resolve this problem.

Member Avatar for mitchreef

I have a Presario 700 which went dead screen on us. The LED's come on and I can hear the fan and harddrive running. I connected an external monitor and still nothing. I did the full power down with no battery or AC and held the power button 15 seconds, …

Member Avatar for mitchreef
Member Avatar for baseballfury

Hi all, An issue i've never come across before. I've got a picture as a background which i declare in my css file. The div (wrapper) is 960px wide and 100px height, the image is to sit at the top left so no real placement needed. I then have another …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for jefferlyn92

create a method sumOfDigit(String str) compute and display the sum of the digits found in str Example: String str = "1234hello12678"; sumOfDigit(str) -> returns 34 ---need some codes guys! can you HELP me?!

Member Avatar for ANDIEniable
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... i am working on wordpress now. i have one doubt please clarify..actually in my blog there is confirmation form. if user sends after filling that form. i want to display that messages in admin side. how to do?

Member Avatar for J.M

Hi There, I have had a look on the internet but not really been able to find the correct thing i'm looking for very easily, or at least not very well/easily explained. I am trying to create a Search Form for my website which has 2 fields. 1) A Postcode …

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Member Avatar for embeddedravi

Creating embedded system based virtual Text Display. use 9V battery for supply video : [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVU-1ligVYU[/url] source here : [url]http://www.embeddedravi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12[/url]

Member Avatar for embeddedravi
Member Avatar for jhudson0219

I am currently using AppServ to display my PHP code. I am having a problem of the content of the body not displaying however. Here is the code that I am using: <html> <head> <title>My First PHP Page</title> </head> <body> <?php echo "Hello World!"; ?> </body> </html> When I try …

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Member Avatar for croker10

Hi, I am running Visual Studio 2008 with the latest service pack and updates. I opened up my window to start coding and can only see half of my code. The left half appears to be off the window on the left side, and the right half is on the …

Member Avatar for croker10
Member Avatar for nizuya

In an html form, I want a certain field to be invisible when "no" is checked and visible when "yes" is checked. This is my code: html: [code] <form action="pageName.html" method="post" name="formName"> Question? <input name="radioBool" type="radio" value="1" onchange="dispField('textInput');" />yes <input name="radioBool" type="radio" value="0" onchange="dispField('textInput');" />no <br /> <span id="textInput" style="display:none"> …

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Member Avatar for sallecpt

First of all, love the purple theme! If anyone could help me with this. I have read and tried numerous samples from other forums, but all is the same as what I have done. I am building a small classifieds site for my church. I wanted to display data in …

Member Avatar for sallecpt
Member Avatar for willyontour

I have an ACER Aspire 5100 laptop which came with Windows Vista AMD Turion 64 X2 and ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 graphics card. I had enough of Vista so I installed XP on the machine. Now, my VGA output doesnt seem to work. In my device driver there are no …

Member Avatar for willyontour
Member Avatar for Linlin

Hello! I have more or less zero knowledge about coding in PHP. The most I've done is includes, to help me maintaining my sites more efficiently. I hope I will not offend anyone with this question. Anyhow, towards my issue. I have one table containing several fields, with information such …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for ditesco_mori

alright, i know it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but i popped my old dell inspiron 1150 open to clean the dust out of the fan, and i didn't know that when i started that i should have gone in from the top through the keyboard and not from …

Member Avatar for ditesco_mori
Member Avatar for datapham

when i choose a row of dataGridView with the event Selectionchanged , how to display the record in textboxes ? Thanks.

Member Avatar for datapham
Member Avatar for rahul8590

i want the user to enter the name in the query and only after entering the name the next input text appears. Unfortunately it doesnt work the way i want it to. here is the code [code] <?php // formtest2.php $flag = 0; if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $name = $_POST['name']; $flag …

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Member Avatar for datasmurf

Hi, I will try and make this brief and to the point. My home built system (which has been running smoothly for 2 years now), has just recently experienced some major difficulties. I had been running Windows 7, and put the computer to "sleep." The screen went blank, but the …

Member Avatar for mechbas
Member Avatar for jakkee

hi, I am new to c# and I am working on an application which has a main menu with an open dialog which enables users to select picture files, when the user has selected the picture file I then want this to be displayed in a new form called picture_viewer. …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for Dragonator

Hello. First of all I'd like to say HI to everyone. I've recently joined this community and this is my first post. I have a class called Numerical Calculus where the assignments often require the input and representation in a GUI of various matrices. So I've been looking for ways …

Member Avatar for Dragonator
Member Avatar for Bubbleboy

I am really confused. I want to make a <p> tag hidden using javascript, and then, if i detect its running IE, i want to make it visible. I can't even make it hidden though. I have tried [CODE]<script type="text/javascript> document.warning.style[visibility] = 'hidden';[/CODE] i've tried [CODE]<script type="text/javascript> document.warning.style.visibility = 'hidden';[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Bubbleboy
Member Avatar for beckyzammi

Hey guys, i wrote a program in assembly for the 80C51 and it worked but now i have to write the same one for the PIC16F84A in assembly language, and it just wont work. Can someone figure out what mistakes i did? This program controls one 7-segment display to count …

Member Avatar for DENE@DANI
Member Avatar for bburow

I am working on my first build and I am getting no display when powered up. I have checked all connections, there is no power connector on the GPU, onboard graphics are not present on this board, and the cooling fan on the GPU works when I try to power …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I thought the answer to this question was pretty straightforward, to be honest, in that a netbook was smaller, cheaper and less powerful than a notebook. That was until this press release about a couple of new Toshiba models arrived in my inbox which kind of muddies the water somewhat. …


The End.