76 Topics

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Member Avatar for george61

Here is code for hexagonal and pentagonal numbers. I need type that stores something bigger than 10 billion. Double works fine to about 8.4 billion. Of course I tried using long long and unsigned long long but it's still not working. Please repair this code because it overflows now matter …

Member Avatar for iammirko
Member Avatar for oldezwe

-List of names in a database -names have double assigned to them, x -each name has random 10 digit double generated from 0 to x -the name with the highest number double is assigned to a variable -if two names generate the same double then the name with in the …

Member Avatar for Progr4mmer
Member Avatar for bensewards

Hey everyone, In my COMP 208 class, I was asked to do the following: "Redo Lab 2 Problem 2, only this time use vectors to hold the names and gpa’s instead of arrays. So you will work with 2 vectors, one holding the gpa’s (type double) and the other holding …

Member Avatar for user422
Member Avatar for frank731tr

Basically I need to writed a program that asks for a double and if the user inputs something keep going, but if the user just presses enter then the program should end. The problem is i can't get it to do anything after the person presses inter eg double value; …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for bensewards

The question is: A file contains a list of names in the form: Jones, Frederick M Brennan, Claire Your program should alphabetize the list. Use the C++ string class. Also, extract names from the input stream with getline(). What i know so far: main() should declare a char array and …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for imolorhe

I have a program that accepts multiple lines of strings for a variable and accepts another set of multiple strings for the next set of variables, and so on, each seperated by a free line i.e.\n\n How do I write such a program?

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for chippanfat

Hey guys, in my programming assignment I need to split the mantissa and exponent and add them to two separate variables. so £1.88 would be [CODE] double amount = 1.88; //then after the conversion mantissa = 1; exponent = 88; [/CODE] I've looked at this a lot over the web, …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for hiddepolen

Hi Daniweb! I couldnt find my problem anywhere else on this forum, so I decided to make my own thread... My problem: I'm trying to make a function to decide how many decimals a 'double' has. My code (slightly edited, here's the base of it): [CODE] // int m = …

Member Avatar for MattyRobot
Member Avatar for scoob

I have this assignemt to make a double link list for a student database. I have tried to make it in single link list so that i can understand the implementation. the problem is that i can't make it a double link list :S i am so confused! plz someone …

Member Avatar for scoob
Member Avatar for ohsevenfiveoh

hey guys,been browsing this site for a few weeks,but this is my first post. As you might guess by my problem I'm a C++ noob. I'm tryin to make a program in which the user inputs an array of double, I then use bubble sort to to get it into …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Feim

Hi all, I have this string "May 19, 2009 15:39:41.606809000" , i need to get the seconds into a double variable. My code is like this: [CODE]double sec; string seconds = str.substr(19,10); istringstream(seconds) >> sec; [/CODE] The thing is that seconds = 41.6068090 , but sec = 41.6068 Why doesn't …

Member Avatar for Feim
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi, I want to know to rows and columns of numbers from a text file. I do not want to read it as a string, but one number (including numbers with decimal) by itself. I tried using FileInputStream and DataInputStream, but I'm not really good at it. I don't know …

Member Avatar for tong1
Member Avatar for corby

Hey guys/gals for some reason in my main function my first while loop will not take in more than two values. any reasons why that wont happen? and just to be on the safe side, did I implement my remove function properly? [CODE]#ifndef SORTEDLIST_H #define SORTEDLIST_H #include<iostream> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for prvnkmr194
Member Avatar for peterman.k

Okay, so I have created and array of a maximum degree, which the user defines, and then inputs their own coefficients according to the size of the polynomial. For example, I ask for degree, they type 2, and then input 1,3 and 5 to create a polynomial: 1 + 3x …

Member Avatar for peterman.k
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi, I have a problem with my instance. I need to do a file read to extract all the numbers in the text file. However, when reading the file, I used String, and hence the file is read as a String. Later on I need to equate the output of …

Member Avatar for vasu d
Member Avatar for neoraghav

Hi, I'm new to pointers. i got some requirements...... Following is my requirement.........i want to use a double and triple pointer array [2D,3D] and in that double pointer i want to get data from the user.how can i achieve that using malloc and free for assigning and deallocating memory. im …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

The End.