263 Topics

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Member Avatar for rakwel10

Hello, I'm migrating a site from Joomla to wordpress. I hope you can help me with my problem.. Check this Image: [url]http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff429/rakwel10/samp1.jpg[/url] Focus on the navigation. I want to copy the navigation of the one on the right-side. sadly, my the current output is the one on the left-side. How …

Member Avatar for rakwel10
Member Avatar for 11349

Hi All, Hope your all well Im really new to the world of JSP & AJAX, my question is, I need to retrive names from a database and present them to a user on a JSP form, but I shouldnt show any database interaction on the client end, So as …

Member Avatar for bloodbender

Hello Daniweb, I'm trying to validate form fields with php via jQuery and everything is working great, except for one thing I can't figure out. I'll try my best to explain. Here's the jQuery: [code] $(document).ready(function(){ $("form#reservation").submit(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default submission of form }); $("input#continueReservation").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default …

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Member Avatar for jonsan32

How would I get started? This site is the perfect example: [url]http://applereviews.com/[/url] This site also has one: [url]http://energycell.co.uk/[/url] Could I just use their js and css and place it on my site? [CODE] <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://applereviews.com/wp-content/themes/apple-reviews/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <!-- jQuery --> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://applereviews.com/wp-content/themes/apple-reviews/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <!-- jQuery Functions --> <script …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid

Hi all, I'm new to web development and am experimenting with different things; one of which would be creating a visually appealing "drop-down" menu. I had a simple CSS selector setup before but I opted for a JavaScript solution instead, making the change for the greater flexibility which the approach …

Member Avatar for Thisisnotanid
Member Avatar for jonsan32

I want to list helpful instructions on my website for customers, specifically designed for them. I'd like for one of 16 images to appear below the 3 dropdown boxes, dependent on the values selected. The process can be instant or initiated with a submit button, but I'd like for the …

Member Avatar for Kevin Lee

Hi all. my code is below: [code] <script type="text/javascript"> function gu_gid() { var ggid = document.getElementById("gid"); if(ggid.value != "" && ggid.value != "select") { $().ready(function() { $("#autocomplete").autocomplete("test.jsp?gid=" + ggid.value, { max: 50, width: 300, matchContains: true, selectFirst: false }); }); } } </script> . . . <form action="#" autocomplete="on"> <div> …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for klemme

[B]I need to update one select box, depending on what has been chosen in an other select box. [/B] I know I need to use AJAX, but I havent used AJAX ever before, so I am a little lost on how to implement it. [B]This is the first select box:[/B] …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for attism

I want to create a dropdown menu in my main menu. It should look like this: [URL="http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/73ebcb47c3.jpg"]LINK to the photo[/URL] But I don't know how to get it work, that it should count the links (categories) inside the menu. If its more than 6, than it should put the 7th, …

Member Avatar for attism
Member Avatar for unoho

Hey guys, so im building this application using ASP.net (visual studio 2005) and i have few dropdown lists. the dropdown list has an arrow beside it. when u hover over it, it says "choose data source". i click on it but there seems like no option to connect to analysis …

Member Avatar for cfwebdeveloper
Member Avatar for aspkiddy

Hi, I have some difficulty with my 'select' In my select/menu, I display all the options come from a table (table_db_email) in my database In this table ([B]tb_code_prmtn11_email[/B]) I have two field : [B]fld_email_id fld_name_email[/B] It works here is a code [CODE]<select name="email_adress_menu" id="email_adress_menu" class="valid" onchange="submit()"> <?php echo "<option selected=\"selected\" …

Member Avatar for Riteman

A website is under construction. Am struck to a point here: In the website am building, the clients requirement is that, He offers some works under some payment. So he needs in his services page the kind of drop down list in such a manner that its as below: say, …

Member Avatar for Riteman
Member Avatar for webPgmmr

I am using css dropdown menu for the first time.. however the dropdowns simply dont seem to work.. please help.. heres the code: .bg {background: url(images/button4.gif);} .menu {padding:0 0 0 32px; margin:0; list-style:none; height:40px; background:#fff url(images/button1a.gif) repeat-x; position:relative; font-family:arial, verdana, sans-serif; } .menu li.top {display:block; float:left; position:relative;} .menu li a.top_link …

Member Avatar for noelpasia
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends I am trying to get the value of select dropdown item in a text box, but i am unable to get it. I am using ajax for dropdowm method. please any one can help one.php [CODE]<?php session_start(); include("config.php"); // Check, if username session is NOT set then this …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for oree

Hey there, I am looking to have 2 drop down lists, 1 for provinces and 1 for cities. i saw some examples in java script but since i dont know how to use java and i do know and LOVE php i wondering if anyone can help me with this …

Member Avatar for oree
Member Avatar for johng123

its probably a simple and rather stupid question, thousands of times asked.... i have a input box (1surf.info,check out link) I would like to replace it with a dropdown , again it would need to list the countries within the table. this is how it is right now, enter state(USA) …

Member Avatar for happytogether
Member Avatar for vandris

HI! I'm trying to make a form where a dropdown menu is populated from mysql. My code: [CODE=php]<? $link = mysql_connect('localhost', '****', '****'); if (!$link) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db('****'); mysql_set_charset("utf8"); $query="SELECT distinct first_name FROM names_table"; $result=mysql_query($query); ?> <select name="first_name" onChange=""> <option>Choose!</option> <? while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { ?> …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa

hi there, i have a question in datagridview dropdown boxes. in a datagridview i have 3 datagridview combo boxes, but i combo box i want to make a text box when the user clicks on that datagridview combobox, i did it, but now all the datagridview dropdown boxes become datagridview …

Member Avatar for judithSampathwa
Member Avatar for samuelhenry

This is a database dictionary page which has two drop-down boxes. [COLOR="Red"]first [/COLOR]- for the tables in the database(it displays all the table names in the dropdown. Second - for the columns of the table selected in the previous dropdown n then on selecting the column name it should display …

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Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I am setting up a database currently and I want frequently used values stored in a Code table on my database. The Code table is setup with the following columns: Type_CD" , "Code" , "Description". For example, if I wanted to pull a list of states, I would want all …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for devinodaniel

Hello friends, Props to anyone who can help me out on this because I have a feeling it's going to be quite complicated. I've searched and searched and can't seem to find the right answer so I've decided to resort to the brilliance of these forums. Here's my scenario: I …

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Member Avatar for JZM

Hey, Were I am stuck is with the jquery I have a form that is done in a form class and when an option is selected from the dynamically populated drop down menu I would like it to fill in the text boxes so they can be edited. I currently …

Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello I hope you can assist me with this :) [CODE]$(document).ready(function(){ $(".downservices").mouseenter(function() { $(this).parent().find(".servicesdropped").slideDown("fast").show(); $(this).parent().hover(function() { }, function(){ $(this).parent().find(".servicesdropped").slideUp("fast"); }); }); });[/CODE] This code allows me to make a drop down menu when the cursor hovers over a link. I have a horizontal menu, so when I hover over a …

Member Avatar for bvelez352
Member Avatar for waniejjang

Hi, I'm really new to PHP and programming I can say. I really need your help. Basically I'm doing a dynamic dropdown menu using PHP and MySQL and when user select the company name at dropdown, then email address will be populated at new textfield. The company table consists of …

Member Avatar for waniejjang
Member Avatar for Hakarune

So I got help from here earlier with one problem and a few more have arisen, the biggest is for some reason my checkbox and dropdown array won't store the data and when it's supposed to check to verify there is at least 1 selected of each nothing happens... To …

Member Avatar for nicosa

Hello guys, i need your help about how to clear value from ajax selected value, the code i use from thread daved83 about AJAX dropdown list. i have modified a little for that code, the code is like below [CODE]<tr> <td style="vertical-align:top;" rowspan="5" width="130px">Shipment by<br/><span style="font-size:10px">(select nearest city <br/>if not …

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Member Avatar for saad749

I am trying to make a Measurements Units Conversion Calculater on Dreamweaver with help of Javascript. THis is my first ever javascript application and need to complete it in next 6 hours. :(( I want to have a drop box containing Length, Area, Temp etc. on top. When a user …

Member Avatar for @developer
Member Avatar for thegecho

I've been working on this for a couple days and know it's something small but for the life of me I can't figure it out. (I've been using Daniweb for a long time, but just joined because everyone seems so helpful. :) ) Maybe someone can help me too. Here's …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for ptemedia

Hi I have been searching many forums including this one and not found the answer to this anywhere (sorry if it has been and I have missed it) I have a drop-down list in my website. The user can use this to browse the categories and then select a product. …

Member Avatar for ptemedia
Member Avatar for Bounty Hunter

I am filling a dropdown list and an HTML page with the contents of a MySQL database (the tablename is in the variable $tablename2). The file contains a single field, "BusinessCat", with 20 or so unique records. The code below is an attempt to display every category on an HTML …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.