263 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nth_

Hello, I am currently creating my first web program using Visual Studio 2008 (asp.net with c#) so am probably going about many things the wrong way, but it is to be expected! The issue in question: -I have a dropdownlist(ddl), which is populated from a SQLDataSource. -The text in the …

Member Avatar for kramerd

I have a complex UI with little screen real estate, so I'm trying to allow users to manage contents of a combo box using a right-click context menu. But I'm having trouble getting the combo box's drop down list to appear at the same time as the pop-up menu. I've …

Member Avatar for lewilaloupe

Hi - new to ASP... I have a form with a dropdown list. Based on what option is selected I want the form to be send to different email addresses. Sample code I have is: [code=asp]<p>Gender: <br> <select name="gender"> <option selected value="">Choose....</option> <option name="gender" value="male">Male</option> <option name="gender" value="female">Female</option> </select> <% …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for danielt666

Hi I am in need of some help with a CSS drop down menu that is not displaying on top of another site feature. The website is www dot silvertrowel dot co dot uk / index-test dot php The feature is java script and if i disable java script on …

Member Avatar for danielt666
Member Avatar for thewonderdude

hi, i have a question which feels like it should be very easy but my collegues have had some difficult explaining the logic to me. The thing is, I have a dropdown as such, [CODE=jsp] <ui:dropDown binding=..... tabIndex="5"/> [/CODE] and in the jsp page, i want to set it to …

Member Avatar for kasbas91

Hello Daniweb.com, i hope you can help me, i am will create a dropdown navigation with php and mysql. I have some codes here, as you can look at. My dropdown navigation works. But it will not shows under the right navigations points. As you can se here on my …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi All. I am having some trouble with a script which allows a user to upload a photo. When the page first loads it checks if the user has reached their maximum photo capacity. If they have then it will redirect them to another page. If they can upload more …

Member Avatar for doctorphp
Member Avatar for mpc123

I have results of people that i need to compare and echo out. Eg 2x dropdown menus with all the peoples names in and each field then echoed in a table once the 2x dropdowns have been selected. the 2x dropdowns will be the same and have the same names …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

[U]Hey Guyz ....This is Aneesh I am new to javascript... and I needed a Sliding Javascript Dropdown Box ....[/U][B] I got many links on the web but with no explanation...[/B] [B][I][U]What I need:-[/U][/I][/B] I need some links with Sliding Javascript Dropdown Box source and explanation... Thanking You... Aneesh Dogra

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for nicholaslee21

Can someone look at this and tell my why it's not working like it should? It gets the data from the database fine, just wont post to search.php [CODE]<?php //connect to your database ** EDIT REQUIRED HERE ** mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); //(host, username, password) //specify database ** EDIT REQUIRED HERE ** mysql_select_db("test1") …

Member Avatar for nicholaslee21
Member Avatar for rajeshborn4u

The Internet explorer doesn't allow the dropdown list to show downwards.Hi, I am trying to insert values into a dropdown list with a for loop. I have a dropdown list like. [code] <div style="padding:200px 0"> <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlno" runat="server" > </asp:DropDownList> [/code] In the coding part, I have this. [code] int …

Member Avatar for davidrooker

I need to make a form with a few options could be radio or drop down, ex a, b, and c.. and when one is selected I would have a if command that would give you another set of options like if option "a" is selected then in the same …

Member Avatar for phpl0v3r
Member Avatar for pgmarco

Hi, I am somewhat new to PHP and MySQL and I am having a little trouble with what I want to do, which is assign a cell for each option selected and a price or insert the price into MySQL table depending on the option selected. Whichever is easier or …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for redgie44

Ok I am currently learning php through wordpress and I have a small project to create a running website which displays the results. CUrrently I can display the results for a certain race that I hard code: [code] <?php // Connects to your Database mysql_connect("XX.XX.XX.XX", "admin", "pwd") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("db") …

Member Avatar for redgie44
Member Avatar for xo_vicke93_xo

No idea if this could be done by just javascript but don't know where else to post it... I have a contact forum where i want the visitor to select if they're a member of not, if they select no, nothing happens but if they select yes a new text …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for hmortensen

hi all, I'm new to PHP and Java script, but would like to get som experience with em'. Im trying to make a search for a dropdown list, but it doesnt work? It is based heavily on this code [url]http://www.rgagnon.com/jsdetails/js-0089.html[/url] (wich works fine?) I have testet to see if the …

Member Avatar for hmortensen
Member Avatar for celinehgl

Hi guys, The codes below is running perfectly fine. But I have a problem - if there are no records found in the database, my dropdownlist will not display nothing. However, I want it to display something like "no records found" instead of havng it blank Can someone tell me …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for degenz

i am having a problem where i want to give user an option to select more entry from one dropdown...example : <form name="form1" method="post" action=""> <label> <select name="service" id="service"> <option value="service1">service 1</option> <option value="service2">service2</option> <option value="service3">service3</option> <option value="service4">service 4</option> <option value="service5">srvice5</option> <option value="service6">service 6</option> </select> </label> </form> in this case, …

Member Avatar for katarey
Member Avatar for anshul09

I have two dropdown lists in my HTML form. In first dropdown list, I have some countries name already added in HTML form. In second drop down list there is no item yet except "Select choice". Now my problem is that I want that when i click on any country …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for MegL

I have a dropdown list at the bottom of my page. It's populating like it's supposed to but when I choose whatever option I want and click submit it doesn't repopulate the content on the page like I want it to. I'm trying to have content of the page change …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder

Does anyone know how to setup a dropdown list for C# without using a database? I'm trying to set up one that will allow users to select a newsletter from the dropdown and have it pop up in a new window. Any ideas? [CODE] <ASP:DropDownList id="NewsletterSelect" runat="server"> <ASP:ListItem value="'[Path]'">Newsletter 1</ASP:ListItem> …

Member Avatar for CaffeineCoder
Member Avatar for motionfiend

Hello all, While attempting to switch from a hard-coded array to a dynamic array read from a db table, I'm running into a few snags. I'm using the following function to create the dropdown menu, and it has worked for everything thus far: [CODE]// function showDrop($array, $active, $echo=true){ $string = …

Member Avatar for Rkeast
Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai

some body help me.I want to know how to put the dropdown list from database at my textbox cursor. full problem definition is like this. I want to create a Hint system for SQL which will give the structure of of Query. for example if user enters trigger he will …

Member Avatar for Ashwin Vasnai

The End.