61 Topics

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Member Avatar for arlaughn

Working with Drupal 7, I am trying to adjust the CSS so that there is no footer. However, there is consistently a white space at the bottom. Any thoughts? [url]http://alex.dev3.webenabled.net/[/url]

Member Avatar for weekendrockstar
Member Avatar for theonlylos

For the past few days I have been trying to get a Drupal 7.12 install to function on my CentOS 6 x64 VPS which is using the latest version of Webmin however no matter where I upload the files, I keep getting a server 500 error when trying to launch …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Goal: Get values which are unique in $resultSecond So I have two objects. $result->>entity_id $resultSecond>entity_id I want to get values which are unique to $resultSecond and are NOT in the $result. I tried to use array_diff(). It did not work as they are objects. I think. Below is the code …

Member Avatar for vishalkhialani
Member Avatar for webdi

Hey, I would welcome some advice here. I'm developing my first Drupal site and I am using Zen as my starter theme and creating a sub-theme. I've got my navigation set up in the second (right) sidebar. I would like all of the inactive navigation links to have the same …

Member Avatar for webdi
Member Avatar for mohanrajit.88

Hi friends, I dont have clear idea about drupal forms. Please guide me to learn it.

Member Avatar for msk2020ckp
Member Avatar for phpsa

Drupal 7 I know there was a previous post, but this is a little more specific to the $_GET function and Drupal. echo $_GET['id']; Error Message: Notice: Undefined index: id in eval() Just to make sure it worked, I created a test site and copy/pasted my code into a php …

Member Avatar for ecdmonkey

Background: I have a Drupal site with around 150 users. Each of those users has a spreadsheet that they send to me weekly. I've uploaded all of the spreadsheets to an Editgrid account and I've created a custom drupal block to display there Live spreadsheet and edit it so removing …

Member Avatar for ecdmonkey
Member Avatar for hbmarar

Hi, Please do help me as I am not sure whether javascript based solution is enough for getting the below needs met. 1. [url]http://www.sevilla111.com/[/url]. Like in this site, I am thinking whether the menu link click could move the background image to predefined mapped location as zoomed in. 2. Can …

Member Avatar for gambit_1607

after typing in the "Your message:" field and clicking the "Send e-mail", my page refreshes and gives me the error message "Your message field is required." it's as if what i'm typing in the message field gets discarded. also if i type something in "Send to:" and "Subject:" fields and …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for gambit_1607

in my admin i'm at feed item content type and i've set the comment settings to read/write, but when i load a specific feed item on my page such as mydomain.com/node/137941 there is no comments. i did some research and i came across some code that u can use to …

Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Hello, I'm fairly new to web development and I need a quick start to getting my website up. I'm planning on hosting the site and I don't expect much traffic as it's just for a start up company that I'm starting and I'm just using it as way of saying …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for archb

Can I link a filled out form, to a new form? I want one user to fill a form with certain characteristics - for example, a patient. Then, I want another user to take this particular form (select it from a table) and then perhaps create another form - based …

Member Avatar for Ritesh_4
Member Avatar for danielsikes

Hi all, I am working on a project that requires themes much like the popular Content Management System, Drupal. I notice in their "info" files they use with their system to display information about the theme like its title, description, a snapshot of it, etc, my question is, would it …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for ronnieaka

i'm gonna be building a website,for my summer training,but then later commercialize to earn a few bucks Main thing is, i want to make it as attractive GUI wise as possible with probably PHP only, and ajax and flash are allowed to get as many marks as possible and it …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for gambit_1607

hi i'm using drupal. when i'm on my blog page and when i'm signed in as admin i'm getting a list of all the og groups in a selectbox and when i'm signed in as a normal user i'm getting checkboxes for only the groups i belong to. i want …

Member Avatar for gambit_1607

hi on my blog page, i'm trying to manually add in group check boxes under groups. initially there is a list of group checkboxes from user's "my groups" to choose from, but i want to add more groups that don't exist in "my groups". drupal code for the form looks …

Member Avatar for ayathullah

Hi, I'm using Drupal6 with the twitter module. How do you set up a rule to post a message to the current user's Twitter account? At the moment, the form in the "Post a message to Twitter" action only permits a absolute value. I want to use a token for …

Member Avatar for vijaygupta

Hello, I am building a stock market website and i want to show all commodities prices rise fall even charts later .first of i want to know whether it is possible or not.If yes please guide me through.Please help any kind of help appreciated

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for ON_Jtharpe

Odd problem I am having. I am developing in Drupal, and working on my template. I have a sidebar on the right, and the text inside touches the edges of the box so I added some padding. When I add this padding the sidebar drops so that is is below …

Member Avatar for ON_Jtharpe
Member Avatar for severman

Hi all. is it possible to alter a form after an ajax call? what i want to do is this: i have a form with some textfields and a select box with 2 options. what i want to do is when a person chooses one option, i will unset some …

Member Avatar for pallen

I know this is the PHP forum, but I couldn't find a better place for this question (I don't CMS as an option). So, I'm using Drupal to build out my site and run have into an issue with the "chat room" module. The problem involves inviting another user to …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for fatpages

Hi All, can anyone suggest the e-commerce engine which is well adopted to sell virtual content (e.g. downloadable content, subscriptions, promo codes)? I tried Virtuemart for Joomla and Ubercart for Drupal, but they both are really limited and don't provide the "off the shelf" flexibility for virtual goods.

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for spivey

I have a assembled a background image for an online book club to make a bookshelf. In Firefox, the sides line up properly, but in IE7+8, they don't: Here is the site: [URL="http://www.westlakelibrary.org/emilysbookshelf"]http://www.westlakelibrary.org/emilysbookshelf[/URL] Here is the relevant css: [CODE] div#emilybookclub #galleryblock table.view-grid-emily_gallery { background: transparent url('/sites/www.westlakelibrary.org.emilysbookshelf/files/images/woodgrain.jpg') repeat; margin-left:10px; } div#emilybookclub …

Member Avatar for gaurang4
Member Avatar for umandajayo

Hi friends I am trying to install drupal-6.16 to my local server...I am using XAMPP server on windows xp. but i am getting this error massage. [B]Warning: fopen(./sites/default/default.settings.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in E:\local server\xampp\htdocs\www\drupal\includes\install.inc on line 188 Warning: Cannot modify header information - …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for rukshilag

Doing a system in drupal using php and mysql. Want to integrate a function for reporting - that is print out watever search result in the search page which displays in tabular form. please help. i have only heard of jasper reports. is there something simpler? if so wat n …

Member Avatar for Ricardo Mariaca
Member Avatar for rukshilag

Im working on this searh field and i finally can search from the database using an entered name or national ID no, when i press the find button. But i dont know how to incorporate radio buttons to be submitted to execute a query. can someone help me . my …

Member Avatar for rukshilag
Member Avatar for rukshilag

hi im working on a search field in drupal for a system that maintains student information. i have one interface that has the search student info box and the other which is search results i wrote some php code to search the and there are no errors yet still its …

Member Avatar for rukshilag
Member Avatar for davecoventry

Hi, I'm trying to run a Java App from PHP. [B]system('java -jar /home/dave/web/drupal/java/dist/emp.jar');[/B] fails. nothing prints out, it just returns FALSE. However, this works: [B]system('java -jar');[/B] Prints out the help info normally associated with incorrect parameters passed to Java. This also works: [B]system("ls -l /home/dave/web/drupal/java/dist/emp.jar");[/B] Prints out a listing of …

Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, I am searching for a software to help me make my sites templates. I currently use [url]http://www.artisteer.com/[/url] but was wondering if there are any other ones out there. Cheers, Vishal

Member Avatar for slfisher

The Associated Press [URL="http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iuRIVBTLUvW7823FC-fcfhvkSxHgD9BHLF180"]reported[/URL] this weekend that the [URL="http://www.whitehouse.gov/"]official White House website[/URL] has been switched to using the open-source Drupal content management system Using open source will result in improved security -- because more programmers will be looking for errors in the software -- as well as more quickly and …


The End.