405 Topics

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Member Avatar for maurya10

Can any1 help me in differentiating between dynamic and static scoping by using examples ??

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for chaoz014

Im having a lot of trouble figuring out whta's wrong in my code... it compiles and everything but every time I try to run the program it crashes before even starting and displays the following message: Debug Assertion Failed! Program: c:\CIS 278\MyString\Debug\MyString.exe File: f:\\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\dbgdel.cpp Line: 52 Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse) For information.......... …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for akingcool

so i've been working on a database in oracle for a booking system and I am trying to create dyanmic query results... was just wondering if there is a way to create a query to add up all the seats in a arena with booking numbers (not necessarily the same …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Midgard

Hi- I have a script that grabs a lot of information for a page that has a 'Research Mode.' Basically, it grabs a bunch of data, then uses JS to show or hide info based on user criteria. It used to work fine, but we've been adding more info -- …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for greatman05

Is there a way to create a dynamic array without necessarily knowing the size beforehand? I need to specifically use a dynamic array for a homework assignment, and I don't really want to ask the user how large the array should be (in this case, an array of chars i.e. …

Member Avatar for greatman05
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

So first of all let me say I am pretty new to C++ and find it very difficult to learn (especially when compared to say C#) Anyway I am working on a program that requires the use of a 2D array or a similar container. After talking with a professor …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for networkmancer

I know how to create textbox dynamically but the problem now is that I want it below my previous created textbox Dim textbox1 As New TextBox textbox1.Name = "Textbox1" textbox1.Bounds = New Rectangle(e.Location, New Size(100, 100)) Me.Controls.Add(textbox1)

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Srin

I want to create a java application where you can build simple logic circuits (just started learning java recently and it was just a random project idea I got off the net) Ultimately I want the gates as icons on a pane that users can drag and drop onto a …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for jdgieschen

[B]I'm trying to paginate my search results. The first page comes up just fine, but when I click to go to the next page, this happens:[/B] Notice: Undefined index: d1 in D:\Website Design Environment\EasyPHP-\www\jquery_ui\process.php on line 2 Notice: Undefined index: d2 in D:\Website Design Environment\EasyPHP-\www\jquery_ui\process.php on line 3 Notice: Undefined …

Member Avatar for jdgieschen
Member Avatar for crodriguez08

Hey, I get confused when dealing with the static scope and dynamic scope, and for this pseudocode I have to find both. For static I believe it should print out: 9 4 2 3 however, I'm not entirely sure. Any help would be appreciated, thanks. [CODE]Procedure main g:integer procedure B(a …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I have a program that dynamically allocates an array and uses it. The thing is that under certain situations this array will get infinitely long. As such I would like to know if/when the array has gotten too long and then start saving it to a file (where length will …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for Prisms

Hello everyone I'm currently working on a program that takes a student name and number of classes. Then asks the user to enter the his classes. I have most of the program done but I'm having trouble with my dynamic array for some reason it wont let me type in …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for faraz ahmad

Aoa, Hello All, i am having problem in this question Write a program that takes integer input from the user and store into the array dynamically allocated each time a new element is added. Your program should prompt user to take integers until he enters -1, which means end of …

Member Avatar for MastAvalons
Member Avatar for radiat

I've a question on dynamic memory. As i understand it, i can create a dynamic memory array using: xxx= new int [z]; Then I can set the value of 'z' to be whatever value i want during the program. But if i create a dynamic memory array using a predefined …

Member Avatar for Bench
Member Avatar for sinatra87

I normally don't try to get outside help on homework that is still due, but I've kinda' hit a wall on this one. I'm trying to write a program that dynamically creates a list of scores for a group of students. It has to ask the user how many students …

Member Avatar for sinatra87
Member Avatar for basamdamdu

Hi all, I am a newbie when it comes to js/jquery. I am trying to have the content of a div (let's call it "quote") added to the body of a mailto. the content of the div "quote" is randomly generated (stored in .js file) by pressing a "next" button. …

Member Avatar for basamdamdu
Member Avatar for ibeast

Hello, I wrote the following code to create dynamic controls-textboxes and labels. [CODE] ctlRow += 1 ctlRowLocation += 25 Dim new_ForceLabel As New Label new_ForceLabel.Text = "Force" + Convert.ToString(ctlRow - 1) new_ForceLabel.Location = New Point(txtForceLabel.Location.X + 2, ctlRowLocation) new_ForceLabel.Height = 25 new_ForceLabel.Width = 50 Dim new_ForceInput As New TextBox new_ForceInput.Name …

Member Avatar for ibeast
Member Avatar for jsa005

Hello! On my website I'm looking to create a dynamic HTML table from the contents of a MySQL database. I have no idea how many rows there will be, and I need it to look a bit like an iPhone home screen. Here is some code: v1: // Make a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for thedonedeal

I currently have the following bits of code: [CODE=VB.NET]Public Class MainFrm Private _storage As New List(Of StopwatchStorage) Public TotalParticipants As Integer Private participantLbl As Label Public participantName As TextBox Private participantClock As Label Private participantContinuation As New Stopwatch Public ParticipantStop As Button Private participantContinue As Button Private participantTimer As Timer …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for jonow

I have a simple JavaScript question. I want a drop down selection so that when you select a certain option is shows the value of the option in a div. So for example: [CODE]<select> <option value="select-1">One</option> <option value="select-2">Two</option> <option value="select-3">Three</option> </select>[/CODE] So lets say that option one is selected, then …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for whodoes21

Hello. We have been asked to write a program of an event driven simulation in dynamic partition. where we are given a number of jobs with it's given time and job size. the job should remain on the memory until completion (time clocks down to 0). the program should measure …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for hemaljoes

hi, I want to add the same ReportViewer control to the different PlaceHolders. This is what i tried [CODE] PlaceHolder placeHolderDate = (PlaceHolder)TCMain.FindControl("TP" + monitoringObjectName).FindControl("TCInner"+monitoringObjectName).FindControl("TPDate"+monitoringObjectName).FindControl("PHDate"+monitoringObjectName); DropDownList DDLDate = (DropDownList)TCMain.FindControl("TP" + monitoringObjectName).FindControl("TCInner" + monitoringObjectName).FindControl("TPDate" + monitoringObjectName).FindControl("DDLDate" + monitoringObjectName); PlaceHolder placeHolderWeek = (PlaceHolder)TCMain.FindControl("TP" + monitoringObjectName).FindControl("TCInner" + monitoringObjectName).FindControl("TPWeek" + monitoringObjectName).FindControl("PHWeek" + monitoringObjectName); DropDownList …

Member Avatar for PrimePackster

Well I just want to know, how to give variable size for an array(Particularly, second subscript). For example, like this [CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cout<<"Enter the size for the 2D array"<<endl; cin>>a>>b; int*A=new int[a][b];[/CODE] for a its ok, But how to make it work for …

Member Avatar for PrimePackster
Member Avatar for sjsanjuan

Hi, I'm having a trouble with dynamic redirection. I've searched for everything and did $_GET and $_POST but still not working. The $id is not returning any results. Here's my code: include_once("includes/connection.php"); global $result; putenv("TZ=Asia/Manila"); $arrErrors = array(); $oid = isset($_GET['oid']) ? intval($_GET['oid']) : 0; $package_id = isset($_GET['package_id']) ? intval($_GET['package_id']) …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for asuprem

This is for an extra credit assignment for class. Requirements I am having trouble with: 1. User enters number specifying numbers of integers 2. User enters integers 3. program will read them and parse. ---------------------------------------------------------- Here is a sample input and what the program should do: How many numbers: 5 …

Member Avatar for asuprem
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

There are many places on internet for great help regarding many things. Proper implementation of really fast routines for sorting data however is not common. I am not claiming these routines to be the fastest around, but their ease of implementation and use may make them welcome. As a thank …

Member Avatar for jeevsmyd

Suppose I have a simple program to find the largest of two numbers of different datatypes and return the largest.I'm implementing it as a template to support generic datatypes [code] template<class T,class U> T max(T t,U u) return (t>u?t:u); int main() { int x=70; float y=100.5; max(x,y); return 0 } …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for nameunknown

Hi everyone, we have constructed a content management system that gets updated quite frequently and is used by many clients for their day to day opperations for their websites. We have decided to build a section of the CMS with additional modules that we will host on our cloud and …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for mundvawala

Hi, I want to append the content of an already defined "old div" tag to the "new div" tag dynamically but as I'm new to javascript i don't have any idea that how to do this. The code i tried is attached below. And one more question, how to remove …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for tibormarias

Hello Everyone, I'm quiet new to PHP, and I'm making a news portal practicing the language. I have an index page where the news are posted in an order-> [url]www.fundis.hu/index.php[/url] I have a results page, where is a search engine -> [url]www.fundis.hu/results.php[/url] In the index page I used dynamic links …

Member Avatar for tibormarias

The End.