3 Topics

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[I]The band is just fantastic, that is really what I think. Oh by the way, which one's Pink? ~Pink Floyd, Have a Cigar[/I] In the classic rock tale, the young, talented musicians are exploited by one of two entities: the unscrupulous manager or the greedy record company. This week Pink …

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It seems like Apple is nearing a day we'd never think would come. [URL="http://uk.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUKN0137689420070402"]This time it seems official.[/URL] According to the reports, Apple and EMI have formed a deal that would not only allow Apple to sell EMI's music on their store (quite possibly The Beatles), but "large portions of …

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Creative Technology, the makers of the Soundblaster cards, and more recently, the Zen Neon portable music players, confirmed this week that 4,000 of it's shipped Neon music players shipped with the Wullik.b worm that affects Windows computers. Wullik.b came to the world in 2003 and it attacks all flavors of …


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