25 Topics

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My code has a raw_input in it - when I press Enter, it completely ruins the code which says that the string index is out of range. The annoying thing is that if you don't press Enter and type something in, it works perfectly fine. So my question is - …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Start4me

I'm trying to select items from the listbox when pressing Enter on the selected item. Here is what I have tried so far: Private Sub ListBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.KeyDown Select Case e.KeyCode Case Keys.Enter ListBox1.SelectedItem = ListBox1.PerformMouseClick() End Select End Sub

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for 2lethal

Good day, I must be blind .. I am developing my first "Visual Studio" desktop application. My apps are normally always Internet Apps. I have about 20 text boxes, but I want to give the user the ability of pressing Enter, and "defaulting" to the Enter button on the screen. …

Member Avatar for 2lethal
Member Avatar for leokuz

In MySQL I have created database "[B][COLOR="Red"]mydata[/COLOR][/B]" with the table "[B][COLOR="red"]contacts[/COLOR][/B]". The fields are as follow: [B][COLOR="green"]ID[/COLOR][/B] (Primary Key) (INT(10) [B][COLOR="green"]Name[/COLOR][/B] VARCHAR(45) [B][COLOR="green"]Title[/COLOR][/B] VARCHAR(45) [B][COLOR="green"]Address[/COLOR][/B] VARCHAR(45) [B][COLOR="Green"]Comments[/COLOR][/B] TEXT Based on info at [url]http://www.webmasterforums.com/php-development/1683-php-form-entering-data-mysql-database.html[/url] I have created following two files: [B][COLOR="green"][COLOR="Red"]new_record.php[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B] [CODE]<? $usr = "myusername"; $pwd = "mypassword"; $db = "mydata"; …

Member Avatar for Rahul47
Member Avatar for Eruditio

I have a form containing a tab control, which itself contains five tab pages. These tab pages contain lists, textboxes, and other controls that I update when the user enters the relevant page. One of the tab pages contains a textbox which I fill with information from an external text …

Member Avatar for Eruditio
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, So I'm trying to make a program to auto bump my facebook posts. I have made it log in etc but there is no 'post' button on facebook, you have to press enter on the keyboard. How can I make the program press enter in the box and make …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Tortura

Hello, I have several textboxes and it is possible to write something in one of them and then without losing the focus I could or would save the input. But there is no FocusLost and therefore the TextChanged event doesn't fire. How can I save the input of one these …

Member Avatar for Tortura
Member Avatar for Skate Bart

Hi there. I developed a program that creates Data Reports using this way : [Click Here](http://www.vbtutor.net/vb6/lesson40.html) But instead of using "Microsoft Jet 3.51 OLE DB Provider", I used "Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider" because when I used "Microsoft Jet 3.51 OLE DB Provider" it couldn't connect to the database …

Member Avatar for Skate Bart
Member Avatar for niyasc

Is there any standard function in gcc that is equivalent to getch() so that I can read the input without hitting enter key?

Member Avatar for jaybhanderi
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Im writting a very simple command-line. I want the > Charecter to come up every time a command ha finished what it's doing (easy) AND when the user presses enter with nothing on it. For example ($ is currssor) I want this: [CODE]> >$[/CODE] Not this: [CODE]> $[/CODE] How would …

Member Avatar for tom12
Member Avatar for BCBTP

I am looking for a replacement for _getch(); Yes I have seen other threads like this, but they do not really satisfy my need(And I do not want to waste my time trying to write one in Assembler, as it isn't my strongpoint). I need something that is exactly like …

Member Avatar for BCBTP
Member Avatar for nsyncpilu

Hy again , I have another problem now , I have an application with a jTabel , you can double click a cell and you can change the value that is inside it , after you changed the value inside the cell and hit enter the value i enterd remains …

Member Avatar for nsyncpilu
Member Avatar for AutoPython

[B]!USING PYTHON 3.1![/B] [B]USING WINDOWS[/B] I never thought it could be so simple. However I should have clarified that it's a [B]1 character[/B] input. But the general idea is the same. Someone suggested that I explain what is going on better, so I'm going to do that. The function 'getch()' …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for SchemeStarter

On a form, I want to jump to the next tabindex when pressing the 'enter' key. The script that should do the thing, should look like this (the tabindex is generated dynamically and the code is simplified): [CODE] <form id='MyForm'> <?php $tabindex = 1; ?> <input class='pts' type='text' id='<?php echo …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for cheers07

HELP!! can someone please help me, because i need to create a game in which i have to count how many times i've pressed enter in a matter of 1 minute.

Member Avatar for cheers07
Member Avatar for alone882

Hi, I`m new here and, of course, have a small problem. I need to create a program with VC++ 6 Builder where: Press ENTER once - open picture, Press ENTER Twice - start a music. I can`t figure out how to check if user press ENTER twice, can anybody help …

Member Avatar for jeff.reith
Member Avatar for bensewards

Hey guys, This is my first official post on DaniWeb :) I am new at programming in C++ using visual studios, and right now I am fooling around with storing user input into Arrays. I am having a problem with my code, using an array size of 3 to store …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for ak24

How can I prevent the beep sound when I use the SendKey command in NumericUpDown1 Box? Here is the code: [CODE] Private Sub NumericUpDown1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles NumericUpDown1.KeyPress Static SAME As Short = TB2 TB1 = SAME - NumericUpDown1.Value If e.KeyChar >= "0" And e.KeyChar …

Member Avatar for warlord902

So my problem is that, i have a text area with 3 rows. Its a part of a chat application which receives text from a user. I want to send the text and clear the text area as soon as the user presses the enter key. Now the problem is …

Member Avatar for warlord902
Member Avatar for BLUEC0RE

I'm making a program that accept 1 character long strings (and ignores spaces " ") until a user presses return/enter. So far I have, [CODE] int main(){ char expression[1]; while ((scanf("%s",expression)) != EOF){ //code } return 0; } [/CODE] it is assumed that the user is entering single digit strings …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Dazamondo

Hi Guys, Probably a simple one but im struggling to find it in VS 2008. How do you enable a VB program to allow a user to press enter rather than click on the button? I have a text box which the user types a number and then clicks a …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for ryan-t

Hi, I'm pretty sure this would be something I'd need javascript for. What i want to do is to recognize when a user presses the enter key while active on a text area and to insert a new line

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for BasicDinosaur

Hi. This may seem simple to most but has consumed 3 days so far and a bit of $$ trying to learn simple how to use Enter as a Tab (Yes I know it is a Fau-par but I need it regardless). The idea is to move the focus to …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for tqmd1

Dear Experts DataGridView has 3 columns as Sno----name----marks While entering data, if sno column is empty and user press Enter or Tab then Focus must go to me.textbox1 Please help

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for vivek4020

Hi I have a textbox and a listbox. If i write something into the textbox and press the enter key, i would like the content of the textbox to appear in the listbox. What is the best way to do it? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for sknake

The End.