3 Topics

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Member Avatar for jasonmark238

Hi friends, What is FieldSet in javascript. Please explain its syntax and usage in general. Please help me.

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for pmondal47

hi friendzzz, can u pls say how to validate textboxes in a fieldset using javascript..i know how to validate form but not a pirticular fieldset within a form..so i need ur help frnzz...pls reply as early as possible..

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for ppetree

Situation: I have a form (dont we all! LOL) It's in a table (sigh) The table has 4 rows <tr> and 2 columns Each row has a <fieldset> containing multiple <labels> and various types of input fields (input, selects, radio, check) The CSS formats the labels to appear above the …

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The End.